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Entity in Typescript does not have all properties

I have this entity ``` entity Module {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement())...
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MacOs Error.

Hi everyone, I'm getting a fail when I try to install Wasp on my Mac. Error is = It looks like '/Users/cankaytaz/.local/bin' is not on your PATH! You will not be able to invoke wasp from the terminal by its name....

Can't run from Terminal

I know this is a very noob thing to ask but I have tried to run the app in terminal and cd into the app folder. Used ls to double check the files are correct but when I try any of this: wasp db migrate-dev # init the db wasp start ...

Typed jobs

Is there a way to get generated type of function for a job like we do with queries?

[Error] Migrate dev failed:

I get this message when using wasp db migrate-dev # init the db "Unknown migrate arg(s): # init the db"...

PATH help

I tried to install wasp but gets this error "WARNING: It looks like '/Users/xxx/.local/bin is not on your PATH! You will not be able to invoke wasp from the terminal by its name. You can add it to your PATH by adding following line into your profile file (~/.profile or ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc export PATH=$PATH:/Users/xxx/.local/bin I tried to locale the files but cant seem to do it. I am running the terminal on a mac....

Install Wasp in Window 11

I have error when install wasp in window 11
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Non-interactive automated deployment option

I ran wasp deploy fly launch my-wasp-app mia, but I got the error prompt: non interactive. I can’t find what I need to add to the command.

Examples are not running

Its incredibly painful to use the system, the examples are not running and it would have been amazing to see it run in the cloud; setting up locally is bad UX

API CORS error

Hi, I'm trying to fetch a PUT endpoint, but it throws a CORS error in the console (testing locally). Frontend is on localhost:3000, backend is on localhost:3001 What am I doing wrong?...
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context.user through middlewareConfigFn

I’ve created an API that uses multer to upload a file via the middlewareConfig, but I’d like to make use of auth to prevent unauthorized access to the route. Context.user returns undefined even when the API is called through the client. Also, even if it were to return an authorization header, how do I prevent the file from uploading before it it reaches the (!contex.user) if statement? I’ve read through the docs, but there is nothing too detailed regarding the use of auth through APIs declared i...

useEffect and useQuery

I am trying to useEffect with useQuery. My purpose is removing item from collection when someone clicks the delete button. I do not want to refresh page, so i have to use useEffect. I tried something like that, but no change. Do you have any idea about how i can do that?
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Custom favicon.ico

As per this PR (https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/pull/1229) I guess path to the custom favicon should be client/public/favicon.ico, correct? @miho PR states that the docs were updated, but I'm unable to find anything related to the favicon itself. Would be nice to point out directly how users can update favicon, I've seen this question a couple times before...
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Does Wasp support MySQL?

Clearly PrismaJS does. Looking at wasps docs on databases: https://wasp-lang.dev/docs/language/features#database It says clearly that either sqlite or postgresqlcan be used. Is the documentation just missing or is MySQL truly not supported by wasp? My hope is to use planetscale.com to host our database. And it is based on MySQL so that may be an issue....

Help with Login/Signup/Email Verify Language [Localization]

I need to translate those mentioned above. How i would do it ? is there a way ? Or do i have to edit the root components inside Wasp. for example Auth.tsx? Talking about translating them to Spanish...

Google Auth callback URL gets called twice

Hey, after picking up a Google account and getting back from the consent screen the callback is fired twice for some reason. Haven't seen anything like this before, is this an issue on my side, or Wasp user's code cant affect the login process?
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langchain python

https://python.langchain.com/en/latest/ is a great library supports both js and python. I prefer the python implementation. There is a basic fastapi server (streaming support) example here https://github.com/hwchase17/chat-langchain ...

react dependency

Trying to use a front end kit which requires react 18. Dependency tree cannot be resolved since wasp defines react version as 17. Any hints at how to resolve? The front end kit would be really useful

Creating email method for auth but how i can add username?

Hey All\ I am creating a hackernews clone, and i want to add email-password login, which is working great. thank you for that. But, unfortunately i couldn't succeed to add username to form without rewriting all SignupForm component. Is there a way to add username field to SignupForm component without overriding it? Its using Auth component and that component is handling a lot thing about registration, i do not want to copy-paste all that code in a new file and making things complicated. ...