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Connecting to socials

how can i keep the instagram login to this

Where can I find the code for the login form?

Where can I find the code for the login form?

How to deploy my wasp project to a purchased basic server?

Let's say I bought a hosting service from GoDaddy, will I be able to upload my website after "wasp build"?

Change main font globally

I know it's probably a silly question but what's the easiest way to change the font-family globally? Through the tailwind.config.cjs?

Dependabot Vulnerability Alerts for Internal Dependencies

I have created a project using Wasp, based on a simplified version of the OpenSaaS template. I am receiving several Dependabot Vulnerability alerts in the GitHub repository related to the following internal dependencies of Wasp: - ws - express - follow-redirects...

What would you recommend for autocomplete search? Cache?

Without going into too much detail, how would we integrate something like Redis or elastic search for these purposes? Custom API endpoints? Create separate services and call from WASP custom endpoints? Ideas.

How to create a custom API Endpoint to check subscriptionStatus and subscriptionTier

I am building a browser extension that should only be accessible to the users that have an account with my webapp and are logged in with the same browser. My wasp version seems to be 0.13.2 as it returns that when I run wasp version. I have noticed that wasp documentation mentions this in the documentation for wasp 0.13: ...

Setting up Wasp

Hi, I've set up Wasp today following the steps in the Quick Start instructions, but I got an error message saying that Wasp had not been added to my PATH for some reason. What am I supposed to do to resolve that error? Sorry if it's a silly question, I'm not a developer. Thanks for your help!...

Vite.Config.Js and import Issues

Maybe specific to me/my abilities, but struggling importing some things with control access via vite.config.js. I am trying to import from public folder, @import "../../public/assets/fonts/gordita/stylesheet.css"; @import "../../public/assets/fonts/bootstrap-icons-1.11.1/font/bootstrap-icons.css";...

Option to disable react strict mode

Can Wasp add an option to disable react strict mode?

How to do relationship updates? Prisma fails when doing connection to relationship.

One entity has relationship to another entity (table relationship). Per prisma docs I should be able to update it like this from .update method: data: { status: status, city: {...

The application isn't picking up server changes (on Actions.ts).

I make changes and send request from the front end, but it is stuck at older version of file. It shows an error, but reported error is based on the old version of the file. Changes to actions.ts file isn't being picked up.

How to overwrite system api endpoint?

Hello, I wanna use create custom auth/me endpoint handler, which would handle this request somehow differently, I have added this api to my main.wasp file, but when I make request to auth/me old handler is used. Is there a way to kind of overwrite system api endpoints? My api in main.wasp: ```...

WASP on windows WSL2 / arm64 - issue getting wasp start error

i'm trying to get a new project running on windows wsl2 - but in arm64. My wsl2 seems to be running fine, but wasp version or wasp start are throwing me: "qemu-x86_64: Could not open '/lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2': No such file or directory" - any linux / wasp gurus able to advise on how to resolve this?...

Actions.ts doesn't have hot reload?

My actions file isn't reloading. The frontend stuff reloads but my actions file doesn't when I make a change, and I have to manually restart server.

Dependency issue with fly.io server deploy

Hello everyone đź‘‹ , I followed the instruction and deployed SaaS template with wasp deploy fly launch <project-name> iad
client and database were created with no issues but server returns attached error message. ...

How to change the language of authentication forms?

I have noticed, that nowhere in the entire repository the lines like “Create a new account”, “Log in to your account”, “Forgot your password?” Show up. Where are they set and how can they be altered to change them to another language?...

Issues deploying to fly (server + client specifically)

Hi team, just having a few issues attempting to deploy onto fly - the database has gone up totally fine, but the client and server are stuck on "pending". I've tried to redeploy by adding the db connection string to my server env file, but still getting this error Your server app does not have a DATABASE_URL secret set. Perhaps you need to create or attach your database? And both client + server are stuck on pending after several hours...

Stripe working in production but user credits don't update

Hi guys, Today I tried to make a payment on my SaaS https://www.fueltrackerapp.com and everything worked fine except for one thing, the user credits didn't update! I'm not so sure what's happening because in dev mode everything works fine. Anybody knows what could be happening?...

Help me create a new wasp project

Give me step by step guide to implement the following project description `Description Creating a real-time multi-user collaboration todo list application involves integrating features that allow multiple users to work together on tasks simultaneously Key Features ...