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Unexpected dictionary field ‘wasp‘

Hello Wasp Community, I am always running in this error after using the wasp gpt tool. Maybe somebody could help me. Thanks 🙂
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Error Module not found

I generated an app and I am gettingthe error: Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find package '@server/aiModule.js' imported from ... /ext-src/actions.js I am very much a noob to all of this and not sure what or where the aiModule.js is. Any chance you can help me figure out what happened? Here is my app link:...

rawBody through apiNamespace

import express from "express"; import { MiddlewareConfigFn } from "@wasp/middleware"; import bodyParser from "body-parser"; interface CustomRequest extends express.Request {...

Automatic webapp generation using speciffic templates

Hello all and nice to meet you, the last days ive been trying to use openai to create a tool to generate webapps for at my company, ive tried by abstracting the whole file tree of existing webapps into 'prompt response" that i wanted to use to fine-tune gpt but unfortunately the are 90% too big, i saw you created a similar tool so im hoping someone more experienced here can guide me into the right steps, thanks ✌️

API versioning, is there any best practices?

I'm converting one project to wasp and it use API versioning (like: /api/v1/products). So in this case what should we do?

using client-side env variables

I'm using .env.client however i'm told process is undefined and the documentation provides no reference to this, how can I resolve this? @Wasp Team

When the Permission will be available?

I see the RFC for Wasp concluded that we will use ABAC instead of RBAC for access control. When will we have document and sample codes for that? This is the building block for SAAS application, so I think people will wait for it before switching to Wasp.

Many to Many relationship example?

Hello, I'm trying to find example of many-to-many relationship but haven't found one. Is anyone have experience doing that?

Can you host a wasp app on Oracle Cloud?

Looking for a free way of hosting, and oracle looks promising, but I'm not entirely sure.

Supabase support

I saw this GH issue which mentions implementing e.g. Supabase support in the future, https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/issues/1265 And I read that you can connect to an external database with a database url environment variable. Would that environment variable not be enough to use Supabase, or am I missing something? 🤔...

Using SQLite for production?

Reading the docs it's said a couple of times that "To run Wasp app in production, you will need to switch from SQLite to PostgreSQL." Why is that? Is there something with how Wasp works that prevents the use of a SQLite database in production?...

Actions and reactivity

Going through the Todo app tutorial and reading this,
We're calling the createTask Action directly this time (i.e., without wrapping it with a hook) because we don't need reactivity.
We're calling the createTask Action directly this time (i.e., without wrapping it with a hook) because we don't need reactivity.

Issue in docs for todoApp using - update

I am facing some issues following the docs from "Authentication" for the todoApp.Everything works fine till I migrated the db to include relation between "User" and "Task" entity. Also the code uses "args" but the parameter does not have "args". Ref: "https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/tutorials/todo-app/06-auth" One more typo here in the first line : "https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/tutorials/todo-app/05-updating-tasks"...
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Unable to find wasp command

Hello again! I was able to get to the point of successful browser opening from running through the setup in terminal. However, I wasn't able to view anything on the webpage other than the Wasp Congrats-ish page even after checking over the code in VS code and moving some things around. I decided to re-run Wasp and my app, and after doing so, my nvm seems to be working but when I get to the point of wasp new <my project> it says zsh: command not found: wasp Before I had this issue it said something about looking in my ~/.bash_profile and adding an export of my local bin into the code of that file. Did that, didn't work. Also decided to look directly in my /.local/bin folder where wasp is and it says ❌ --- [Error] Node requirement not met: ------------------------------------------ Your Node version does not meet Wasp's requirements! You are running Node 16.13.0. Wasp requires Node ^18.12.0 to be installed and in PATH. Check Wasp documentation for more details: https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/quick-start#requirements....

'Docker' not installed

Hello, I'm a new Wasp user and have very little knowledge of code and got stuck in the process of running an app. I almost successfully ran my project but then it said it couldn't connect to the database, which said could be easily started with 'wasp start db'. Did that, but then it said ❌ --- [Error] Couldn't find docker executable: --------------------------------- To run PostgreSQL dev database, Wasp needs docker installed and in PATH. How do I install 'docker' and put it in PATH? What/where is docker and PATH?...

Debug Wasp app in VS Code

Hey all, I'm building a Wasp app with Typescript. What's the best way to debug the server part? I've tried to run wasp start in VS Code integrated terminal and attach to the node process on port 3001, but the debugger hangs after a couple seconds and the breakpoints are not hit. What the process of debugging should look like? Thanks!...

generateGptResponse error

Hi friends, I'm new to wasp so any help would be amazing! @Wasp Team I'm running the generateGptResponse function as it came with the template and i'm receiving this error ([Server!] TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "listener" argument must be of type function. Received an instance of Object), any clues on what could be going on here or how to fix it?...

Using Wasp with AWS RDS Postgresql?

Hi! I'm pretty new to wasp, and I've been playing with the saas-template, and got it running on localhost on my Mac using the default install. I'm used to using AWS for production deploys, and so I tried deploying wasp onto a server that connects to an AWS RDS instance running postgresql directly, but it appears that the wasp instance isn't reading from the .env-server file to load the DATABASE_URL even though I have uncommented it and filled it with the proper postgres:// url to connect to my db server. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this? This is the output of wasp db migrate-dev: $ wasp db migrate-dev...

Entity in Typescript does not have all properties

I have this entity ``` entity Module {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement())...
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MacOs Error.

Hi everyone, I'm getting a fail when I try to install Wasp on my Mac. Error is = It looks like '/Users/cankaytaz/.local/bin' is not on your PATH! You will not be able to invoke wasp from the terminal by its name....