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crud get

Can seem to figure out how to curl a /Tasks/get to my database. See the following setup: main.wasp ``` route RootRoute { path: "/", to: MainPage } page MainPage {...

Operations restarts everytime i alt-tab to the window

I've used opensaas template as starter point and altered it a lot, but operations are pretty much the same, they are actually just select some rows using prisma queries do you know how i can fix this issue or at least what i should read?...

Affordable server solution

Hi there, I've built my first project using the OpenSaaS template and would like to deploy it. I've read a bit about the cost of services such as Vercel and that they can explode if you're app gets a decent amount of traction. What would be an affordable solution that costs less than $50 per month for the initial phase of a project and can be scaled on a budget? 🙂...

How to change the order of fields in in signup page

Hello, I have added additional fields to signup form but all additional fields appear under the password and email fields, which I do not like and would like to change it: ``` <SignupForm additionalFields={[ {...

How can I implement server sent events

How can I implement server sent events in the actions.ts? I understand that all the backend functions are added to actions.ts, but I would like to add a server sent event function to actions.ts Thanks for the help!...

Prisma Studio for a deployed app

Hi how do I access the Prisma user management in a deployed app? I'd specifically like to see which files a user has uploaded

How do I implement text streaming from the openai api

How do I implement text streaming from the openai api

CORS error while trying to sign up - deployed everything in railway

Everything is deployed in railway and all active but when I go to the signup page I get CORS error. I also checked the deploy logs in railway for the front and say this error while listening to the port Deployed app url -> https://client-production-4576.up.railway.app/signup Thanks in advance 😄...
No description


How i can "manualy" activate user who didnt click on confirmation mail?

Open Graph

How do add a link preview (aka Open Graph)?

open API documentation

How to add swagger open API documentation in open saas template?

Next.js vs. Wasp: Best Path Forward for a New Developer?

Hi everyone, I've just finished learning the basics of React and I also have experience with Node.js, Express, MongoDB, and Mongoose. My next plan was to start learning Next.js due to its server-side rendering (SSR) capabilities, which can improve performance and SEO. Recently, I came across an Open SaaS template that uses Wasp. I'm really intrigued by how quickly I can set up features like authentication and other functionalities using Wasp. Now, I'm at a crossroads trying to decide what to learn and use next for building applications....

Issues with MailGun

I'm attempting to add MailGun as my email provider, but running into some issues - whenever I attempt to use mailgun, I get a dependency error from ts-mailgun:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '__agent_base_https_request_patched__')
at ../../../node_modules/proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/patch-core.js (ts-mailgun.js?v=6165f70e:822:23)
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '__agent_base_https_request_patched__')
at ../../../node_modules/proxy-agent/node_modules/agent-base/patch-core.js (ts-mailgun.js?v=6165f70e:822:23)
I investigated this and whilst there's little info online, I did find this on stackoverflow which says that version 0.5 (the version of wasp) has the issue, and 0.18 fixes it - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50906419/cannot-read-property-validate-of-undefined-in-mailgun-js I am using wasp v0.13.2...

missing an opposite relation field

In a marketplace app, I have a JobAd entity that is created by an owner of type User. At some point in time after posting the JobAd, another User locks herself as the provider for this JobAd. I believe the entity definition should be entity JobAd {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement())...

Timestamp with time zone attribute in PostgreSQL Database

Given I use a postgres database and I want to add a "timestamp with time zone" attribute to a given WASP entity, what's the correct syntax? entity JobAd {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement())...

How do I add a different chatgpt api call

Hey folks, I want to add another form, and take those form parameters and embed them into a chatgpt prompt and fire off and display the response to users, however I am having trouble understanding the flow of the current gpt prompts andhow to build another. Thank you

Can't find variable: process

I am lately getting ReferenceError: Can't find variable: process which is caused by /server/config.ts and points to: ``` all: { env,...

Adding New Page

Hi, I'm new into fullstack. I want to add a new custom page that can be navigated from nvaigation bar at top (Features, Pricing, ...). Not sure what's the correct way or is it as simple as adding a file "XPage" under app folder? I searched for a tutorial page but could not find it so far. Appreciate the help.

no changes on page problem

I'm doing the ToDo Tutorial and when I save a change nothing hapens att the page. If I close the "wasp start" and do "wasp start" again it show the new change but not as it is running? How to solve this?

Deployment Options

Hi, I understand the recommended deployment is fly. I would like to ask if anyone can share their experience deploying on vercel or GCP Cloud Run. Perhaps comparison of these 3 would be apprecciated: Fly, Vercel, GCP Cloud Run.