


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


center fileupload?

it is possible to center this
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Light/Dark Mode Switch Animation

Good day. Is it possible to put a "animation" while switching light mode to dark mode (vice versa)
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Edit form without fields

I know, it sounds daft, but I was wondering if the edit form (which I have implemented as a slideover) and from which I have removed the ability to edit any fields can be displayed without field boundaries - there is a default size for each field, some are very short content others are potentially more lengthy text. I wondered if it is possible to apply an attribute that would result in the fields actually not being displayed and whatever content is behind then just being displayed without any length constraints? Is there a different type of resource i should generate and use (and can it be accessed in the same kind of way as a slideover (not critical, but nice)? thx all,...
That works perfectly - thanks @awcodes

Filament base address setting?

I have set up laravel, livewire, and filament on github codespaces. things are mostly working. However, when I visit the /admin page created by Filament the styling is off because it tries to get its CSS from an address of //localhost, whereas my site is on a Codespaces-generated address. I have changed .env's APP_URL to reflect the correct address, but the CSS source address doesn't change. How do i tell Filament the domain to use as its base?...
I tried adding an ASSET_URL, but this didn't help.

I can't make a feature test on custom action

I have this custom action with two forms, ```<x-filament-panels::page> <x-filament-panels::form wire:submit="approveTransaction"> <div style="display: flex; gap: 20px; align-items: stretch"> <div class="flex-1">...

Custom field dynamic query

Here I have to create a custom field where I have to show suggestion by type [ char and variable name. I want to make it generic where user should pass the query builder and suggest according to the user enter value. ```php DynamicVairable::make('dynamic_varibale')...

successNotificationTitle for table action is not showing

The successNotificationTitle for my (custom) action is not showing after the action has been successfully executed. Does anyone know why? This is my code: ```php Tables\Actions\Action::make('Watchlist') ->color('warning')...

fill form with initial data before show form

I need to fill the form with initial data before the form is show.. I don't want to do it on field level .. I want to modify the whole data/state

In RelationshipManager modal form, how I can validate Repeater form

Please advise how I make a proper livewire->validate() the Repeater Data form. The data is in array as $data['transfer'] . At the moment I just made if(!blank($transferData['from_id']) ... I would like to use $livewire->validate( 'to_id'=>['required'], ) ...

State context in infolist

Is it currently possible to get the context of the info list repeater in the action? Can I only do this with models?
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Change the size of the Stats Overview Widget

Hello, I would like some help to reduce the size of my stat widget, I want to reduce the size by half, I am rendering this widget on a custom page, I need the widgets to be shown in a single column, apparently by default the page is divided into 3 columns, could someone help me please? Card::make( $nms->name,...
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approval system workflow

i can do with filament the following app with this requirements? Multi-Level Authorization: The system should have distinct roles, allowing different levels of access and permissions. Request Submission: Store managers can request up to 10 personnel for their store, using an editable table and specifying a weekly plan with start and end dates....

Create & Add another button is closing the relation manager modal

In every relation manager I've tested the Create & add another button also animates the create button and then the modal closes instead of remaining open after saving the record. Seems suspiciously similar to bug 10094 Anyone else experiencing this? Is there a workaround?...

Grouping Rows with Closure/Tree relation

So i have a table in this shape: `Schema::create('products', function (Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->string('name');...
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use `configureUsing` to avoid repetition

I have many password fields in my application so i'd like to use ```php class AdminPanelProvider extends PanelProvider { public function boot()...

Can I use a filament table outside of Filament directories?

I love Filament so much that I want to use its Table feature in another part of my code. This code has nothing to do with Filament. Because this is not a Filament Resource, I don't know how to invoke a Table and feed it headers, columns, etc, as I would in a traditional Resource. Is this possible to do, or must Tables, with their magical properties, live in a typical Resource PHP file under the Filament directory structure?...

Prepopulate constraints

When using constraints in a table filter like here: is it possible to pre-populate the filters? I looked at doing it via query string, but because the constraints are dynamic it doesn't look like it'll work I have a table full of data and I'd like to "guess" which record the user wants to see by some filtering across multiple fields. I'm avoiding modifying the query of the table so that users have access to all the records. ...

Change repeater field label based on other field value

I have a wizard form and there's a repeater on step 4. I'd like to change the label of one of the fields inside the repeater based on the value of a field on step 1. It works fine if it's outside the repeater but the $get('fieldname') comes back NULL if it's inside. Is there a way to pass that field value into the repeater somehow so it can be accessed and passed into the label() closure? I can provide code snippets if necessary....
If anyone else needs something like this, I was able to pass in the $livewire object instead of $get. Then you can evaluate $livewire->data['fieldname'] within the closure.

Actions in table column view not triggering

Hi, TLDR; Action in table ViewColumn doesn't do anything when clicked I've got a ManageRelatedRecords page - lets call it "Activity". On my activity page I have a table that displays rows of items that can be of different types. One of the columns is a ViewColumn and depending on the type, it shows different content in the view....
This might be stupid, but can you rename your action to Action::make('viewMoreDetails') ?