Sapphire - Imagine a framework


Sapphire - Imagine a framework

Welcome to the Sapphire Discord server! The next-gen object-oriented Discord.js bot framework can be found here.







Client Permissions

When using the client permission tag from applyOption it always passes as true even if the bot doesnt have the permission
Previously, obtaining permissions for new applications did not work due to this check:
if (isNullish(permissions))
if (isNullish(permissions))
Because permissions have always had the value of this.dmChannelPermissions (for new applications), in fix, I removed this check...

AutoComplete subcommand name/id

Hello! I'm trying to use autocomplete interactions for my subcommands. Both subcommands (start & end) have the same autocomplete option called 'event'. I'd like to be able to identify which subcommand is being used to use a different logic for each one. Is this possible? Currently I am only able to access the command's information but not the subcommands....
You can use interaction.options.getSubcommand() 🙂

DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction on interaction.showModal()

Upon restarting the bot, whenever I run a certain command for the first time it returns "DiscordAPIError[10062]: Unknown interaction" on interaction.showModal(). I've seen similar issues (application does not respond) when running other commands for the first time after a bot restart. I believe the main issue is with the interaction object not with the actual modal. After that, if you run the command once again it has no issues....

Is it possible to dev Offline ?

I will be on a plane for a while, and I would love to know if it's possible to use discord.js API localy
Can you send discord messages while offline. There is your answer (no)...


Hey wondering if, it is possible to have type convertions in sapphire or with any of it's utility packages, I have seen the Resolver class but i think there are some methods missing in example the library dpy has a series of converters one is the ColorConverter, so i was wondering whether it's possible to have such converters in sapphire
I think you're just looking for arguments But also do not forget that nothing stops you from simply defining a function in some utility file and export it then import it elsewhere. You're not restricted to what the framework provides, you can still use regular JavaScript concepts too. If you must have the function as part of the container though then we have this plugin: Other than that, the actual conversion is something you're gonna have to write yourself. I don't think discordjs exports their color conversion functions, but we're not going to mirror their code (overhead, maintenance, etc) so if you want to use what discordjs used internally then create an issue on their repo asking for the functions to be moved to a subpackage (assuming it's not exported). ...


Im kinda new to discord.js so im abit confused on how to make it so that only the command author can use the select menu in interaction handlers
Pass the command author id through with the customId field (alongside some kind of identifying information) then validate it and return some/none accordingly. View the sapphire guide on interaction handlers for more info on the latter. Mind you that customId is limited to 100 characters. If the data you need to pass doesn't fit into that when stringified you'll need to do some compression, for example for @Dragonite I have this

Command Handler

Hello, just wanted to check for some clarification, ACR, for slash, there's 0 need for a command handler correct? or am I misunderstanding? I am new to slash commands and their usage..... or am I just completely dumb here lol
You need to match the incoming data to the proper run functions so yes there is a need

CommandStores not showing commands in order

I just finished the rewrite of a bot, tested the help command and looks like the commands are not showing in order, just tested on the Development bot and they are in order, this doesn't cause any issues but I want them to show correctly, any idea? Could be a host issue?
this.container.stores.get("commands").sort((a, b) =>
this.container.stores.get("commands").sort((a, b) =>

Unable to resolve signature of class decorator when called as an expression.

right after creating a command with sapphire-cli in typescript , the decorator ApplyOptions returns a error The runtime will invoke the decorator with 2 arguments, but the decorator expects 1. is there any workaround for this ?...
Enable the experimental decorator option in tsconfig I think
No description

Type safe Slash Commands Options ?

Hi there, I can't seem to find a way to add Type Safe options to a Slash command. See Example: ```ts public override registerApplicationCommands(registry: Command.Registry) { registry.registerChatInputCommand((builder) =>...

correct way of formatting the bot's uptime

tried with this but it doesn't return the correct uptime
formatter.format(this.container.client.uptime * 1000);
formatter.format(this.container.client.uptime * 1000);
Solution: My bad I misread. Anyway you don't need time utilities for uptime. Just use discord native timestamps. Much much better and much much easier....

ExpectedValidationError from EmbedBuilder().setTimestamp(variable)

(using typescript) while creating an embed in an interaction handler and setting the Timestamp on it, the following Error(s) are thrown ```ts CombinedError (3) Received one or more errors ...
classInstance.createdAt is a string

PaginatedMessage, Actions

I am trying to create a paginator with multiple pages (embeds) and so to paginate i want to use buttons ```typescript const paginator = new PaginatedMessage({ template: new FlanticEmbed().setFooter({...
fixed it

Issue with Sapphire Update

error TS5109: Option 'moduleResolution' must be set to 'Node16' (or left unspecified) when option 'module' is set to 'Node16'. TS Config ```json {...
Update to @sapphire/ts-config v5 and follow the upgrading guide

Subcommands, and CommandGroups/SubCommandGroups

Hey!, I was wondering whether it's possible to create subcommands and groups with sapphire i.e ?automod enable -> enable is part of the automod command group ?automod ignore reset -> ignore is part of the automod command group and reset is part of ignore subcommand group ...

Precondition error

Precondition: ```js const { Precondition } = require("@sapphire/framework"); class DMPrecondition extends Precondition {...

Context Menus not running

When I try to execute a Context Menu, it says "The application did not respond", no errors in console

requiredClientPermissions check always resolving

I tried to get command denied by permission check, but check always been passed. I think problem appeared after this pr . While try to resolve this problem i commented this lines and finally i get correctly missing permissions [ 'BanMembers', 'EmbedLinks' ]. Tested in TextChannel. ```json...

PreMessageCommandRun Event

Is there a way of stopping the command from running as I've tried everything and nothing works