Lurkr Support


Lurkr Support

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info on XP thresholds for levelling

Hey, been trying to find this out on the help section of the website but have so far come up with nothing. I know you can adjust the multipliers for xp, but is there a big chart or table to show what the different XP requirements for levelling up are? It would be extremely useful in order to set up the multipliers in the first place because I don't know what the nominal xp values are.


How i can set up a server Xp/leveling?

Banner for Server-Wide Rank

I noticed that we can set the default levelling card accent color. But how can I set the default banner for all my levelling card members. Is there any options to do that?
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Bot suddenly doesn't show me any roles form the dashboard

Hello! as I said in the title, the bot suddenly doesnt show the roles from the dashboard. I can still see al the levels but the linked roles disappered and when i try to link the roles back to the levels, the roles doesnt even appear on the list...

Is there a way to automatically assign roles based on leaderboard position?

For example, the top 10 discord members on the leaderboard all get the role "pro" automatically. If one of those members is overtaken and falls out of top 10, they lose the role and whoever overtook them then gets it.

Global vs Channel vs Role

I know it's generally covered in the documentation, but the specific intersection of how the three categories of multipliers act is unclear. Specifically, it's mentioned that the global multiplier is a way to reduce the general xp gain in the server, but it's also mentioned that the highest multiplier available is grabbed. It's also mentioned that you can match other bots by giving a <1 multiplier, but anything less than one says it removes xp? Any multiplier that is above 1 will give more XP, and any multiplier that is below 1 will take away XP....

Auto-Role Multiplier

I am attempting to give newly joined members a boost to their XP upon joining, which I'll remove after some time. I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere in the documentation, but it looks like every time I set the role as a multiplier, it removes it from autorole/join role, and vice versa. Is this intended behavior? It's rather frustrating, but if I missed something I'm sorry to waste your time. (A simple story in screenshot form, in which I have the multiplier role, add it to on-join, and then see that it is no longer in multiplier.)...
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Bot won’t register commands

I’m having an issue where whenever I type / it won’t show up on the bot list, I also tried /help and it didn’t appear and I tried /transferxp and again nothing, the bot just isn’t showing up with any commands and I even gave it administrator perms and still nothing. What do I do?

XP Earning

So I was wondering about the XP earning? Like does it get harder to earn levels as you get higher, and how much XP is each message worth? Hope you can help

Category Based Management

Is there management for leveling and multipliers based on Categories? Or is it limited exclusively to channels? I scoured the guides on the website and sought wisdom from prior questions and yet found none. Managing category level stuff tends to be easier and less lf a hassle long term, so I am hopeful yes but have seen nothing to indicate such....

Quick question

How does Leveling Multipliers work like I only want 1 multiplier to be active so if a person has a role like level 5 they get a 1.1 xp boost and if they have level 10 they would have a 1.2 xp boost so I want to know if those + with each other

Arcane to Lurkr

I want to transfer from arcane to lurkr but it is not available. So I want to give the levels to people on lurkr that they had on arcane. Now to keep things fair I want the leveling to take the same amount of time for both. so what would the ratio be for lurkr that is the same as arcane? thanks

level up messages not working

Heyo! 👋 For some reason, none of the level up messages are posted in the dedicated channel. I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. 🥲 And /config troubleshoot isn’t showing a weird setting to me either. Thanks in advance!...
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Quick question

So if i set lid role to dont want to level but i still want people who have the accepted rules role to be able to level do i need to get the accepted rules role above the lid role ? so lid people will gain levels when having the accepted rule role?

Leveling announcement not working

I ran the troubleshoot command but it shows it's all good.

Transferring XP

One of my members has switched accounts, is it possible to transfer XP from one to another?

Dashboard does not see new channels

I created a new channel called "повышения" after I visited dashboard. Now, if I try to revisit the page, refresh, try to go to another category and go back, the channel simply does not appear.
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Inaccessible leveling role reward roles

Hi, i set up bot by instructions, members successfully got levels, but they didn't get role rewards at all. I ran troubleshooting and got this error. How to fix it?
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XP from invites

I would like to create a bot that tracks invites and then updates the xp based on invites to the server. Is there an api or other way for my bot to communicate with Lurkr to add XP? Is there another solution to this I'm not considering?

Restricting Bot Commands to a Certain Channel

I'm sorry if this is a dense question, but I'm quite confused. No matter how much I mess with permission, I can't seem to confine Lurkr to just the one channel where the commands are supposed to be sent. Members of my server can type /rank in a different channel and still get a reponse back. It doesn't matter if I add the bot to the permission section of that channel and block access, or if I try and restrict the command in the integrations page of the server, it still works regardless. Is there something I'm missing? 🤔...