Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time 🙂.







My netify cms panel is showing error on cms configuration!

I did according ko kevin's video but i am stuck here! please help me
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Redirect WordPress website

Hey guys, I'm kinda in a selection process and I have to do some tasks. One of them is to redirect when a checkout happens on a WooCommerce. They gave me the code that would do it and instructions. Problem is: I don't know PHP, I came with a few ways to do it but don't know if it would lead to any problem as I don't know how PHP code works. This is the code they sent me: ``` add_action( 'template_redirect', 'conditional_redirection_after_payment');...

Auto backup DB

Who can help me? I want to make an automatic backup of my db. But when I type ./ into my terminal nothing happens. So I don't think the backup is being made? or do i have something wrong in my code? ps. I use windows...

Prevent duplicate entries to be created in MongoDB query

I have a mongodb collection that is of the following schema: ```js const ArtistSchema = new mongoose.Schema({ firstname: { type: String,...

Need help with tokens

I am learning tokens got into cookie parser but it's not working
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I'm still learn on this thing. I have 2 table, table_A (transaction log) and table_B (for references). I want to display a full name based on transaction (like 3rd pic). How can I achieve that? Thank you....
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Spotify API get currently playing track

After generating the access token. I'm doing a get request but getting a 404: invalid username. I dont know what's causing the issue. Please help.
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Spotify API

Hey all! Need a little help fetching the track that I'm currently playing. I was going through the documentation and from what I've understood it says that the access token is valid only for one hour. I was planning to have a little section on a website I'm developing to show a "Now Playing - Spotify" section. How do I go about doing that? Thanks

Http Requests

Is the number of threads used to listen to http requests controlled by the developer I've been using node and I know that's single threaded, is that always the case where a single threads listens for requests or do some languages allow different threads listen to requests before handing over to handlers

Sass Build Systems fail Sass variables – Help!

I am working on an introduction to CSS Trigonometry tutorial by Kevin Powell. Everything works until the end of the tutorial where Kevin Powell demonstrates a Sass mixin to automatically process a series of CSS declarations. I get an error that looks like this:...

Multiple dates on one id?

Who can help me, I'm really stuck! I'll start at the beginning. I am making a platform for the cycling club. This contains all members. The intention is to keep track of all attendance and which group they drove. Now I already have a whole system, but to be able to fill in the attendances does not work. You should select the date. Then there are input fields for each member. Such as km, rode along yes or no and which group. So now I would like to save everything to yet another document. But this doesn't work....


hello guys , i want to learn the mvc and how to use it any suggestion course or books that could help me

socketio not communicating

Got a UUID on the client but just receiving empty string on the server IDK why

Vercel not rendering my api

does anyone know y its just showing the actual code instead of rendering the code
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node.js unit test resources

Any good resources for learning automated testing a rest api with Node.js/Express.js? Preferably, one that you've tried or heard good things about.

Symfony - Twig template rendering

Can you render a set of twig template files locally without having to use a route controller to do so? My experience with Symfony is limited, and I have been slowly chipping away at it, I'm at a point I can comfortably write templates and controllers on my own projects and have played around with doctrine. However, a company I work for has its website managed through a proprietary CMS built on the framework, which only runs if you have the correct image installed locally. They don't have controllers that I am familiar with and only work via the platform / locally installed platform. I'd like to be able to view the templates so I can see what is going on....

why else statement runs even if the if statement being true?

Guys, why the else statement runs even if the if statement is true ```js // file manager in node js --- FIRST PROJECT const fs = require('fs'); //file system module...
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Express with tailwindcss Issue

I am using tailwindcss for the express project , I have done the required steps - created tailwind.config.js , postcss config file and import tailwind directives in style.css . But the tailwind is not getting applied to .pug files Code -

What ORM would you recommend for connecting a simple Express.js app to Postgresql?

Hey, guys. I've got an express.js app that is not sophisticated at all. I'm just testing out some backend concepts that I'm interested in, but this is the precursor for the backend of a react app that is similar to an online shop. My question is in the title. I'm curious to hear your recommendations, and thanks in advance :)