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#Hello and help

hi there, I'm using wasp for the first time. I am trying to generate an app and I'm getting an error jb1567us@DESKTOP-0LRJM07:/mnt/d/bookmarkwiki-3urm7$ wasp db migrate-dev šŸ --- Compiling wasp project... -------------------------------------------------- ...

Multiple client support

Hello, the "app" structure seems very rigid, is there a way to have multiple clients for the api ? What if i need a chrome plugin, a capacitor app and a web site which all want to to talk to the same api and share code ?

React Native Support

Hello! This is an awesome project. Does anyone know how hard it would be to get this to support React Native? I would love to use this to build out a mobile app as well. Any direction on where to start is greatly appreciated, thank you!

Socket.io namespaces support

Hello guys. I'd like to ask something related to the wasp websockets support. AFAIK it's based on socket.io. My question it's related to socket.io namespaces. It seems wasp socket.io wrapping doesn't expose this namespaces functionality (useSocket() hook doesn't seem to allow parameters). Am I right or is it able to use socket.io namespaces with wasp? Thanks in advance

Recurring Job behavior with fly

Fly.io scales apps down or up when needed. If there's no usage for an app it scales down to 0 machines. How does this work with recurring/scheduled jobs?

How do I seed production DB hosted on Fly

I want to seed my production database that is being hosted on Fly.io I tried SSH'ing into the server and running wasp db seed but it says wasp command not found. Same thing if I SSH into the DB as well...

@types delcarations

When i add some @types/i18next.d.ts type declarations to my client-side it works fine when running locally but when trying to build the from the build folder it does not get anything referenced in the custom typedefinition file. VSC also shows this as valid inside the source files. But once in the build output directory, it does not seem to get the declarations anymore. Eventho VSC is able to list the file when cmd+clicking on the module name inside the build error, it is marked red. does anybody have a clue why this might be the case? Also moving around the typedefinition file inside the build folder manually or adding path/typeRoot to the tsconfig inside the build folder does not have any impact :S This is my declaration file: ``` import { TranslationsT } from '../translations/resources/de'...

How to implement text streaming(the same way it is done in ChatGPT)?

Use case: I am requesting chat completion from LLM(different ones, not only ChatGPT); I want to stream the response back as it arrives on the server, from the server to the client, word by word. What is the easiest way to do it in Wasp?...

What do folks usually do for CSRF in Wasp ?

There are plenty of npm packages for CSRF protection, but wanted to make sure I check to see if there's a "waspy" way of doing it. What are other folks doing for this?

Custom loading screen

I was wondering if it is somehow possible to replace this loading screen in my app. It always show before the app loads so i don't see any way where i could hook in and design my own. Does wasp support that already? If so i would appreciate a short explanation on how to do so šŸ™‚...
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Testing NPM Packages Locally

In tandem with my Wasp app, I'm developing a library of 3D components for visualizing robots. Also, I need to test my own fixes to the Viam robotics framework TypeScript API. What is the best way to test local npm packages using Wasp? BTW, here is the excellent Medium article I found on the subject, but uses the npm CLI: https://medium.com/@oresoftware/node-js-how-to-test-your-new-npm-module-without-publishing-it-every-5-minutes-3b6f8e0491dd

TypeScript checking by "wasp deploy fly deploy"?

This is a similar topic to my question "Deployment failure on fly.io", but I wanted to have a separate thread so the issue is more easily searchable in the future. Is the script "validate-env.mjs" somehow attempting to validate the TypeScript of external libraries? I'm not sure if this is intentional or not. I would ask that this be turned off, and leave the validation of their own TypeScript to the external libraries. In my specific case, the TypeScript in the Viam library may actually be ok, b...

Deployment failure on fly.io

I was able to deploy yesterday using: wasp deploy fly setup viamviz bos wasp deploy fly create-db bos wasp deploy fly deploy...

RBAC how-to?

In robotics, it's common to have monitor, operator and admin roles. Is there a good how-to on how to set this up?

Non-cloud deployment?

How difficult is it to deploy Wasp apps on an air-gapped network? Basically, some sort of bare metal deployment on a local server. This probably won't be an immediate issue since right now I'm targeting the Viam robotics framework, whose main selling point is its cloud story, but it was a common client request at my previous company, which used the Robotics Operating System (ROS). It's one of those issues that I might be able to ignore for a long time, but then would suddenly be a major pain poi...

Problem with recharts

Hello! This is my MainPage.jsx: import getHinnat from '@wasp/queries/getHinnat'...

adding discord auth provider

how to add discord as auth provider? Is there a easy way currently?

Wasp logs are partially displayed

Hey, two questions: 1) How twisted it is to run Wasp in a container via specifying ENTRYPOINT ["./wasp", "start"] in the Dockerfile? Insetead of calling wasp build and building an image. Don't ask me why please šŸ˜ 2) When I do so -- the logs output is only limited to [Client!] and [Server!] warnings, but no messages like šŸ --- Starting npm install... are displayed. It's the log lever suppression and I need to make them more sensitive, or the issue might be related to something else?...
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How do I get daisyui to work?

How do I get daisyui to work?
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Trying to run wasp-ai locally. When I generate a new app using any of the templates, I get the error above. Not sure where else to look for what's breaking. Any pointers are appreciated.