31 Replies
Try them out in the range
Um why not?
it lineup
What does that have ti do with picking what character you unlock?
he needs to learn lineups in a custom map
and range doesnt provide that
smart guy
I don't think they do. You dont need to learn lineups for a character you can't play.
wdym by they
are u using google translate?
They singular
what is going on here dude
I can't tell what the person was asking
but whats going on with you and this ameer guy
he has a sigma pfp tbh
No idea, but it doesn't seem constructive
so basically
you said they
cos your scared of misgendering or whatever the heck
and he is saying just say he
am i right
Idk man, i just use whatever pronouns until someone tells me otherwise.
tbh while playing val i just say he cos its majority men
and if they say no im a girl i say she
dont complain
what is this putin ah shit

how to fix this
nah bro i love that pfp
did putin hack my pc
prob shldnt be sending gifs with swears its ramadhan
Do you know best agent for lineup?
Can you tell me
im new in the game
im Iron one
Oh sorry
Lineups to do what