I enable it but everytime I restart my pc It turns back off it also tells me that there was an error when restarting it I made sure all my drivers are up to date and everything but I just can’t find a reason for it to turn off
99 Replies
Do you get a blue screen
Open Microsoft store
And download “Windbg”
Downloading it rn
Alright I got it open rn
Close it and run it as admin
Alright just did
Once it’s open, click
Files > open a dump file > browse
Navigate to C:/Windows/Minidump
and open the latest dump file
Alright got it open
Show ss
Alright one sec

Scroll down

Click on that
alright clicked on it
Wait for it complete
Scroll down to the end
And send ss once it completes
of the bottom or whole thing?
The bottom part

Open the C:/Windows/Minidump and show ss of the files in it rq

Also open core isolation page
And show ss rq

Just to make sure
Enable it and Restart
And do the above steps with the windbg and show ss

What cpu and gpu do you have
i5 9300f and a 1650
Send the whole text file here
My bad I ended up falling asleep
It should be open on my pc still so copy and paste it here?
Send it as a txt file
That is not the whole thing
Give the text file of after when u click on analyze-v
mb think thats the wrong one again hold up
that should be it
okay idk why it took so long it wouldnt put the last part in
Can u just send the whole thing in 1 file
Can u take a photo of the BSOD using ur phone and send it here please

Ok ty
Open cmd as admin
Type this command
sfc /scannow
Let it finish and show result

dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Type that
Show result once done

chkdsk C: /f /r
Show result once done
Chkdsk cannot run because the volume is in use by another
process. Would you like to schedule this volume to be
checked the next time the system restarts? (Y/N)
says this
Open the core isolation page
Enable memory integrity
And show ss
Don't restart yet

Ok try restarting
got the blue screen again and it turned off
Turn it back on
alright just did
Can't rly figure out what driver is causing it
Try doing a clean boot
Enable memory integrity again
Don't restart for now
Press win+r
Type msconfig
Then services tab
Hide all microsoft services
Show ss

Disable all
alright just did
Open task manager > startups
And disable everything as well
Press apply and ok here ^
just did
MB ☠️🙏🏻
Restart pc
And try to enable
😂 you good Ngl while waiting I went to the gas station and made food
Restart again after I turn it on?
Alright just did
Did you get a blue screen
Am I cooked?
Twin wnat dl I do
Twin it’s been over 12 hours where you at
Wanna try something?
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss of the whole page
My bad I wasn’t awake at this time
I’ll try it and send it now though

Open cmd as admin and type this command
reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\DeviceGuard" /v "EnableVirtualizationBasedSecurity" /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
Show result

Restart ur pc
Alright just did
Press win+r
Type msinfo32
Show ss

Try da game
tells me i gotta restart to play it
Restart then
damn says the same thing still
keeps telling me to resrart
Open cmd as admin
Type this
sc query vgk
Show result

Close it
Press win+r
Type services.msc
Hit enter
There look for vgc
Right click on it
Change startup type to automatic
Then start the service
Then restart
Show any errors that it might give u
Alright just restarted
Let’s see it let’s me play now I’ll run a death match to make sure
Same error

Try to enable memory integrity again
And restart
Blue screen so im guessing it’s gonna be off but I’ll wait to see
Yeah it turned off
blue screen of pain and agony
Hopefully I won’t have to deal with this for too long I’m building a new pc soon
Anything I gotta do now?