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how do write to my entity from custom api

How do i write to my entity from custom api

request too large

in a wasp action, while uploading the base64 of an image (adds up to ~400kb) i get request too large error. do i have access to the bodyparser in actions? (to increase the limit) or how should i proceed...

Control order of fields through SignupForm/ additionalFields before email and password

Need to ask for firstName and lastName during the sign up. To make it pretty I want it to be FirstName LastName Username Password Byt additionalFields...

Where can I found the select "input template" ?

Where can I found the select "input template" ?

Understanding api/ backend communication

Hey guys, let me preface this with I am a complete hack, still working to learn js, much less node/ react, so I'm hitting above my pay grade messing around with WASP and open-saas. I'm trying to come to grips with how WASP and open-saas handle the backend stuff from the front end. In node, I had services set up for my components and also an api with api endpoints. I'm under the impression that this setup is replaced by the operations setup? I notice operations files with the TSX files that req...

Open Saas template update

Hi team, I have the following questions: • How can I find out which version of the Open SaaS template is used in my project?...

When i load a page it executes an action twice

```tsx if (userSalesdataEx && credsExist){ console.log("Loading new data...") getAndStoreNewData(); // Voeg hier de benodigde argumenten toe }...

Google OAuth help

Hi I am a bit stuck, I am using the Saas Template and trying to add Google OAuth, I have followed all the steps in the documentation but am stuck probably due to my lack of experience. I am trying to test locally the OAuth I have added localhost as a redirect uri in my google cloud console. When I click sign up with google I get redirected to http://localhost:3001/auth/google/login where I get a refused to connect error. If i change the port to 3000, i do not get the error but just nothing happens. I have two questions what is going on with the 3000 and 3001 ports, should I specify the ports somewhere? Secondly, what could be the reason my google oauth is not working?...

redirect from landing page to another if user is logged in?

trying to do exactly what the title says. any advice would be nice

Quick question about Wasp Operations

Are wasp operations exposed on the client?

can i implement an algorithm that fetches data on the client side

Could i implement an algorithm that fetches data and makes a nice graph of it on the client side?

After deploying on Railway, database schema changes are not propagated

Wondering why my app isn't working, I check in the server logs to find there area lot of errors related to an undefined database field. This is because we added a database field after deploying to Railway. Now we have steps for deploying the client, and deploying the server that both involve using the Railway CLI ("railway up"), however this step does not seem to address migrations. I've tried changing the DATABASE_URL in my local .env.server to the URL provided by Railway and running "wasp db migrate-dev". This fails with:...

RSA algorithim for /auth/exchange-code

I need to authenticate users on chrome extenstion using goolge Auth. However I facing issue with ID_token retrieved by google. When I try to exchange that with endpoint we have /auth/exchange-code it give invalid algorithim. Seems opensaas or weblang only supports HS256 , not RS256 based token. Anyone suggestion to overcome ?

Github auth "All user data"

When i create an oauth application, it says it will be able to read/write on all user data in github. i do no want this - how can i make it so all wasp requests is to read email - thats all

Stripe Checkout not opening when selecting buy plan

I have updated all the keys, and webhook, is there anything else i need to do?

Help Needed with OpenSaaS in GitHub Codespaces

Hey everyone! I’m running into a frustrating issue while trying to run OpenSaaS, deployed in GitHub Codespaces. Hoping to find someone who has navigated similar challenges or could point me in the right direction. Problem: • When I run wasp start, my app launches without issues, and the frontend works as expected. However, I’m consistently hitting a network-related error when trying to make API requests via Axios. Like when I visit /login and try to login for example...

I have added wasp to my PATH, but it still says it cant be found.

I have wasp in my local/bin/wasp, i also have shared/bin/wasp-lang/0.14.2/wasp-bin and data file . I am not sure why the command cant be found.

Plan switching not reflected in the database

Using Stripe, I switched from the hobby to the pro plan, but this change doesn’t seem to be reported to the database. Is this feature supposed to be supported?
No description

Building wasp apps: Easy. Deploying wasp apps: ?!@#$

I've tried deploying the back-end with 1) Docker 2) Node 3) "wasp start" reverse proxied behind Apache None of those work. All behave the same way. I can access my routes (e.g. /api/test) and wasp provided routes (e.g. /api/auth/me /api/auth/email/signup) are 404. I've given up on deploying on my server (it's just not possible) and am trying Railway There is a step which says "Open the Settings and go to the Variables tab: click Variable reference and select DATABASE_URL (it will populate it with the correct value)"...

Deploying with Docker issues

I'm tryint to deploy the back-end with Docker on an Ubuntu box. I have the front end up via Apache, and the backend is reporting 404 on routes like /api/auth/me and /api/email/signup. I added a test route and I am able to hit it with curl via both localhost and the fully qualified DNS url - so that much is working. I went in and hacked the .wasp/build/server/src/server.ts to print the list of routes, and, it's pretty much empty. --------------------...