TyphonJS17mo ago

Svelecte Alternatives

I'm looking to implement a searchable list of sorts, and I found Svelecte: https://mskocik.github.io/svelecte/ However, as with most plugins, obviously it has little chance to fit into Foundry applications - is there any similar things I could use in its place with TJS? TJSContextMenu seems the closest approximation!
38 Replies
WaspOP17mo ago
The reason why I don't want to use datalists is because of their absolutely garbage styling options and lack of separated text & value pairs
kgar17mo ago
What causes it to be unable to fit? (more a selfish question for my svelte education)
WaspOP17mo ago
No description
WaspOP17mo ago
It is bound to the application, unfortunately
Nekro Darkmoon
Nekro Darkmoon17mo ago
A component for Svelte apps. Latest version: 5.7.0, last published: 2 months ago. Start using svelte-select in your project by running npm i svelte-select. There are 41 other projects in the npm registry using svelte-select.
Nekro Darkmoon
Nekro Darkmoon17mo ago
@Wasp this is the one we're using in the a5e system can pretty much style it to how you like
WaspOP17mo ago
Oh nice! Does it support a floating absolute dropdown element?
Nekro Darkmoon
Nekro Darkmoon17mo ago
floatingConfig there's an option that you can pass the floating config to have it be absolute I believe 🤔 https://github.com/Pjb518/FoundryVTT-Level-Up-Official/blob/main/src/apps/components/effectChanges/ChangeConfiguration.svelte#L29-L48 Here's our usecase of it
WaspOP17mo ago
Very nice! I can't seem to find where to pass a different parent to the config tho
TyphonJS (Michael)
Just as an interesting aside since I'm doing so much work on supporting PopOut in the next TRL release (hopefully out today). Most 3rd party components will not work w/ PopOut. In svelte-select this dooms it: https://github.com/rob-balfre/svelte-select/blob/master/src/lib/Select.svelte#L667
Nekro Darkmoon
Nekro Darkmoon17mo ago
😄 https://github.com/fedorovvvv/svelte-floating-ui This is the repo for the flaoting ui wrapper.
strategy: "absolute",
placement: "top",
middleware: [
strategy: "absolute",
placement: "top",
middleware: [
you wanna pass it an object like this. Doesn't have to include everything
WaspOP17mo ago
No description
Nekro Darkmoon
Nekro Darkmoon17mo ago
hmm you should prolly be able to override it via css 🤔
WaspOP17mo ago
Ah, it is because the app itself is a TJSDialog, which has overflow hidden Yep, it was!
WaspOP17mo ago
No description
WaspOP17mo ago
Thanks once again @Nekro Darkmoon ! 😄
Nekro Darkmoon
Nekro Darkmoon17mo ago
WaspOP17mo ago
Did you have problems with clicking elements in the dropdown list? Mine doesn't trigger a change when I click elements
Nekro Darkmoon
Nekro Darkmoon17mo ago
ah yes thats the focus manager 😄 https://github.com/Pjb518/FoundryVTT-Level-Up-Official/blob/main/src/apps/ActiveEffectConfig.js#L29 setting focusAuto to false fixes it 😄
WaspOP17mo ago
So it does
TyphonJS (Michael)
Also a note... A lot of 3rd party components may not be oriented around pointer events. If this one line was changed to pointerdown instead of mousedown then it likely would work without adjusting the TRL focus manager: https://github.com/rob-balfre/svelte-select/blob/master/src/lib/Select.svelte#L679C1-L679C32 But this is why there are options for the focus manager to change behavior as necessary.
Nekro Darkmoon
Nekro Darkmoon17mo ago
^ yup
TyphonJS (Michael)
Eventually I will be flushing out the standard library with lots of components that play nice 100%. A fancy select is on the table for the future. However, other priorities like converting existing resources to Svelte 5 and generalizing the architecture to run on top of vanilla Svelte / SvelteKit + continued Foundry support are up first before adding more components to the standard library. In the meantime for whatever is not provided you have to take into consideration that 3rd party libraries won't have the design considerations that one encounters in Foundry. I'm designing all components in the standard library to the latest good practices and mileage may vary w/ 3rd party components. TJSMenu / TJSContextMenu / TJSColordPicker are getting an upgrade to work w/ PopOut. There is a new activeWindow reactive parameter in in app.reactive.activeWindow and associated store for when the browser window changes. For any component that pops up additional elements and requires event listening external to the component there is now a solution that is easy to implement in custom components. I also got the focus management to work super smooth in popped out state. Re: PopOut... No 3rd party components that you find will have any expectation of switching browser windows.
WaspOP17mo ago
Final result
WaspOP17mo ago
❤️ modal TJSDialogs
geoidesic11mo ago
Did this component work out well for you? Considering it. Also which module is this?
WaspOP11mo ago
svelte-select, and the app has --tjs-app-overflow: visible;
TyphonJS (Michael)
You should create a new forum post as this is a different topic.
geoidesic10mo ago
How do I use --tjs-app-overflow: visible; ? I'm not sure where to put that. I tried putting it in a css file, nothing happened.
TyphonJS (Michael)
You should scope it to the particular app ID that you want to apply it to. So add an app ID in the defaultOptions of the specific app then in your separate CSS file use:
#app-id {
--tjs-app-overflow: visible;
#app-id {
--tjs-app-overflow: visible;
geoidesic10mo ago
E.g. my tab content, which is a child component of the ApplicationShell. I also tried it in the ApplicationShell itself
import SvelteSelect from 'svelte-select';
let items = [
{ value: 'one', label: 'One' },
{ value: 'two', label: 'Two' },
{ value: 'three', label: 'Three' },
let filterText;

