Sapphire - Imagine a framework


Sapphire - Imagine a framework

Welcome to the Sapphire Discord server! The next-gen object-oriented Discord.js bot framework can be found here.







error command sh -c node-pre-gyp install --fallback-to-build

When attempting to run npm i after cloning my bot repo, I get this error. I am currently using Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS) and Node.js 18.17.1 (LTS). This is a fresh install. Below are the relevant logs.

reload all commands

to reload all commands is it CommandStore.load() or CommandStore.loadAll(), also how much time does it normally take to reload all commands

built-in feature

does sapphire has any built in feature to update the commands without restarting the bot

start up message

any way of removing these logs on start up: [INFO] ApplicationCommandRegistries: Initializing... [INFO] ApplicationCommandRegistries: Took 1ms to initialize....

PaginatedMessage replies "This maze wasn't meant for you...what did you do."

i put the example for paginated messages in my slash command, but instead of sending a paginated message, it only replied with the above error message and logged a warning after following the advice of the warning by adding the CHANNELs partial, it still replied with the same message, but without logging a warning...
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Can't type custom precondition (?)

Hey, I created custom precondition, but my type overriding seems to dont work?
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how can i create modal and show to user

hello how can i show modal to user i now build one modal and cant show to user


When I set a command cooldown it doesn't seem to send a error message?

Error [UNLOADED_PIECE]: The piece 'CoreReady' does not exist.

Any idea about this error? My sapphire deps:...
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Listeners not working at all

So I've been having this issue recently, none of the listeners on the listeners folder seem to work and I can't find a reason that would cause this to happen. My folder structure is: ``` src/...

Why in line 79 for src/preconditions/ClientPermissions.ts is there `PermissionsBitField | null`?

Hello, I'm doing some (potentially bad, please warn me) things to be able to check permissions whenever I need it in my bot. I figured to have sane code, I'd copy off of Sapphire's precondition code for myself to use, specifically ClientPermissions. As far as I know, if I want localization and sane control over the message text when there's a permission error, and the permission check can be done anyway, I'm guessing this is how I do it. While looking through the code, I noticed the explicit type cast PermissionsBitField | null. I also noticed this could be avoided, assuming the types weren't lying to me from channel.permissionFor(me)....

args.pick issue

Code: ```js if (check) { user = await args.pick("member").catch(() => message.member.user); console.log(user);...

Sapphire not saving the changes for reaction role messages

I make the message and then after a bit it reverts back. removes the image and the title.
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Using bun with @sapphire/framework

Hello, I'm trying to get my discord bot to run using bun, but when I try running my code I get theses errors : ``` Error when loading 'undefined/CoreGuildNewsThreadChannel.js': ...

Arguments Issue

. So looks like inside the if the user is null because sapphire is taking it like the third argument I think, how can I fix this?...

Sharding Error

I get the following error: Error: NO CHILD/MASTER EXISTS OR SUPPLIED CLUSTER_MANAGER_MODE IS INCORRECT it comes from this line: shards: getInfo().SHARD_LIST,...

i18n applyLocalizedBuilders Options

I saw in the method parameters one for options. How do I pass them? ```js applyLocalizedBuilder( builder, ...