Creating a derived reducer for a DynMapReducer
Item Piles: Auctioneer
Svelecte Alternatives
Setting up TRL / contributing to existing module (Item Piles)
for an overview on TRL and various additional / demo resources that are available. Getting your developer setup via Node / NPM will be the first thing to make sure you have sorted....Reactivty and prepareDerivedData
So I'm using prepareDerivedData to, well, derive some data for my items; some of them are tied to each other (ie, an "equipment" type item affects a "skill" type item's bonus). I was hoping that re-calling the derived data methods would cause the TJSDocuments to pick up the alterations, but since it's not a database operation, it doesn't appear to pick that up. Is there a good way allow one item to cause the reactivity of another without manually creating stores?Moving discusion to forum post....
Local Development w/ NPM Link
Hello! this is probably a base webdev question but I can't find a good reference for the issue I'm having atm. I'm working on a TyphonJS template project and I'm importing a custom svelte library ( basically a UI component library ). I'd like to use npm link to work a bit more effectively without having to publish to npm a new package over and over whenever I make changes to the custom library. Apart from the npm link command to call on both sides ( with different parameters ) is there anything I should take care of?...
Issues Configuring TyphonJS in TS
Cannot find module '#runtime/svelte/application' or its corresponding type declarations.
I thought including a paths property in tsconfig.json would fix it, but no:
```...TRL / Svelte based game systems
List of Tjsdocuments
Fabricate doesn't maintain any of its own documents; it only records metadata in its settings. Do you think that would be a problem for TRL? For example, is there an assumption that applications are tied to documents? I would be surprised, but thought it worth asking up front...
Svelte 5 TJSDocument Prototype
Funky interaction with fokus management
How to get rid of funky Prosemirror overlap
TJSDocument not working properly with Module Sub-Types (Data Models)
, for example:
```js...TRL `0.1.2` - Fine Tuning release
Embed a DropDown/MenuList made with Svelte
Slide Animations for SvelteApplication
Bug: Multiple ProseMirror editors on same svelte component do not save properly
System Works in Dev Mode but not after build
Error building after updating to TRL 0.1.1
npm run build
it errors out. Not sure why.
[commonjs--resolver] Missing "./svelte/store" specifier in "@typhonjs-fvtt/runtime" package
error during build:...