discord.js - Imagine an app


discord.js - Imagine an app

Support server for discord.js, a Node.js module to interact with Discords apps API.




Embed Builder Not Defined When Using BroadcastEval

I want to send a message with an embed to a channel that might be in another shard. How can I get Embed Builder or my own embed class to work? Passing it in the context didn't work so far either. Thanks for any help....
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"ApplicationCommandType.User" is not assignable to parameter of type "ContextMenuCommandType"

I'm using discord.js with Typescript and I encounter the error TS2345: Argument of type ApplicationCommandType.User is not assignable to parameter of type ContextMenuCommandType But if I look in the type definition I can see type ContextMenuCommandType = ApplicationCommandType.Message | ApplicationCommandType.User; Code...

retrive user gaming activity history?

Hello, is there a way to retrive a user gaming activity history without building a DB? I can get game from when 'User is now playing Game', but is there a way to get to see what he played in the past? I suppose not, but it's worth asking. Thanks...

using SlashCommandBuilder in Constructor

Hey im updating my old discord bot to v14 and used the slashcommand builder in a constructor after updaing it does not work anymore, can someone help me with that? ```ts constructor() { super(...

Track invite origin

Hello developers! I am trying to set up a tracker for different invite sources for my bot but I keep getting a Missing permissions error. The invite URL works fine for every use case. ...

Can i get sponsor role?

I have sponsored for a month, but i don't get any role ;-;.
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Roles Cache sometimes inconsistent

I got very simple code
const role = channel.guild.roles.cache.get(pingRoleId);
size = role?.members?.size
const role = channel.guild.roles.cache.get(pingRoleId);
size = role?.members?.size

A collector that collects messages from a predetermined channel

```js const collectorFilter = m => m.content.includes('discord'); const collector = interaction.channel.createMessageCollector({ filter: collectorFilter, time: 15_000 }); collector.on('collect', m => {...

Thread fetchStarterMessage with Attachments

Working on a bot that detects when a thread is created in a particular forum, and then returns the first starter message (original post message created by OP). All works well with the code below, until an image is uploaded in which I get the error: DiscordAPIError[10008]: Unknown Message. