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edit app

Hi all, Is it possible to edit an app once its been created....


Hi, I'm trying to make the request email password sent. I configured main.wasp exactly like show in the documentation. When I go the request-reset-password and enter an email I do see a: [Server] POST /auth/email/request-password-reset 200 1228.970 ms - 16 ...

alternative to openai

If I have an alternative "open AI compatible" API endpoint can I configure mage to use that instead? is all you need a completion endpoint? function calling too i assume...

Python backend?

Hey just started through the tutorial with wasp, loving it! Not an expert in full stack dev, and wondering if it's possible to do a wasp + python backend (flask, django) implementation? Are there any docs on that? Thanks!...

Mage GPT?

Hi I am new to this. Am I allowed to ask about mage gpt things here or does anyone know of a group that specializes in such things.

IP - Intellectual Property Ownership

Hey all, very new to this community but really excited about its potential! If I were to create my protoype using this tool, would I own the intellectual property?...

Setup and installation

Hello all, Complete novice here. Trying to install the app that I have created using the MAGE GPT Web App Creator. Looks and sound like a sensational piece of software. ...

Intellisense for projects

Are there any recommendations for setting up intellisense in VS Code to allow for autocompletion and similar features? I assume it's due to the separation of the dev code vs the output code, but it would be nice to have autocompletion and auto-importing. For example, I just added a component library to the dependencies and it looks like I have to manually import every component I want to use (I know, first-world dev problems 🙃)....

An error ocurred. Please refresh the page.

I have uploaded the todo app example and created a few applications using Mage GPT. All the applications I have tried give me an error. the todo app gives me An error ocurred. Please refresh the page. Any help would be appreciated !
No description

can we self-host Wasp AI app generator?

Hi, I’m looking at self-hosting the AI app generator and extending its capabilities. Is it something doable?...

Simple Way to Run App Online?

Is there an easy way to take the Wasp output and run it online? Is there a service or something? I'm happy to pay, but I'm not a developer so something simple would be best!

Guys i get this error on git bash when i try to install wasp

Sorry, this installer does not support your operating system: MINGW64_NT-10.0-19045. what can i do?...

How to include a custom file in the project?

Hey, I need to store a custom .json file in the "server" folder of the Wasp project, what's the correct way to do it? The file is being ignored by the compiler and not present in .wasp folder

Can Wasp server code be run without docker

Hi after executing "wasp build", i see server and client code getting build in .wasp/build directory. Deployment of front end code is clar to me, but for server code it seems that it has to be implemented as a docker container. Can i build server code and run it as a normal node js process with pm2 without using docker. I tried building it and then run from dist folder, but all i get is "hello world" on home page route....

Can anybody help with this problem

[Server!] 19 | following User[] @relation("UserFollows", fields: [followingId], references: [id]) [Server!] 20 | followers User[] @relation("UserFollowed", fields: [followerId], references: [id]) [Server!] 21 | followingId Int [Server!] | [Server!]...

Can I host the frontend in github pages?

Hello. I have a doubt. Can I host the frontend in github pages? Please let me know whether I can or not.

ETA for smarter merging of accounts

Is there any ETA for the 'smarter merging of accounts'? I made an app with email & social auth that relies on users inviting other users to their workspaces. I'm a bit stuck as invited users can only login using their email and password, which is a bit confusing as I'm also offering social auth. ...

Couldn't find wasp project root in GitHub CodeSpaces

Hello team, I am trying to run a Wasp proyect in a GitHub Codespace and I am getting this error: Couldn't find wasp project root - - make sure you are running this command from a Wasp project. Of course I am in the correct path, with the main.wasp file correctly formated and the permissions added (rwx). Any clue?