Kevin Powell - Community


Kevin Powell - Community

A friendly place for developers to meet other devs, ask questions, get help, and just have a good time ๐Ÿ™‚.







Consistent distances between two elements in a grid

*Sorry for the new thread, I couldn't add new images to the old OP. ------------ So I'm trying to make one element in a grid start a consistent distance from another. For example in the images with the snowboarder I'd like the blue background to cut through the image about halfway up (image 1)...
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Is there a way to have bg-clip-text not cut off letters (eg: 'g') prematurely?

The g gets cut off prematurely. Adding a line-height of >= 1.2em fixes it, but makes the gaps between "Software" and "Engineer" incredibly huge and ugly on smaller devices. I'd love for it to be consistent. ```html <div className="p-10 flex flex-col gap-4"> <div className="text-5xl font-bold">...
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Help on SASS regarding responsive nav bar

Hello all, I just started learning from zero knowledge two weeks ago and currently tackling sass. I have a mockup and I am working towards but can't seem to get the nav items to space evenly within their "column" like the mock up as well as the longer border-bottom when the link is active (only to the width of the text) I've fiddled with flex box, alignment and justify content, nothing seems to make it budge.Been stuck on this for the past 6 hours and seriously questioning if I am just really stupid......
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Get Stuck with Arrow Hover Button

If the users click the entertainment features in the navigation bar it will take them to entertainment places i already did a flexbox cards but i don't know how to arrow hover button to hover all 6 flexbox cards in one row . I have attached the wireframe as well, you may refer to it.
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how to use and process token that i get after authentication is complete?

Description: First time creating MERN authentication I've created basic user login page with username and password if both matches it returns token which has setout time Questions and issue:...


Hi everybody I need a free api for crypto and nft( specially for nft) Could you please help me find that๐Ÿฅฒ...

How to make this grid layout without using display grid 2 times?

Is it possible to make this layout (1 full width row and 2 columns below) without using display grid 2 times like I did?
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Merged cells in table

I am creating this table layout with merged cells. The html I have written is a bit awkward. Please let me know if this is good or is there a better solution. ```html <table border="1"> <thead> <tr>...
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CSS Grid Makes White Space Because Of The Height Of Some Columns

The question is how do I just slot in the 2 rows beneath the picture into that white space, so that I get it like in the second picture
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After setting proxy in vite.config.js '/api/3' making call on 5173 port instead of 5000

Description: please note this is the first time I'm using proxy so i may not be aware of certain terminology or i might have made mistake. I've set up the proxy in vite.config.js code screenshot shown in first image port of frontend vite + react is 5173 port of backend node + express is 5000 (using cors)...
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How to make two scroll work at same time Only css

Help me... im kinda new but i want to know it...

How to keep all styles of an element when a drag and drop event occurs

Can anyone please help me with this part? When I drag and drop an element I want it to keep its styles, but now it has disappeared or is incomplete.

Format string from an object

I'm attempting to format text from an object in an array. I am mapping the objects to jsx. I am not sure how I would go about formatting a single property from a particular object. I've been googling for a bit, but maybe I'm not asking the right question. Any Ideas? ```js { id: '0',...

why css grids, just why??

I'm just asking as the grid overflows and it's not easy to make it dynamic

Seeking Guidance on Button Design: Photo and CodePen Link Provided

I have a question regarding the button I've shared a photo of. Could you please let me know how it looks? Additionally, I'm sharing the codepen link to show how I've approached creating this button. Can you guide me if there's an easier way to achieve the design shown in the photo?
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Need help with this HTML&CCS Challenge

My first problem that I'm stuck on is the <picture> element in html I'm not quite sure if I'm using it properly. My second problem is when I go from mobile to desktop my header and text seem to still be aligned centered and still have the max ch unit from mobile. I've tried fixing it but Im not quite sure how to get rid of it
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How to make this dynamic UI

Hello everyone. I have no idea to implement it. Requirement is the items which will disappear and show its hidden total when screen is increasingly narrower Ex: A,B,C,D -screen narrow-> A,B,C +1 -screen narrower-> A,B +2 Thank you everyone...
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Horizontal Scroll Carousel

Does anyone know of a JS library or jQuery library for something similar to this? This was built in React, and I don't know enough about it to reverse engineer something similar. What's really special about this one is how seamless it is. You scroll down, and instead of continuing downward, you automatically start moving right until the end, and then back down. It's really cool.

[React/NextJS] Any React Devs that can help figure out where we've gone short with this Cart? We're using localStorage and useEffect.. I think we're close, but we can't quite figure out the final hurdle to get over the finish line... We're working in app/cart/page.jsx and app/shop/page.jsx....

swiper active solde prob

Hello awesome dev ! I have a problem, I want to make a slider with Swiper. I would prefer my active element to be on left. Only my active style has a opacity of 1. My problem is that once all my slide is visible the class swiper-slide-active stop to go to the next slide and my ยซย nextย ยป arrow ainโ€™t available. Not sure if im clear but here a codepen to demonstrate the problem : ...