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Deployment Options

Hi, I understand the recommended deployment is fly. I would like to ask if anyone can share their experience deploying on vercel or GCP Cloud Run. Perhaps comparison of these 3 would be apprecciated: Fly, Vercel, GCP Cloud Run.

Stripe event for onMonthlyContinuation of subscription?

In the open-saas template there's the one time payment option to receive 10 credits. I'm making one of my tiers come with 50 credits per month. What's the recommended way to check for if the payment for the next month has been received so that I can add 50 more credits to the user's account?

stripe integration testing on local gets me 403 using gmail

stripe integration testing on local gets me 403 on email , I havent tried deploying it yet

I am getting a 403 on sendgrid sending locally

Hey folks, While trying to follow the tutorial and setting up a sendgrid account and linking it in my main.wasp file, I get a 403 whenever a user on localhost tries to sign up. I haven't deployed this at all yet as I'm going step by step through the tutorial. My API keys are correct...
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wasp start db hanging

Hi πŸ™‚ I'm trying to start the database for the first time but the wasp start db command hangs: ```...

Mage Giving Error

Hey I am using wasp 0.13.0 and used mage to create the framework for a website I am making. Ive tried it twice but it gave the same error both times when I try running it in local host with wasp start. What could be the issue? (I attached a picture of the page it shows me)...
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Could not resolve "@emotion/styled" imported by "@mui/styled-engine"

Hello, i get the above error when using a component that i have installed via npm, i have tried "npm i @emotion/react @emotion/styled" but this does not seem to help, any advice? Thank you very much.

.env variables when deploying to production in railway - wasp 0.13.2, MacOS, Railway

Hi, I just deployed my backend to railway but I'm not so sure about the .env variables for the server because it has not asked for any like the ones for stripe. Should the ones in the .env.server be the real ones? I mean, I used test mode for Stripe and I pasted the test products that I created inside the .env.server. Should I paste the real values inside it? I'm a bit confused being this my first deployment using wasp and railway XP
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Entity variations

Is there a way to create variations of generated Prisma entity types? (See docs: https://www.prisma.io/docs/orm/prisma-client/type-safety/operating-against-partial-structures-of-model-types#problem-using-variations-of-the-generated-model-type) I have a User entity that has a Role entity relation and would like to create a Wasp query that fetches both user data and the user role, returning it as 1 merged response object. ...

Optimal approach to fire a second query that depends on the result of a first query?

I'm building out the messaging portion of my SaaS, and first I send a query for the chats, and then after that I retreive the details of those involved in the conversation via a second query. My standard implementation would be to use a useEffect hook with the chats as a dependency, but wondered if there was a better version of doing this in wasp?

useQuery server side?

I am trying to use one of my queries inside of my websocket server but when I do, the context.user doesn't exist. Even if I make sure that I'm calling this query after the user is authenticated. I'm not sure why context.user isn't populated, but it got me to thinking if maybe I should only be using the queries from the client side? Surely there's a way to do it server side though? I have this query: app/src/server/queries.ts...

Adding Custom Auth

I am looking to add LinkedIn auth to an existing wasp project. Specifically, the linkedin auth that request the user's profile (3-legged oauth). How would I go about this? I know that it might involve modifying the wasp managed Auth entities but I can't find resources on doing that. Thanks in advance for your help!

CORS Issues After Deployment (Email Auth)

```Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://desi...' from origin 'https://desi...' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. index-Bh8OtO0g.js:57

POST https://des... net::ERR_FAILED...

Error Running Migrations

When I run wasp db migrate-dev it returns the following error:
error TS2741: Property 'consultantId' is missing in type '{ email: string; username: string; createdAt: Date; lastActiveTimestamp: Date; isAdmin: false; stripeId: string; sendEmail: false; subscriptionStatus: string; datePaid: Date; credits: number; checkoutSessionId: null; subscriptionTier: TierIds; }' but required in type 'Omit<GetResult<{ id: number; createdAt: Date; consultantId: string; email: string; username: string; lastActiveTimestamp: Date; isAdmin: boolean; stripeId: string; checkoutSessionId: string; ... 4 more ...; credits: number; }, unknown> & {}, "id">'.
error TS2741: Property 'consultantId' is missing in type '{ email: string; username: string; createdAt: Date; lastActiveTimestamp: Date; isAdmin: false; stripeId: string; sendEmail: false; subscriptionStatus: string; datePaid: Date; credits: number; checkoutSessionId: null; subscriptionTier: TierIds; }' but required in type 'Omit<GetResult<{ id: number; createdAt: Date; consultantId: string; email: string; username: string; lastActiveTimestamp: Date; isAdmin: boolean; stripeId: string; checkoutSessionId: string; ... 4 more ...; credits: number; }, unknown> & {}, "id">'.

React Router Dependency Issue

Getting an error: Error: Dependency conflict for user dependency (react-router-dom, ^6.23.1): Version must be set to the exactly the same version as the one wasp is using: ^5.3.3 Is Wasp on V5? If so, are there plans to update?...

git merge upstream/main

So I executed these commands as provided in the OpenSaas Docs: git remote add upstream https://github.com/wasp-lang/open-saas.git git fetch upstream git merge upstream/main ...

WASP_SERVER_URL not applied into ToDoApp tutorial

Hi, I'm doing the Wasp tutorial TodoApp from one of my VPS. The frontend run on a https URL and the backend needs to run on another https URL. I've configued on nginx proxy "wasp.domain.tld" to redirect frontend url to localhost:3000 and another proxy "wasp.domain.tld" to localhost:3001. I've updated the .env file with:...

Safe to do major prisma update?

My console informed me that there is a major Prima update available. Is it safe to update? ``` [ Db !] β”Œβ”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β”€β” [ Db !] β”‚ Update available 4.16.2 -> 5.14.0 β”‚...

Getting 404 when trying to use ai-generative mode

I am trying to create a project with ChatGPT with my own ChatGPT4 API key but I am getting a 404 whenever I try generating an AI project with WASP. Is there anything special that needs to be done with ChatGPT to make this work? Is there any wasp command to confirm that the API key works okay? `Generated project skeleton....

LinkedIn Auth

Will there be LinkedIn Authentication added to Wasp / OpenSaas anytime in the future? If so, is there an approx. timeline on it?