


Filament is a collection of beautiful full-stack components for Laravel.You can get help using it on our Discord.


How can I show multiple images from a has many from a model with infolist

I'm looking to try and show multiple photos that's attached to my model as a hasMany relationship thank you.

ViewAction::Make() in users list to show transactions of a user

I have a TransactionsResource in which every transaction of a user is logged. Now i want a button to see every transaction of this user in a modal window. How will I implement this?...

translate routes in custom plugin

in my custom plugin, i have the web.php file for the routes ``` Route::group(['middleware' => ['web']], function () { Route::get('/people', [TeamController::class, 'index'])->name('team.index'); Route::get('/people/{slug}', [MemberController::class, 'show'])->name('');...

disableOptionsWhenSelectedInSiblingRepeaterItems fails with multi-select

I have a repeater with a multi-select field, I don't want the same answers to be inputted in different repeater rows. But the method ->disableOptionsWhenSelectedInSiblingRepeaterItems() doesn't seem to work with multi-select. If I remove ->multiple() it works as it should. Am I doing something wrong? Repeater::make('second.questions') ->hiddenLabel() ->minItems(1)...

Duplicate navigationbadge query with multitenancy

Hey, I'm using getNavigationFeature() in a FilamentPHP multitenancy app, like this: ```php...

Using repeater to create bulk inserts.

Hi Everyone, I am using repeater to insert bulk data but i am getting following error.
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 19 NOT NULL constraint failed: daily_entries.publication_id (Connection: sqlite, SQL: insert into "daily_entries" ("client_id", "updated_at", "created_at") values (1, 2024-10-09 09:19:10, 2024-10-09 09:19:10))...
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Form Data is Not Saved When I Click the Print Button: How Do I Fix It?

I am entering new data during the wizard, but the data is old because it has not been updated yet, so the backend pulls the old data when printing. Do I have a chance to send this data to BE? Or how can I do this printing job in the form wizard with current data?
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deleteAny policy - prevent self deletion

When using the deleteAny policy to allow bulk deletion, how can I modify to prevent allowing the ability to bulk delete myself from the list

Reusing Action arguments in Livewire Action

I'm using a custom edit/update action to change a category's status in Livewire, passing the category ID from the Blade file. My challenge is reusing the category instance retrieved in mountUsing() to fill the form, and again in ->action() to avoid fetching it by ID twice. I also want to avoid using public properties in Livewire. ``` public function updatePublishStatusAction(): Action { return Action::make('updatePublishStatus')...

dynamic repeater fields names

Hello, is it possible to make the repeater fields names dynamic? something like: ...

Blank label and icon only on Action Button

When you have a regular action button with an icon only, and ->label('') you still get a <span class="fi-btn-label"> </span> , which means the button gets slightly elongated with the icon off centre. Anyone got a way to avoid that ?:...
Annoying brain won't me ignore it. Potential solution, haven't checked it doesn't break other things yet, so at your own risk: ```.f-download-icon-button { {...
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Is there any tips for exporting the rowIndex column?

I need to implement row's number on each table However, when I export using filament's export action, I can't figure out how to include the row numbers in the exported data. Is there any tips or guide how to do it? Thankyou...
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Is there any way that color can be used outside the filament panel?

I have a blog view and want to use the color in the filament panel.
oh I forgot to use the filamentStyles.
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Table Background color based on status

is it possible to create this colorful table based on status ? such as in the image
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table inside tabs its possible?

hi im trying to recreate my app currently in native php to filament its like attached image it have tabs inside tabs and also a table with some invoice data from a mysql db. how i can achieve that? thank you...
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Browser refresh not working in new panel

I have created a new panel in my filament app on top of my admin panel. I have added a resource to my new panel, and it seems to work well. But I noticed that when I update my new panel resource code, the admin panel browser tabs are refreshing, but not my new panel browser tabs. So it seems I need to make an extra step to get browser refresh to work with my new panel when vite hot reloads. I could not find anything about this in the Filament documentation, any help is much appreciated....

Is it possible to render the raw html of a form?

So I want create a pdf file with the form of a resource, I'm using Laravel domPDF, so I can inject the raw html there and the pdf file will be built however I'm not sure how to get the raw html from a resource

search relation from resource in table throw error as name mismatch

I have 2 models #Model Item public function favorites() {...

Filtering widget data with HasFiltersForm on view resource page

I'm trying to use the Filtering widget data with HasFiltersForm on view resource page (Infolist). I currently put the use Filament\Pages\Dashboard\Concerns\HasFiltersForm; trait, and put the filtersForm method: ```php public function filtersForm(Form $form): Form {...