


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


How can I avoid pest tests failing if I install frontend panel with the id dashboard

Install a new Laravel app, with Jetstream as the starterkit and pest. Install Filament and create a new panel for the users dashboard. First run php artisan test and make sure that all tests are passing then...

SelectFilter doesn't working

I have a table named 'clothes' and a column named 'mark', so i can't figure it out why it's not working. I don't know if I should use relationship, a query, if I should create an enum, 'cause Mark won't never change, I'm very confused, still learning
I solved the problem! I only add a ->relationship('clothes', 'mark') and it worked...
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function inside the: ->modalCloseButton()

Hi, I have a question. Is it possible to pass a function inside the ->modalCloseButton() when it is clicked? I wanted to do something like this:
``` ->modalCloseButton(function () {...

i am using apexchart

i am using apexchart and i want to make my bars clickable to go new page

Including default header in custom header

Add to Existing Header on a view page I need to load an external javascript file on a given page. Examples I found suggested using a ->getHeader() with a custom view to do this. But using the custom view gets rid of the default header. I just need to add to it so it loads the script with a script tag. Is there a way in the custom view to append the default view after it?...

filament:install Error 255

I am attempting to upgrade from docker filament v2 to v3. The following plugins installed: awcodes/overlook bezhansalleh/filament-shield kenepa/resource-lock...
It was a permissions issue I think, when I initially setup this project I had setup my artisan container incorrectly. Fixed that and it worked fine after that. I am upgraded to Filament 3. Though now I am having styling issues

how to use swiperjs in filament

hey do i make filament be know that i install swiperjs in filament

text list form field? (is there any kind of contrib/repository for custom components?)

I'm mostly curious if there is any kind of website or repository where people make available custom components and widgets for filament? I have a need for something akin to the key/value input but only need it to deal with a list of values. It's not a deal breaker if I can't find something as this is mostly a 'learning' project. But thinking about it makes me wonder if there are any contrib collections of such custom fields for forms, tables and infolists already out there on the net like ther...

Save edit form with two fields: Select & Livewire table component

Hi friends, I've a situation where a form contains a native field "Select" and a custom one (a table injected via Livewire component) and I can't save what I edit in the form containing the Livewire injected table (I don't get any kind of error. Just it doesn't work...). If I remove (or comment) the Livewire field containging the table, the form saving works correctly. I followed this part of the documentation: I've these three files:...
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Customizing Table Cells

Hi sir Good day,How can I customize the padding and spacing in Filament tables cells

ToggleButtons with Icons only ?

Hey ! If i have an empty label on the options, i have the icon without label BUT, there still is the "<span class="fi-btn-label"></span>" creating a margin after the icon. Is there a way to have an option in togglesbuttons with icon only without the margin on the right ?...

Preselect table Bulk

Hello there ! I'm trying to use a table with BulkActions to update relations between two models. Basically, the point is to create a collections of projects and add on removed said projects from the collection by just selecting/unselecting them on the table. Problem is, I cannot find a way to select by default the records that are already part of the collection. Do you have any ideas ? ...

Repeater for relation with translatable fields

Hi guys, I am trying to create repeater for relation that will have fields like title translatable via filament/spatie-laravel-translatable-plugin. I want to ask you, if is it even possible to do that. I will give you specific example: I have Venue model, Venue hasMany Cards, but each card can be translatable. Is it possible to add local switcher inside this repeater?
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Livewire\Exceptions\ComponentNotFoundException: Unable to find component: [filament.pages.auth.regis

All I've done is add ->registration() to my panel provider 🤔
are you using filament:optimize? maybe php artisan filament:optimize-clear ?...

I'm seeking work as a full stack developer

Hello Everyone I'm seeking work as a full stack developer. If you have any work and planning new, kindly let me know. Here is my portfolio. ...

multiple widget filters on a dashboard?

How would I accomplish having filters within a widget card on a Dashboard page so that each widget can be filtered independently? Or maybe have a section that has one set of filters that controls a set of widgets, and another section that has a different set of filters for a different group of widgets? Is that possible? I'm envisioning a dashboard with multiple metrics, requiring different filters.


Hello everyone. as this is my first ever contribution, I need some guidance on how to contribute. i did the steps in, just need more info on composer.json. Do i specify the filament version? Thank you.....
So just make the modifications in the github repo you have cloned and do the PR. IF you want to code live and test it, you need to configure your dev laravel composer to use the localised package

Using search/select component on infolist page

It's seem like search component on faq page, after searching the related data will show on below

FileUpload on relation ( HasOne) extra parameters

Hello, I have a case where the i have a file() relation to another File entity, and that file entity has some extra fields required Any way i can pass those extra fields values need, when I save my form?...

extraAttributes add class on Section seems not works

hi! actually i have a form section like this: ``` Section::make()
->description('Main Contact Referent')...
it was not rendered at all. actually i have solved creating a custom theme and there creating a class like ``` .mycustom-background { @apply bg-neutral-950 !important; }...