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Couldn't find wasp project root in GitHub CodeSpaces

Hello team, I am trying to run a Wasp proyect in a GitHub Codespace and I am getting this error: Couldn't find wasp project root - - make sure you are running this command from a Wasp project. Of course I am in the correct path, with the main.wasp file correctly formated and the permissions added (rwx). Any clue?

How to install wasp?

When I run curl -sSL https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh | sh on windows I am getting an error: 'sh' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. How to overcome this?...

The "Fixing common mistakes in pages... "

Hi, I just tried creating a new app that has 3 main db tables (Games -> Players -> Stats) and the first time I ran it pretty weird stuff happened with incorrectly names pages, and like the Dashboard page was exporting a function named Game, etc.
So I hit retry and paid attention to what was happening. It appears the "Fixing common mistakes in pages..." phase is messing things up. I viewed the pages as they were being generated and the code looks pretty legit, but then the Fixing phase ran and really just spewed code all over all 4 pages that previously had been isolated in each Page.
Is this a known issue?...
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What's the Wasp way of adding ESLint/Prettier?

I saw that for production dependencies the docs mention the dependencies configuration in the wasp file. But what about development dependencies? Do you add a root package.json file and install them yourself that way or what's the Wasp Way? šŸ™‚...

Error when running new app

I seem to get this error whenever executing wasp start command : [Server] src/auth/utils.ts(56,3): error TS2322: Type 'SigningKeyCallback' is not assignable to type '{ id: any; }'. The only thing I did was : wasp new app -t saas, then the db migration command, then wasp start. I dont do any action on the app. Any idea what could cause this ?...

Invalid Argument

wasp db migrate-dev
šŸ --- Compiling wasp project... --------------------------------------------------


is Wasp Down?

i have been trying to signup into the web app i created with wasp but it has been stucked. Anyone having the same issue?
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How to seed production database using fly proxy -a <app_name>

Hi! I've successfully deployed my app to fly.io. Now I'm trying to seed my production database following the guide in this PR: https://github.com/wasp-lang/wasp/pull/1524/commits/baa9c01ce240c94a088de7fba6ac682b7748c98d But I'm stuck after (successfully) opening the tunnel. The tunnel command says Proxying local port 5432 to remote which looks ok. Problem is the tunnel stays open and I cant enter my next command. How do I open the tunnel in a headless way so I can run the actual seed? I've added the DATABASE_URL to my .env.server file. It would be nice if the documentation could be updated to include a dedicated part for this. I feel the PR linked above should also be a bit improved with the headless part. ...

List of scalars in entities

Does Wasp support lists of scalars when defining entities? For example: ``` entity Recipe {=psl ......
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Blank Page when start the app

Hello fellow waspers, Occasionally when I run wasp start I recieve a blank page and there are no errors in the wasp console. How could I solve it?...

Google auth stops working when I remove email.

Google auth works fine if the email method is also added in the main.wasp file, but as soon as I remove email, it stops working. It redirects to localhost:3001.
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Stripe not working in my Saas Template Project.

I have added a test product in stripe and added the appropriate keys in the .env.server file but it is not working and the error is not giving much information.
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Is anyone else getting response timeouts when trying to run MageGPT locally with GPT4

Caught retryable HTTP exception while doing ChatGPT request: HttpExceptionRequest Request { host = "api.openai.com" port = 443 secure = True requestHeaders = [("Content-Type","application/json; charset=utf-8"),("Authorization","<REDACTED>")]...

I have npm installed just whenever I try to run the wasp project I come on this error code help!

[Server!] npm ERR! Invalid Version: [Server!] [Server!] npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in: /home/kuba/.npm/_logs/2023-10-25T23_58_57_340Z-debug-0.log āŒ --- [Error] Your wasp project failed to compile: -------------------------------...
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tried to install wasp but gets this error "WARNING: It looks like '/Users/xxx/.local/bin is not on your PATH! You will not be able to invoke wasp from the terminal by its name. You can add it to your PATH by adding following line into your profile file (~/.profile or ~/.zshrc or ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc export PATH=$PATH:/Users/xxx/.local/bin I can't seem to find a way around this...

Wasp cannot find wasp root after downloading MageGPT app

Hi, nice to meet you all! I am having issues to run the app that MageGPT generated for me. I have installed wasp and I have tried to setup a blank app and it worked. Unfortunately when I tried running the generated code, it said: ...

Dockers issue for postgreSQL database

Iā€™m trying to run a wasp project and I keep running into a database error Please help!...
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Setting up Wasp on Windows

Hello there! I am trying to build Wasp in my system (Windows 10). I have followed the steps in this link: https://github.com/khairalanam/wasp/tree/main/waspc#quick-overview I am stuck in the Build step. When I tried running the "cabal build", I get this error: cabal- Cannot find the program 'ghc'. User-specified path...