I enable it but everytime I restart my pc It turns back off it also tells me that there was an error when restarting it I made sure all my drivers are up to date and everything but I just can’t find a reason for it to turn off
how to fix? even if I already enabled secure boot
Solution: Enable TPM from the bios

cant queue (queue is disabled)
could not enter matchmaking. its happening to my friends too not just me
so me and my friend played one game after two half years and he got i think ban bcs he has a suspected something in hes account and we dont understand what happend could someone help PM me whatever thanks allot
Game not Starting
Help I've been trying every single solutions but the game just doesn't want to start
how to fix dog wifi and high ping
my ping always spikes in game and i have good wifi speed (no i dont have ethernet) and network buffering on max setting dont help with spiking ping
this version of vanguard requires you to update your operating system
hola, instale un sistema operativo para poder jugar valorant ya que no tengo una buena pc para jugar, este se llama minio os 11 pro, me aparece este mensaje al querer jugar valorant,
this version of vanguard requires you to update your operating system mini os
tambien juego lol sin problemas, en caso del valorant entra pero a los minutos me saca...
UEFI Boot Verification Failure ??
I’ve tried multiple solutions on the internet but it doesn’t work help:Omen_Cry:

game says no internet found even tho i have a good connection
since yesterday i can't run the game as whenever im trying to open the game it says internet not available my youtube and everything else is running absolutely fine just its the game that's not working pls help. I even deleted the game ad tried reinstalling but at the 40 gb pack install it again says no internet found
Valorant freezes when any key is pressed
Valorant freezes and restarts for half an hour when pressing any key, for example, Caps Lock, which has nothing to do with the game, but I can turn the camera and click on the mouse buttons.
i need help like MASSIVE help with a pc

Did i got false banned??? I wrote "j*rk off" in chat
And after a whole day im playing with my friend in spike rush, then suddenly pops up a massege saying i got banned for 2 weeks... if there is a riot dev seeing this can u pls answer🙏😭
Best gun
Is there any key option within Valorant to equip the most powerful weapon you have at the moment?
issues tabbing on
i cant tab onto valorant after i launch it, anyone know how to fix that
i have already tried updating my drivers and reinstalling valorant...