


Nuxt Community Chat Server


[Content 3] Multiple sources

According to Can I create collection with multiple sources? For example: ```javascript posts: { source: [{...

App very slow on custom host

I have a project in which I use a custom host, instead of localhost:3000 I have a project.test:3000 except that my app is totally slow, calls to the api are very long

Can't start nuxt: Transform failed with 1 error: <stdin>:11:3: ERROR: Unexpected ","

I tried everything and I can't get nuxt to start after upgrading to 3.15.4 I tried also with: ```...

Installing modules/Plugin during Runtime

Hello i hope you're having a good day. Hello, this is mostly theoretical, i think it's mostly architectural but i'm not sure if it's feasible so bear with me. ...

i18n - Switching locales fails if an anchor has been clicked beforehand.

If there is an anchor which jumps to a certain section of the page, the anchor can not have different names (can't be translated). For instance if I click the following link: ```javascript <NuxtLink to="#contact"> {{ $t('to_contact') }} </NuxtLink>...

Jest: Property '$style' does not exist on type 'Vue'

Hello. There is a project in Nuxt 2. I have a component is module CSS : ``` <div :class="$style.test"></div>...

how can i print a .vue componant in nuxt?

how can i print a .vue componant in nuxt?

`page:loading:end` and `page:finish` called twice when navigating to nested routes

Hello, I'm using nuxt-umami module that uses page:finish hook to track page view event. I noticed that my nested pages trigger this event twice. My pages structure looks like this: ``` pages...

Trouble with pinia - `defineStore is not defined` when a layer containing a pinia store is called

I have been fighting this issue for awhile now, but when I have a layer in my app that is packaged separately (non-monorepo) and it uses pinia, I get errors in my app: defineStore is not defined -- I have tried so many things to work around this, and even have a PR that I think fixes the issue on pinia: Maybe this is a shot in the dark, but if anyone can help me understand where/why that is failing it would be a big help. If I look in the imports.d.ts file in my app's .nuxt dir, I can see that defineStore is exported:
export { defineStore, acceptHMRUpdate, usePinia, storeToRefs } from '../node_modules/@pinia/nuxt/dist/runtime/composables';
export { defineStore, acceptHMRUpdate, usePinia, storeToRefs } from '../node_modules/@pinia/nuxt/dist/runtime/composables';

Add a Nuxt module on top of an existing vue plugin library (without the official module-builder)

Hi everyone! I have a TypeScript library which has its core implemented as a framework agnostic components (it's actually a repository pattern to connect with my APIs). Inside of this same library I built a Vue Plugin to be able to use this library out of the box inside of any of my Vue SPA applications (I use Vite as bundler btw). So I can use import { anyRepo } from "my-lib" or import { installVuePlugin, useMyLib } from "my-lib/vue" - I could do this by adding Vue as peer deps and externalizing it as I build the library with Vite and I have 2 outputs being the root generic one and the Vue-ish one....

How to detect when USlideover is closed?

Hey everyone, I need an event that triggers when USlideover is closed - either by clicking the "close" button or by clicking the overlay. I couldn't find anything about this in the documentations:...

Trouble with nuxtjs/medusa module

After adding the nuxtjs/medusa module to my project I get errors on startup. Is there any workaround for this at the moment? [nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module './stringify' Require stack: - C:\dev\workspace\nuxt3-medusa\qs...

Clearable <USelectMenu>

How can I make a sort of clearable menu? I did it like this using a <UIcon> but it's so unreliable its all janky and doesn't work properly ```html <USelectMenu...

<USelect> in #trailing slot in <UInput> does not appear clickable

I'm trying to make this work: ```html <UFormGroup :label="labels.daily" size="lg" :ui="{ label: { base: 'font-semibold text-md' } }"> <UInput...

Append data on useFetch on page change instead reload

Hi I would like to keep my data of previewed pages and append new data of the existing cached or stop if no more pages. Should I do separate useState or try it inside useFetch, i do not care about hard reloaded data, galleryData is for infinite gallery variable ```ts const {...

How to set basePath to relative ?

Hi, I'm looking for a way to change the /_nuxt/ path in my static build to ./_nuxt/ I found this in the docs:, but when I change it to './', it gets rewritten in the build to '/'....

Cannot find module @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl

When deploying our app to production, which probably runs on a linux machine, I get the following error on Nuxt 3.15.4: `` [error] Cannot find module @rollup/rollup-linux-x64-musl. npm has a bug related to optional dependencies ( Please try npm i` again after removing both package-lock.json and node_modules directory. at requireWithFriendlyError (node_modules/rollup/dist/native.js:64:9)...

v3 UI alpha throws typescript error [plugin:vite:vue] [@vue/compiler-sfc] Failed to resolve extends

The error is coming from the Button component in line 65 as given below. How can I reslove this issue? I am using latest nuxt and yarn as the package manager ERROR Internal server error: [@vue/compiler-sfc] Failed to resolve extends base type. 6:18:59 PM If this previously worked in 3.2, you can instruct the compiler to ignore this extend by adding /* @vue-ignore / before it, for example: interface Props extends / @vue-ignore */ Base {}...

Help with deploying nuxt module

Hi, I'm trying to release a nuxt module that integrates apple's MusicKit library. It all works and builds properly, however on npmjs I get a package missing error. Any help is appreciated. The library is here: Thanks...
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Critical vulnerability zlib/zlib1g

Hi all, I've got a Nuxt 3 app v3.15.1 and has found a critical vulnerability about a lib called zlib. I found in my yarn lock that the closest lib I have is minizlib. Which is a denpendecy of minipass-fetch which is also a dependency of make-fetch-happen. Do you guys have some information about this critical vulnerability?...