<template lang="pug">
h1 Race
p {filterText}
SvelteSelect({items} bind:filterText)


<style lang="scss" scoped>
.tab-content {
--tjs-app-overflow: visible;
import SvelteSelect from 'svelte-select';
let items = [
{ value: 'one', label: 'One' },
{ value: 'two', label: 'Two' },
{ value: 'three', label: 'Three' },
let filterText;

<template lang="pug">
h1 Race
p {filterText}
SvelteSelect({items} bind:filterText)


<style lang="scss" scoped>
.tab-content {
--tjs-app-overflow: visible;
TyphonJS (Michael)
The CSS variable corresponds to the ApplicationShell so you either need to add it via inline styles through props to ApplicationShell or as a separate CSS file you include scoped by the app ID.
geoidesic10mo ago
Like this?
<template lang="pug">
header {localize("GAS.PCTitle")}
Tabs( {tabs} bind:activeTab="{activeTab}" sheet="PC")

<style lang="scss">
main {
--tjs-app-overflow: visible;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
<template lang="pug">
header {localize("GAS.PCTitle")}
Tabs( {tabs} bind:activeTab="{activeTab}" sheet="PC")

<style lang="scss">
main {
--tjs-app-overflow: visible;
text-align: center;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
Probably not. I don't understand the bit where you say "add in an app ID in the defaultOptions". I know what the defaultOptions are but I don't know anything about the app-id or it's key value format / signature.
TyphonJS (Michael)
No... main is in your template. The CSS variable needs to apply ApplicationShell. You can apply inline styles via a prop like.
export let elementRoot;

const stylesApp = {
'--tjs-app-overflow': 'visible'

<ApplicationShell bind:elementRoot {stylesApp}>
export let elementRoot;

const stylesApp = {
'--tjs-app-overflow': 'visible'

<ApplicationShell bind:elementRoot {stylesApp}>
or through a separate CSS file that is scoped to the app ID set in defaultOptions.
geoidesic10mo ago
hmm.. I've done both but I'm still getting overflow hidden.
let stylesApp = {
'--tjs-app-overflow': 'visible'

<svelte:options accessors={true}/>

<template lang="pug">
ApplicationShell(bind:elementRoot bind:stylesApp)
{activeTab}" sheet="PC")
let stylesApp = {
'--tjs-app-overflow': 'visible'

<svelte:options accessors={true}/>

<template lang="pug">
ApplicationShell(bind:elementRoot bind:stylesApp)
{activeTab}" sheet="PC")
and in index.js
import '../styles/init.scss';
import '../styles/init.scss';
and in init.scss
--tjs-app-overflow: visible;
--tjs-app-overflow: visible;
and in the defaultOptions
static get defaultOptions()
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
id: 'my-app-id',
static get defaultOptions()
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
id: 'my-app-id',
No description
TyphonJS (Michael)
Yeah... Well.. It's not bind: stylesApp. To pass a prop it's like the code that provided above if you are going the inline styles route. Could be handy to review the Svelte interactive tutorial on how props work. And of course I can't help you with any of the Pug aspects. You are on your own there.
geoidesic10mo ago
The binding is working and the style is being registered to the application but it doesn't seem to affect the outcome. Hopefully this video explains what I mean.
TyphonJS (Michael)
Maybe Wasp can offer some insight as perhaps you have to configure svelte-select. Have you even read the documentation for svelte-select? It looks like there is a floatingConfig prop. You have to do a little bit of the work here. I can't help you with 3rd party Svelte components much. Re: props.. You should still learn how props work and just use standard prop passing instead of a binding regardless if that works in this particular instance.

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