


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


Add a query with a join

I am trying to get some options. I have laptop assignment table which contains all laptops assigned to employee. We have two separate tables for laptop and employee. Now when i am adding a laptop assignment, i only want laptop who meets the following conditions to be showin the dropdown 1. Laptop should not have entry in laptop assignment...

fabricator plugin

Is it possible to make product blocks or product category blocks with fabricator?

Form Builder Block & Spatie Media Library

I'm using the Spatie Media Library plugin file upload field in my form builder. But when I add a new block using the builder and upload an image and save, it overwrites the images in all the other blocks also.

wireclick to chart points

I want to filter the table on a resource by a widgets data point? How can we do that? I was sure I read yesterday something via wireclick but not seeing it today.

How can i upload files to a markdown editor?

Hey guys, Could you help me upload files using the markdown editor component? I've attached a video. Thank you....

Tabs Validation Error

Hi, is it possible when i have multiple tabs presnet, and i fail validation in some or all to have it show on which tab there are errors and count of those errors?
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format data in filament table

in my sql i have column 'translation' which looks like this
{"en": "gamarjoba", "sl": "haha"}
{"en": "gamarjoba", "sl": "haha"}
. i want to have 2 row in filament table, english and sloven how ican take only en value from this and also only sl to use it.

UI Line Chart Problem in Panel Builder Getting Started

I tried to implement the getting started from filament but have this ui problem in the line chart. What is the probable cause of this one?
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Assistance Required with File Uploads in FilamentPHP Admin Panel

filmenphp Package Version ^3.2 How can we help you? laravel 11.9 , php 8.3 , livewire 3.5...
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use js in the relation manager

hey i create a custom column whick look like this ``` <div wire:ignore class="h-46 w-64"> @if($getState() !== null) <div class="swiper">...

Ask Database transaction

I have resource with createpage and inside createpage i using life cycle before and after create and my question is, is that really using databasetransaction wrapped before and after create ?? i have already configured inside panel for ->databasetransactions(true) btw thx u all...
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Get values of filter before creating table

Hello. I want hide some filters by value of other field. I try get new value from request, but think that exist other methods. I don't understand. Why not exist hook for pre pare filter values=( Thank you...

404 errror and Post request to livewire/update Import csv

Hi , I have an issue when i try to login to my admin panel. I get a 404 error and when i check on my network tab a post request is sent to /livewire/update which give 404 error. how can i solve this issue.
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Refresh Heading and Subheading

` return new HtmlString( '<div><strong>Age:</strong> ' . $this->record->ageInYears . '<a href="tel:' . $this->record->mobile . '"> <strong>Mob:</strong> ' . $this->record->mobile . '</a>' . ...

Need Help, How to use Count Summarize

So i have table like this ``` public static function table(Table $table): Table { return $table...
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Use Filament Table Filters With Sushi

Hello, I created a simple resource and my table has these filters. `->filters([ Filter::make('Period') ->form([...


I have integration CKEditor5 with custom field this is my code: //CKEditor.php //forms.components.CKEditor.php...
I have resloved
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I stay in 404 after admin login, how can I solve it?

I have added adminpanelprovider and every time I log in it drops here and when I f5 it goes back to normal screen.
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how to custom actions on editing record

how custom actions if the actions on editing record, because after click custom action not update, and i want to generate pdf after that ``` Action::make('customAction') ->label('SIMPAN & CETAK')...

How to translate login page

I see there is a language file at vendor/filament/filament/resources/lang/en/pages/auth/login.php Where/how exactly do I bring this into my own project's lang/ directory to override things? I've attempted:...
php artisan vendor:publish then find the filament lang files in the prompt.