Bug: Notifications cannot be closed, when clicking under them
If the Notifications are empty, you cannot close them by clicking the blank space under the menu.
Clicking left or right from the menu still works....
When i use the app while playing a high fps game the sound keeps cutting out
the sound keeps cutting out and the previous keys i pressed before all play at once any fix to this?
When i use the app whilst playing games such as Valorant my mouse slows down?
If i have the program open/trayed my mouse sens feels significantly lower than usual. i have a razer 8khz and was wondering if it was an issue with that or something. Is this normal is there a fix for this?
How do i redeem the 100 keycaps linking my discord?
I linked my discord,but i dont see the achievement complete......
Enter fortnite and i dont listen the keys
i enter to fortnite and i dont listen but i exit fortnite and i hear it and in other games i listen the key sounds
My keys dont go up after playing a game.
When I'm done playing a game and i go to look at my Keystrokes in the last week/Leaderboard, The number does not go up at all.
Anyone know a fix?...
No sound
I opened CS:GO and the keycap and mouse sounds disappeared and won't come back no matter what I do. What should I do.
Performance InGame
My fps are low when I use the app, but when I close the app fps going back to normal.