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Huge TPS Drop because of mobs?

Heyo, recently our server has been struggling tps wise, and we dont really know where to even start looking. We are guessing because of mobs because of a spark report? Here is a report a admin grabbed during a decently bad time:

I just can't seem to create a atm 10 server

Hello! I'm having trouble getting my modded server to start, and it's my first time setting one up, so I'm really stumped. I've tried multiple versions of the modpack, but I keep running into the same errors. Here's a breakdown of what I've done: 1. Downloaded Server Files: I downloaded the server files directly from the CurseForge page for the modpack....
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Need chat moderation/logging for Forge server

Im looking for a suggestion for a forge mod, or a method, to log all chat on a server. We're using the forge modpack IntegratedMC. Its only like 10 people but I need some moderation controls to be able to investigate chats and /whispers. I've had stuff before with spigot but Im having trouble finding anything for Forge (Minecraft Ver 1.20.1)

Bedrock Edition - How to Host Survival and Creative world on LAN

Hi all.. What's the best approach for running multiple (2 to start with) worlds on a LAN hosted server? Been running a single world (survival) for a while on my Debian home server (i5-4690K 16GB), my kids have diverging tastes and want to set up a creative world for alternative gameplay. So far I've tried setting up a second installation, but there's a clash of ports for LAN discovery. I've set a virtual network adaptor for a second IP address but I can't figure a way to bind the second server to the other network adaptor. Any suggestions? Any alternative approaches?...

Test Client Suddenly Dropping Connection Upon Joining Good Morning, Seemingly ourt of nowhere my test server is getting booted out of my server under the guise of a "packet handling error". I find it hard to believe this is a networking issue, as nothing has changed. There must be some soft of config issue that's kicking the client. ...

Any there any plugins that provide protection against coordinate exploits?

I’ve got an SMP. I believe I’m having some issues with a coordinate exploiter. With it being a new server, it’s relatively easy to do things like “chunk tracing.” I’m looking for an ideas to provide at least some protection against coordinate exploits. Thanks. I’m running the latest stable version (1.21.3) of PaperMC....

Mods folder missing on server

Loaded new version of modpack onto a server, mods folder is missing entirely. Modpack is Odysseum version Beta 2.4, 2.3.1 and before were working. I am the creator of the pack so I can change things as needed. Client side works fine. Nothing seems out of the ordinary in the export of the instance I made to upload to the curseforge site....

Weird Block placing issue on forge modded 1.20.1 server

I can break blocks with no problem, but placing them causes this weird non place thing and adds them back into inventory. Im connected under a 3ms delay and still having issues.

Can I use items adder for custom menus?

I was thinking about making a custom map for my server's overworld to mark locations. Would it be possible for items adder or something similar to load a png or image file, and be able to bind that to a key that toggles a menu of it? Thanks

Hosting services

I want to host a 1.21.4 fabric server with not too many mods, preferably in EU or asia, whats the best and most affordable host?

Fabric CPU issue

Server keeps lagging for some reason attached is my spark profiler

Fabric 1.21.1 , Looking to run command on first join

Wanting to find a mod / datapack that'll accomplish a few things.. - Announce in chat that a player has joined for the first time - execute a command (Specifically one from ftbquests to issue an introduction quest, but for this specific case I just need it to be able to execute a basic command) ...

I hope this isn't too general, but how do I build up a private community?

Hey admincraft, I've recently gotten around to opening up a private creative server that I've been wanting to host for a while now, and I want to create a fun and close community around it. I guess an analogy would be Hermitcraft, but focused on creative projects and without the large YouTube channel and fanbases behind each player. I have the technical knowledge to make everything happen but I don't really have a clue of how I can meet and get on board people who would enjoy the server and be good, active community members. I'm not sure if advertising as much as I can is the way to go, because I'm not aiming for a big server. I'm finding it hard to invite people because even if they are interested in the gameplay, we likely don't know each other and that's a really big barrier to get over and commonly ends up with them playing less and less. For those who have successfully hosted communities like the one I hope to create (not necessarily the same gameplay or even game), how did you do it? Any tips, resources, etc.? Thanks :D...

Storestats - Recent donator placeholder

Hey so Im basically trying to add a NPC to my server that shows the recent donator along with his skin using the plugin "storestats". I'm really confused and there is no documentation and the spigot page does not show much about this. I tried doing the /storestats set command on my npcs which I am also confused about as it does nothing.
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TCP Shield Setup

I have a proxy server and setup TCP shield on my game server but getting this error. The only records I have on my DNS is the TCP Cname I do not have a dedciated IP I used the spigot TCP shield...
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Failed to parse vibration listener for Sculk Sensor

Hey, my console is being spammed by this error and I'm not sure whats causing it, I've already crossed out it being from worldguard however I'm on paper 1.21.4...

Unable to log on server - packetevents error

Hey I'm having an issue, nobody can log on our test server, any ideas?
[packetevents] Disconnected null due to invalid packet!
[19:19:16 INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e4c04d0[id=1c3ccfcc-6c0b-4c06-8763-8cd2487f3e26,name=AppleSilly,properties={textures=[Property[name=textures, value=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, signature=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]]}] lost connection: Disconnected
[packetevents] Disconnected null due to invalid packet!
[19:19:16 INFO]: com.mojang.authlib.GameProfile@1e4c04d0[id=1c3ccfcc-6c0b-4c06-8763-8cd2487f3e26,name=AppleSilly,properties={textures=[Property[name=textures, value=ewogICJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiIDogMTczNTMyNzE1NTU5MCwKICAicHJvZmlsZUlkIiA6ICIxYzNjY2ZjYzZjMGI0YzA2ODc2MzhjZDI0ODdmM2UyNiIsCiAgInByb2ZpbGVOYW1lIiA6ICJBcHBsZVNpbGx5IiwKICAic2lnbmF0dXJlUmVxdWlyZWQiIDogdHJ1ZSwKICAidGV4dHVyZXMiIDogewogICAgIlNLSU4iIDogewogICAgICAidXJsIiA6ICJodHRwOi8vdGV4dHVyZXMubWluZWNyYWZ0Lm5ldC90ZXh0dXJlLzgzMjNlMzY3YWRkMjQ4Mjk1MjRlZTQyMjRhZWNmZTFiMmJhNzUwZjIxYTdhM2VkYzBlMjdhMTViZGIyYzgzNDYiLAogICAgICAibWV0YWRhdGEiIDogewogICAgICAgICJtb2RlbCIgOiAic2xpbSIKICAgICAgfQogICAgfSwKICAgICJDQVBFIiA6IHsKICAgICAgInVybCIgOiAiaHR0cDovL3RleHR1cmVzLm1pbmVjcmFmdC5uZXQvdGV4dHVyZS83NjU4YzUwMjVjNzdjZmFjNzU3NGFhYjNhZjk0YTQ2YTg4ODZlM2I3NzIyYTg5NTI1NWZiZjIyYWI4NjUyNDM0IgogICAgfQogIH0KfQ==, signature=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]]}] lost connection: Disconnected

EssentialsX | User Usernames with /msg

Hey! Is there a way to use usernames with /msg rather than displaynames?