Audio Not Playing
Discord JS Ver 14.13.0, Voice ver 0.16.0, Node 16.14.0
The bot joins the channel that I am in, however it doesn't play any audio and doesn't give any errors, I don't understand why?...
Tips on creating a transcription bot
Basically I want the bot to listen to each user and transcribe their voice into text. Then send that as a file when the call has ended. I know how to record and store the raw audio data but how would I go about transcribing it?
how to make echobot
I want to write code that, using
, will listen to what the user with id 633223783204782090 says and immediately repeat it.Player loop for blackjack game
Hi everyone! I'm currently implementing a game of blackjack in my bot, using an embed and buttons for the game information and functions. It is two-player, with the command to start the game having an option to mention the other player, with player 1 being the command initiator.
My issue is in how to make the game loop back and forth between both players then break when someone wins.
The code specifically for the game itself is below:...
Bot isn't playing any Sound
Hey! I'm working for a games company and got tasked to create a discord bot that plays our ambient music in a voice channel. I'm using discord.js 14.12.1 and the bot itself works correctly and also joins the voice channel as it should.
But it somehow doesn't play any audio. We're using local .mp3 files.
Here's the code part for the AudioPlayer
record and play audio
I am trying to do in v14
with this code:
function createListeningStream(receiver, userId, user) {
const opusStream = receiver.subscribe(userId, {...
musique in loop
let stream = ytdl(args[0], {
filter: "audioonly",
quality: 'highestaudio',
seek: 0...
using commands not working
I created a bot and have been using -join to join voice channels. I wanted to work on making it using a /join command. I got the command to work to join it to a voice channel but I can't get it to play music when it's in there. Do I need to send back some sort of info to get the bot to play music from my index.js. thanks for any help.
<VoiceState>.speaking feature
How can I get user speaking info in discord.js V14? I just wanna know if user speaking or not thats it but I don't want to put the bot in the voice channel. Is there a way to do this?
Bot doesnt recognise the voice channel
im trying to make a bot command to join a voicechannel but when i execute the command and specify a voice channel it tells the its not a valid voice channel
could anyone help me find out whats wrong with my code?...
Audio not playing
ok so i am trying to transmit a audio file into the voice channel but the bot only is able to join the channel and is not transmitting anything
heres the pastebin of code:
Audio non playing on Linux
i've an issue deploying a bot on a linux machine. i've tried with docker and without but same problem
on my windows machine. where i've develped the bot, the audio plays fine
Discord.js version [email protected]
Node Version v20.5.0
Getting voice adapter with @discordjs/core
I'm getting an issue with @discordjs/core and @discordjs/voice where it needs an adapter to join a voice channel. So I find out that it relates to the guild but using
doesn't contain the adapter. How would I get the adapter using @discordjs/core or is it impossible?Discord-player
hi everyone, I need some help with discord-player.js
I open the project again after some weeks and now nothing works but I used it for months
I get this:
```Preparing AudioResource...
Initializing audio player......
Is it possible to fetch a subscribed AudioPlayer from a VoiceConnection?
Hello there. So I'm making a song bot that plays local files. The current play command simply joins a voice channel (or moves to the current channel) and plays the song that was requested (from a selection of MP3 files on my local system). I am planning on making a queue system so you can queue whatever song you want. My problem comes with fetching the AudioPlayer. The
guide advised against keeping track of connections as you can accidentally create memory leaks. That said, I...Trying to make an automatic join to VC but wont work
Code ```js
const channel = c.channels.cache.get('1136337935201996850')
const connection = joinVoiceChannel({
I want to build a music bot. Bot finds the song but does not play the song
It finds the song on youtube by the name of the song, but the song does not start playing.
Lagging on voice channels
I am not sure if its the stream which is from a online source(no copyright) or discord being sus but the stream is lagging/stuttering /pausing for a sec. Any idea what it could be, like a common thing that happens or smth?