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Cleaned up version of opensaas

Hey, im looking to using opensaas but i dont want any of the features, AI scheduler, tasks etc, do i just delete from the main.wasp file?

Type error: Undefined identifier: Dummy (On Wasp Start)

Hello im trying to install latest version and get this error?

Broke wasp db studio after migrating from Wasp 0.11 to 0.13

Hi 👋 Wasp db studio seems to break after migrating from Wasp 0.11 to 0.13. I've followed the guide as outlined in the documentation, so I've first upgraded to 0.12 and afterwards to 0.13. However, when I now try to run wasp db studio I'm getting following error:...

Get Download URL After Upload

Using the provided template, I'm having a hard time figuring out a good way to get the download url after uploading a file to s3. I know the template lists all of a user's files with a download button, but the logic there is a little confusing to follow. I have a form that uses the file upload functionality and that works fine, but I need to capture the download url before the form "submits". Could someone give me a hand with this? Lol even chatgpt doesn't handle this so well. For context, I have a form to upload a post. The image for it needs to upload, provide a download link, that I can then store when I createPost(). Thanks in advance. And sorry if it's a noob question....

Direction of wasp-lang

Had tinkered around with it for a week. Like the abstraction done by wasp but thus far I do see a bunch of hurdles for people that want to bring this to actual "saas" level like the direction Vercel is heading. Or maybe I'm wrong and that this is merely a starting point for saas creation and that people would have to break away from the abstraction once there is enough traction for them? Anyway curious on a bunch of stuff below - having slightly more access to abstractions created Abstraction is good but sometimes at a cost E.g, like the oauth process flow is hidden from us, would be better if they are created and can be modified if needed in the template (possible to put up disclaimer or something on modifying it). Case in point, wanted to modify the loading screen that is waiting for the auth callback, or the callback path or password requirements etc...

Vercel AI Sdk

I wanted to use the vercel AI Sdk but I don't know if it works with wasp (some features only work with Nextjs and require RSC I've just discovred wasp trough the opensaas template...

File Upload (Tutorial Follow Along)

Hi! I'm following along with the tutorial https://docs.opensaas.sh/guides/file-uploading/ and I'm getting a 403 error after adding my IAM and S3 credentials to my .env.server ``` { "message": "Request failed with status code 403",...

Are there any known limitations with wasp vs using traditional NodeJS + React?

I am evaluating if i should replace my software factory templates (that were manually built) that use NodeJS + React + Sequelize + Express + Swagger and others with wasp. But for this to happen i need to solve a few uncertainties: 1. How certain am I that wasp will be maintained in the future? 2. Are there any limitations by using wasp (seems there isnt, but maybe you know some)...

Adding Locify pages to OpenSaaS app.

Hi! I am new to development and keen to expand my new SaaS instance - To add new pre-coded pages from Locify (AI front-end developer) do I need to add something specific to main.wasp? I assume I need to add a new page to front end and look for dependancies to include - Just unsure if I also add something specific to main.wasp. Any help or examples are really appreciated

is there going to be a MongoDB integration soon?

I have to build a project using mongodb and i was really looking forward to do so with wasp. I recently noticed that MongoDB is not yet supported by wasp, so i wanted to know if it will be supported soon. if not, would you recommend using wasp with MongoDB anyways (the hard way)?

DB stuidio on fly.io

Hello, Is there any easy way to get prisma studio avanible for postgres instance already deployed on flyio?...

wasp start in custom port that added in .env

i have to start wasp app in dynamic port every time like this, but how i can use .env variable in vite.config.ts ``` import { defineConfig } from 'vite' ...

How to Change the Overall Color Scheme of a Website

1. I would like to modify the overall color scheme of my website, which is currently set to yellow. How can I change it to blue? 2. Additionally, I am interested in adding some custom pages, such as a Sidebar component. I noticed that there are default components in the code. Where can I find information on which components are pre-set and which ones I need to create from scratch if I want to add new ones?...

Installing Reflio affiliate manager

I am trying to install Reflio to handle my affiliate deals. In their walkthrough, in step 6 they ask to install the following JS when a user signs up: ``` <script type="text/javascript"> await Reflio.signup('[email protected]') </script>...

Error: spawnSync /Users/venkatesh/wasp/freelander/app/node_modules/vitest/node_modules/esbuild/bin/e

Hi, I am on MacOS 14.4.1 (23E224), I get the above error when i try to run wasp db migrate-dev Full error below: [ Wasp !] npm error code 1 [ Wasp !] npm error path /Users/venkatesh/wasp/freelander/app/node_modules/vitest/node_modules/esbuild...

Can't open input file .../project-name/node_modules/.bin/prisma when running wasp db migrate-dev

I'm following the tutorial and everything has been working well through step 3 (Pages & Routes). During step 4 I've added the task entity in main.wasp entity Task {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) description String isDone Boolean @default(false) psl=} ...

Sign up network error

When signing up a new user while running it local, I get an error that states "network error". I'm not sure if this has do do with using WSL and it not connecting to the Postgresql db, but I welcome any feedback!

Trying to globally install Wasp with ZSH

I have been trying to configure my device (MacOS M1 Pro Ventura 13.4) with 'wasp completion'. However, my profile is a zsh profile. I have tried using oh-my-zsh and other ways, but still cant get it to work. I am sure its something obvious, but any help would be super appreciated thanks everyone! #🙋questions


How can i properly add tailwind to my project?

using ai after project creation

Can i use gpt like in wasp new but i'm existing project? I want to just type prompt like "add admin dashboard" then it automatically updates files without me