Audio not playing
const Discord = require("discord.js")
const { Server, RCON, MasterServer } = require('@fabricio-191/valve-server-query');
const { joinVoiceChannel } = require("@discordjs/voice")
const { createAudioPlayer } = require('@discordjs/voice');...
How to properly restart a voice connection after bot restart?
So lets say I restart my bot but I want all voice connections that my bot was in before the restart to be reconnected. What is the best way to do this? Does it involve using the voice sessionId?
Replaying spoken audio
I tried creating a bot that reacts to any message I send and then it should join a voice channel and repeat whatever I say. It does pick up that I speak stuff, no errors in the console, all I realized is that it switches from buffering to playing and then from playing to autopaused immediately. I guess it has something to do with the stream not continuously refreshed and read but I'm very new to streams, especially audio streams and I'm not sure on what to do. I made a reddit post according to this as well but never got a response. I have pastebin over here:
I have imported everything that's needed, everything is pretty much up to date and all intents have been given as well (guilds, guild msgs and guild voicestate)...
Cannot play audio as no valid encryption package is installed
I literally have sodium, libsodium and libsodium-wrappers installed and yet it still throws this damn error.
Error: Cannot play audio as no valid encryption package is installed.
- Install sodium, libsodium-wrappers, or tweetnacl.
- Use the generateDependencyReport() function for more information....
aborted error
i get this error: after at around 3 minutes when the bot is playing music in a voice channel...
[Uncaught Exception] :
Error: aborted
Origin: uncaughtException
[Uncaught Exception] :
Error: aborted
Origin: uncaughtException
hwo do i increase/decrease the volume of bot in a voice channel?
changes the volume but it's like chnages the bass of the sound and not the actual volume...not joining voice channel
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits } = require('discord.js');
const { joinVoiceChannel } = require('@discordjs/voice');
const client = new Client({ intents: [...
Getting amplitude value from pcm stream
Hey guys. I am trying to get an amplitude value from my live pcm stream but very stuck. Code below
How te get buffer from opusStream
Hey guys. I was able to create an opus stream from voice
connection.receiver.speaking.on('start', userId => {
if (!connection.receiver.subscriptions.has(userId))
How can I change the volume of an Audio Resource playing with discordjsvoice?
How can I change the volume of an Audio Resource playing with discordjs/voice?
Getting amplitude from opusStream
Hey Guys. I am trying to get an amplitude or volume from an opus stream. I would like to figure out if a person is yelling or whispering.
No idea where to start. I tried using OpusEncoder.decode with data from opusStream but i don't get any usable information out of it....
Radio stream don't start with inline volume
When I play a music with a different format than
let resource = createAudioResource(, {
inputType: stream.type, // different "opus"...Receiving and playing back voice
Hey Guys currently trying to have my bot join a voicechanne, start receiving audio and then playing that audio back.
I feel like it's not staying subscribed......
After several hours of operation my bot does not want to launch the radio. Do you have a solution?
A function that can show bot ping connection (Voice Channel)
Is there a way to create a bot command that can show us the bot ping connection when the bot is in a voice channel? I don't ask or mention about Websocket or API latency.
member presence is undefined
I am trying to make a discord bot that moves you to a channel based on what game you currently play. The only problem is that the member.presence always returns undefined when the member is playing or when hes not. But i cant figure out how to let it give me a console output with the game the member is playing.