Sites does not see my meta like ogDescription and my favicon
Block an array of dates from Calendar

Submit securely
Nuxt Layer auto import types automate
import type { Hallo } from '../types/types/Hallo';
Inside the Nuxt config of the types packages I added this:
imports: {...use .nuxtignore to serve static file from server
SQLITE in production
PRAGMA journal_mode = WAL;
for concurrent writes with sqilite I really dont understand why I should use it in a project. (Disclamer for nerds)
I want to use sqlite in my nuxt application. Figured out the easiest way to deploy is within the server directory.
Is the server directory accessible from the public internet? Will nuxt break if i put a file .db in this directory? Ideally I want a location where apis can read from and since sqlite only manages file permission I must place the .db file in a path inaccessible form the public internet....Difference between server plugin and server route middleware
I can get the out of useRequestEvent() and update pinia store value and use that on subsequent client side navigations. It get's updated after reload or other server requests....Nuxt Content didn't deploy to Netlify, static generation broke my server routes, I fixed all tho.
mode but then I decided to set { server: false }
in my useAsyncData
and realized it doesn't work...
It works when I move from another page to that page but it doesn't work when I refresh the page, so I think it has something to do with Netlfiy and SSR in Nuxt....Cannot compile
Can't access values from useRuntimeConfig() from /plugins
useRuntimeConfig empty in wrangler local preview
nitro version: 2.11.0-20250115-115413.749f035d
...Proper way of handling image uploads
How to cache API requests on the server side?
has anyone here managed to use Nuxt with InstantDB's admin SDK?
HTML comment tags causing warnings/errors in .server.vue component
NuxtUI HorizontalNavigation

Redirect from server handler
from FE and BE will redirect you to other Nuxt page like this
This doesn't work for me (Should it?)
```ts...Missing “#app-manifest” specifier in “nuxt” package

Nuxt Generate with BaseUrl
nuxt generate
and then start it with NUXT_APP_BASE_URL=/dash/ npx serve .output/public
all the requests still go to
instead of
I have the same issue when using static images, when i use the following code: