Custom Field: Using Form Components
As the title says, i want make use of filament components like a select, inside my custom filament field, how can i achieve that?
i tried using HasForm Contract , and InteractsWithForm but it wasn't successful.
any suggestions?...
Export fails when query has with relation
This serialize facade used in the exporter errors ungracefully if there are any ->with('relation') on the query. Taken a while to figure out what was happening.
$serializedQuery = EloquentSerializeFacade::serialize($query);...
Please Help - Form Action
class Settings extends Page implements HasForms
use InteractsWithForms;
protected static ?string $navigationIcon = 'heroicon-o-document-text';
protected static string $view = 'filament.pages.settings';...
Hide Site Search for a user role
I have a role that doesn't have access to anything really and I'd like to hide the global search for them without needing to go into 20+ resources and restricting them.
Auth isn't initialize at this point so I'm unable to check for a user role....Email vérification
Bonjour a tous je suis débutant sur filament php mais j'aimerais mettre en place un système d'envoi de mail de vérification ! J'ai essayé en ajoutant emailverification() au panel et MustVerify dans mon modèle User mais les mails ne sont pas envoyés ! Quelqu'un peut m'aider ? Merci
Hide Input Form inside Repeater based on condition
I want to hide a select input if the line record exist, (Order has many items), I'm trying this code :
->relationship() ...
->relationship() ...
Filtering a Select Box
Has anyone successfully introduced functionality whereby they can filter a select box ?
For example, if I have a an employees table and a document table, and I have a form that adds document records for employees...
I'll have a select box that allows me to select the employee(s), but what if i wanted to enable the users to filter that list down, such as maybe all the employees with a certain grade etc ?...
Install Spark with Stripe
has anyone already made the multitenancy with Spark and Stripe working ? I tried for 2 days, it's impossible for me to set it up correctly because it's always asking for Paddle API key...
Paddle API error 'Authentication header included, but incorrectly formatted.' occurred
I figured out with getting the download link directly on the website
CSS Load Problems
Hi, I have moved my local project to a VM with a Caddy web server. The correct domain with https etc is stored in the Env file. However, I have the problem that the CSS content is not displayed via domain. I have already tried to build the css files via yarn build, but this does not help either. however, when I start the DEV server locally, the styling loads all at once.
Widgets columns not taking effect
I have the column set on the new dashboard page to 3, but nothing I do makes the 3 widgets stay on the same line.
Resource with tabs wrong model in edit action
Hey I have a relationmanager with 3 tabs for filtering the relation table. What I noticed is, when I'm selecting a tab and select a model to edit, the edit action receives the wrong model. I think this is maybe a bug with a wire:key? On the initial page reload (in the first tab) everything works fine.
How can add a new button in the login for different panel?
Hey guys i have this login and i want add a new button below the green button (Login button)
i need add the button for this panel and add another button for other panel, how can do this?...
Define a custom route with custom view in Filament
I would like to define a custom logic that will be executed after the user logs in.
The idea is to show a similar design to the login page after the user logins. It will contain a dropdown menu and a submit button.
The problem is that I'm unable to define the custom route anywhere. Can you please guide me where should I put such behaviour?...
Select with multiple doesn't show previously selected record because they are softdeleted
I know it is because of Laravel eloquent and i could change the query to withTrashed but the hard part is that the options should not list softdeleted, because in the app they are "archived", but the previously selected options should. I can make the "same" option work in relations that store a id on the table using getOptionLabelUsing, i tried using getOptionLabelsUsing on the multiple form Select but to no affect, any on how to make it work?
fabricator setting homepage
i cannot find in the documentation how to setup different pages. Anyone has experience with this?
Split table actions
I would like to split some of my table actions to the front and leave the rest at the end of the table.
// FIXME: ActionsPosition::BeforeCells...
Custom action based in Edit
Hey guys, I'm new to filament and I want to create a custom action to manage user contracts, n to n, I'm using Repeater for this, I can save, I would like to be able to edit in this same action, any suggestions.
Override configureUsing ?
If I have a service provider with a boot method like:
``` public function boot() : void
CreateAction::configureUsing(function ($action) {...
slideOver(false) should suffice on the actually action
Open and view stored file in 'local' from FileUpload components
Hey, i store files like this
TextInput Autocomplete doesn't works
I have a TextInput field where I need to disable autocomplete. I added ->autocomplete(false), but it doesn’t work in production; the field is still populated when editing a record. Is it possible to have the field fill as empty if it’s null (without using the browser’s autocomplete capability)?