Animekos | Anime ❀ Social ❀ Ayako


Animekos | Anime ❀ Social ❀ Ayako

Hi friend! 🌸 Join us and share what you've been up to lately! Play gachas, seek Ayako bot support, and win Steam games!


denylisted meaning

I was working with Ayako and I saw “denylist” members. Could someone please explain what that means
Hi there, Deny-List is ayakos implementation of discords auto-mod features. Especially since mobile still lacks a way to create/edit automod rules. They have different types: - Keyword Filters
filter message content by keywords...

anti spam + auto mod

I don’t know how to get the anti spam and auto mod to work
hi there! You can find all auto moderation related settings via /settings moderation Anti-Spam would be located in /settings moderation anti-spam Try /help moderation for an overview...

New to bot... need some help.

Hi! I am new to this bot, and it's extremely overwhelming... there's a ton of stuff to do, just not labeled very well. Could someone please give me a rundown on how I set up the basics? Thanks!
all mod commands can be found under /mod you can adjust the commands permission in your server settings (Server Settings > Integrations > Ayako > /mod) if you want to make only a few commands available, you can use /mod permissions In there you can split commands from the /mod command, and make them separately customizable via the same server settings page as above ^...

xp cooldown

does the bot have a cooldown per message for levelling up or can u technically spam and level up fast?

Missing permission...

I gave all permission and it's even on the top of roles hierarchy... The text is given below: Stack Trace ```DiscordAPIError[50013]: Missing Permissions at handleErrors (/root/Ayako/node_modules/.pnpm/@[email protected]/node_modules/@discordjs/rest/src/lib/handlers/Shared.ts:148:10)...
Hi there! This Error is a little misleading, but it's basically saying that Ayako can't change a Users Nickname when they used the AFK Command. Considering you gave her all Permissions only the Owner can cause this Error, as, no matter the Permissions or Role-Hierarchy, the Owners Nickname can only be changed by themselves...

level up message

is it possible to customise the level up message thats sent?
Yes, you can do so via /settings leveling basic and the Level-Up-Embed after setting the Level-Up Mode to Messages

Isuue with Bots Interactions Endpoint URL

Discord is returning this message: “could not verify the url of the specified interactions endpoint” when I'm trying to insert the link as my Bots Interactions Endpoint URL

issues with rp commands

Have linked signed in signed out synced perm issions a few times and still nothing
Some Commands require you to mention someone. Ayako doesn't respond to failing String-Commands at all to keep spam at a minimum, if something is wrong she will :Cross: react you. Try mentioning someone along with that Command and verify your Permissions are set up correctly (Do that in Server Settings > Integrations > Ayako (or in this case, your custom bot)) ...
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This interaction Failed

Currently every command on forked? idk correct term version is giving this interaction failed
Please make sure your Custom-Client is set up correctly. You can check your configuration under /settings custom-client
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stack error thing

Errors like these are caused by incorrect permissions or lack of such. Usually Ayako will tell you what permissions she needs, but this may not always happen. In this case it's cuz someone ran the AFK command, and Ayako failed to edit [AFK] into their nickname. This might be because she's lacking Manage Nicknames permission, or because her highest Role is below the person's highest role she tried to edit...
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Repeating error

Currently trying to set up the rp commands with /rp-manager and after signing in and clicking sync is says to login again i have logged out and in several times now

Not assigning roles after reacting

I've got the embedded message set up with the /embed-builder and added reactions then linked them to roles with the /roles builder reaction-roles. it's slightly different now than from the tutorial on youtube. But at this point according to the video I or anyone else should be able to click any of the reactions and get the role assigned to them, but no roles are being assigned.
Not sure what was wrong. I just took off all the roles on the bot and then readded them and it works now

is there a way to see all users for the level xp leaderboard?

as the title stats
there is currently not. I'm planning to add this to the coming website If you need it i can give you a database dump for your server...

auto give and remove role

Is there a way to get the bot to give a user a certain role when they are being moved to a locked voice channel and then remove the role the following day?

level up messages

hey, how do i make ayako properly send out level up messages? she seems to be welcoming members instead
Thank you for pointing this out! I have adjusted the text. You might also be interested in setting your own custom level-up embed using the /embed-builder and /settings levelling basic > Level-up Embed :AMayakoAwoo:
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Visible Commands

Can I make a command, such as rank, visible to everyone?
Rank is (by default) already visible to everyone if your channel permissions are set up correctly namely, users need to have the Use Application Commands permission to see slash commands otherwise please make sure the command is visible by checking Server Settings => Integrations => Ayako and verifying that it has no default and command specific channel or role overwrites...

Bot Customization

Am I able to customize the pfp and name of the bot for my server?
you can via /settings basic and clicking Token it guides you through the set up steps pretty well...

Bump Reminder no longer pinging users

The bot will ping the role but it is no longer notifying members through ping I have tried to redo the ping role multiple times but nothing seems to be working
Oh, please also make sure Ayako has the Mention @everyone, @here and All Roles permission

The link provided to vote for Ayaka gives a Error 404 link when voting through

Was a side Issue. Thank you for the report tho The Page is now accessible again...
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Ayako creates private threads

Ayako is repeatedly creating private threads named ⚠️ So I have disabled the permission from Ayako...
As mentioned in #🏮┃ayako-updates this behaviour is desired. Ayako has moved out of user DMs completely, due to a large amount of Bots being deleted for sending unsolicited DMs. I strongly discourage you from taking her Permission to create these Private Threads, as it is crucial for her to be able to inform Users about Moderational-Actions and Messages of similar urgent nature. ...
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