Sapphire - Imagine a framework


Sapphire - Imagine a framework

Welcome to the Sapphire Discord server! The next-gen object-oriented Discord.js bot framework can be found here.







Can not resolve dependency sapphire

Hello, after todays NODE JS update, im having an issue with sapphire dependency, would you be able to advise me? thank you.

UserError listener not catching all errors

I am running an imported function in my command, and calling UserError in this file and when I do, it is not caught by the listener, and my bot crashes. Error Source: Command:

API Placeholder in Route

I didn't found it in the docs. Is there any way to get a placeholder into a route like in express with /routename/:id so I can use it to get the resource with the respective id?
exactly like that. That isn't Express syntax, that's the recommended REST syntax. you get the params through, replace id with whatever you put in :id...

TypeError piace.aliases is not iterable

Good afternoon, I mixed such a strange code as best I could. My task was to add a button to the message with a built-in embed, but it's not clear why I get an error in the console, please give me an answer what I did wrong :). Code and error below. const { EmbedBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, } = require("@discordjs/builders") const { Command, Piece, InteractionHandlerTypes } = require('@sapphire/framework'); const { ButtonStyle, InteractionType } = require("discord.js");...
Good afternoon, I mixed such a strange code as best I could. My task was to add a button to the message with a built-in embed, but it's not clear why I get an error in the console, please give me an answer what I did wrong :). Code and error below. const { EmbedBuilder, ActionRowBuilder, ButtonBuilder, } = require("@discordjs/builders") const { Command, Piece, InteractionHandlerTypes } = require('@sapphire/framework'); const { ButtonStyle, InteractionType } = require("discord.js");...
No description

API Client with SSL?

Hey guys, currently I am trying to make the switch from an custom express API to the API plugin. Is there a way to let the plugin consume an ssl cert and open a https server? Greetings...

Context Menu Command and Subcommand cannot be in same extended class?

I have a slash command which is an extended Subcommand called give-role with two subcommands - one & multi. The file name is give-role.ts Now I also want a Context Menu command named Give Role within same give-role.ts...

UserErrors not being caught by listener - bot is crashing

messageCommandError.mjs ```js import { Events, Listener } from "@sapphire/framework"; import { send } from "@sapphire/plugin-editable-commands"; import { EmbedBuilder } from "discord.js";...

Subcommand isn't running

When the subcommand is run in Discord, it times out. I've added a log to the beginning of the method but it isn't triggered. Normal commands work fine. ```ts @ApplyOptions<Subcommand.Options>({ name: 'blacklist',...
found the issue, was using the wrong name for my precondition

How to properly handle UserErrors?

I'm using the official sapphire template and want to throw a UserError inside a context menu command. How do I correctly handle the error and send a message to the user? I saw contextMenuCommandDenied.ts and thought that would handle it but I don't get a response and the error is shown in the logs....

Can I set different requiredUserPermissions for each subcommand?

Just wondering if this is possible, and how. Thanks

Handling BulkOverwrite Registry Errors

When I encounter this error
[ERROR] ApplicationCommandRegistries(BulkOverwrite) Failed to overwrite guild application commands for guild 1********* DiscordAPIError[50001]: Missing Access
[ERROR] ApplicationCommandRegistries(BulkOverwrite) Failed to overwrite guild application commands for guild 1********* DiscordAPIError[50001]: Missing Access

Events for Voice

How can I do something like the following but for voice? ``` import { Listener } from '@sapphire/framework'; ...

How do I use autocompleteRun on subcommands?

^ As the title says. I can't seem to figure out how subcommands can have autocompleteRun implemented. I'm not too worried about duplicates, since there is only one subcommand that uses autocomplete.
Doesn't matter. You still just do ```ts public override autocompleteRun(interaction: AutocompleteInteraction) { const subcommand = interaction.options.getSubcommand(); if ( === 'the subcommand with autocomplete') {...

Message editing fails even though message can be fetched

Whenever I want to edit an ephemeral message I get the following error:
[ERROR] Encountered error while handling an interaction handler run method for interaction-handler "release_card" at path "/home/developer/Wishbot/src/interaction-handlers/release_card.js" DiscordAPIError[10008]: Unknown Message
[ERROR] Encountered error while handling an interaction handler run method for interaction-handler "release_card" at path "/home/developer/Wishbot/src/interaction-handlers/release_card.js" DiscordAPIError[10008]: Unknown Message
The message can be correctly fetched though using the channel and message id ...

Problem with ephemeral messages

I currently have a command which sends a button, problem is, once the button is pressed, I can't remove the ephemeral message. Is there a way to remove the button and also edit the entire message?

Is recommend have split autocomplete handlers

I want know is recommend have split handler such as characterAutocomplete & itemsAutocomplete.
okay thanks

Quick question regarding application descriptions

How does one link an application command in the description of an app? Looks like a mention syntax, but I can't seem to figure it out.
As for mentioning commands </price:1078828281555603489> is /price So it's name:id...

What typescript version to use?

Since the most recent announcement in #Announcements recommends that I should not use typescript version 5.x, what version should I rather use? Just any recent version below that?
4.9.5, which is the latest for v4.