Command Handling With TypeScript
/src/index.ts of reset_after is undefined

Detecting the double server boost
event and, when the message.type
equals 8
, Sends a message to the channel. However, I want to avoid sending a message when a member boosts the server for the first time. because to handle this, I listen to the guildMemberUpdate
event to detect the automatic Nitro boost.
Essentially, I only want the messageCreate
event to trigger for a member's second boost onwards.
I would appreciate it if someone could guide me!...
Strange session error when logging in.
Not enough sessions remaining to spawn 1 shards; only 0 remainingAny idea what's causing this?...
[RPC] Pause timer on ActivityType.Listening
Type error with ApplicationCommandType and ContextMenuCommandType
Failure to push a slash command
.getMember() with Typescript
sometimes doesn't return a GuildMember.
How can I filter this case out?...
Ephemeral replay to a channel message
client.on(Events.MessageCreate, (msg) => {})
Thanks!...sweeping the cache
Can ephemeral ever fail and show up as a regular message?
Forum question
Problem with guild.members.fetch

How to send a file/attachment from an Attachment option on SlashCommand?
TypeError [ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE]: The "stream" argument must be an instance of Stream.
Token is correct but still getting "Invalid Authorization Header"
and I've tried both "Bot TOKEN"
and "TOKEN"
, both give the same to handle interactions through interaction URL, no gateway
Keeping A Channel Polls Only
(process:24892): Pango-WARNING **: 11:03:18.119: couldn't load font "Lato Not-Rotated 25px", falling