discord.js - Imagine an app


discord.js - Imagine an app

Support server for discord.js, a Node.js module to interact with Discord's apps API.




No idea how to solve this.

So I have a bot. This bot does a few other features that works, but the one that I have a problem with is where the !startquiz and the answers. First of all I want it to immediatly say that you can only choose A,B,C,D. And I want it that if the quiz hasnt been completed in 7 minutes then it should say the time up. And when I complete it it just says that choose A,B,C,D. If you dont understand here is what I mean. Here is the: Where the user said other than A,B,C,D: await message.author.send("Helytelen válasz. Kérlek, válassz A, B, C vagy D közül."); And where the time ran out: await message.author.send("Időtúllépés történt. Kérlek, indítsd újra a kérdőívet a !startquiz paranccsal."); ...

apps added to servers

how can i get the guilds that have added my app? i’m specifically asking this since guilds.cache doesnt contain that information.

Shard info

Hi I want to make a command that shows how many servers each shard has and ping etc. But something is not working. Here are some example results: Shard information Shard ID: undefined Number of servers: 120 Ping: 113 ms Running time: 16 seconds...

I dont know if i used it wrong or made an error in it

So I have an index.js file that has lots of features, but the one that i have error in, is that someone dm's the bot !startquiz and it starts a quiz for them. When I dm the bot it says nothing. I don't know if I did something wrong, but help me. These are the guilds I use: GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent, GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessages, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessageTyping ...

What is the max this can output?

Since main help channel is closed, I'm creating a post This is the code: guild.channels.cache.filter(channel => channel.isThread() && !channel.archived).size What's the highest number this can output?...

HttpError: Service Unavailable

I have a mod bot build with sapphire framework and i have some text-based cmds and a slash cmd but suddenly i'm getting HttpError: Service Unavailable using it

Autocomplete retreiving from database

So for example I have suspension system and I want to view someones suspension so like I'd write /suspensions list:user, am I able to make autocomplete retreive results from the database?

What happens if;

What happens if a bot gets kicked out of a guild where he had slash commands deployed? Are those slash commands being removed by discord automatically? (I'm using sapphire framework as well if that's any helpful

Discord OpenID != Google OpenID?

I KNOW I CAN USE ACCESS_TOKEN, this is specifically about openid (parentheses mean "or", profile or email) Google...

which perms do i need

i have this event ```js client.on('guildMemberUpdate', async (oldMember, newMember) => { await handleMemberUpdate(oldMember, newMember, clientId)...

Cannot access localizations

I implemented the help command as follows, but I am having trouble getting Japanese from localizations Does anyone know the correct way to do this? ```js async execute(interaction) { const { client } = interaction;...

Get message by id without knowing channel

on a event create message, i fetch something out of the db, this has a message Id but i have no idea in what channel the message is. I need to fetch the content of this message

slash command getting messed up

so yeah same issue again the previous slash command aint getting deleted heres deploy-commands.js ```js const { REST, Routes } = require('discord.js'); const fs = require('node:fs');...

which permisson i need

i have this event handler but it requires intent but it only works when i give it admin i generally cant give it admin but which perm i need to give exactly https://pastebin.com/vcp0cjY4 i am talking about automodactionexectution what happens is when it dont have admin it runs another event of updatemember https://pastebin.com/mGZT8HxX...

unable to delete slash commands

like i originally had a different code now i am using that same bot for another code but previous slash commands aint getting deleted im running this script but new commands got registerd so now its all a mess https://pastebin.com/QJt1Q2zR

Getting slash commands

const commandsColl = await client.application.commands.fetch(); I use this to get all the commands and then I try to iterate through the collection with ```js for (const command in commandsColl) { //and i do something here...

Public bot ---> off

Guys i have a bot , i want to turn off public bot but its showing error that private bot cannot have default authorization link