Error [ApplicationCommandPermissionsTokenMissing]: Editing application command permissions requires
The application did not respond.
Sharding retrieve guild data

Reaction collector for every message in every channel
Why is AttachmentBuilder not included in @discordjs/builders?
What is the event `collect` in `InteractionCollector`
variable went through the filter or not?...Status Probleme
Application doesn't respond
Is there a way to get a log of added or removed roles for a member?
event occurs, it logs that all roles the member already had have been added again.
export default async (client, oldMember, newMember) => {
// Get roles of the oldMember from the cache (not ideal but necessary if no other option)...How can i edit the embed of a message?

Is it possible to add metadata to a message?
Attached are images of my code, I need to do something like this, but using some kind of metadata or any other parameter that allows me to get this "emoji" data....

Problem with rights and logical code separation
registering commands
Deploy-commands not working

get channels${guildId}/channels
, {...guildMemberAvailable
Helium.on("guildMemberAvailable",(member) => {
Helium.on("guildMemberAvailable",(member) => {
Timeout command
Fetching custom emoji from my discord application's emojis

Can't run the guide lightly modified bot
[WARNING] The command at /home/dainis/bot/commands/utility/info.js is missing a required "data" or "execute" property.
Ready! Logged in as xxxxxxxxxx
[WARNING] The command at /home/dainis/bot/commands/utility/info.js is missing a required "data" or "execute" property.
Ready! Logged in as xxxxxxxxxx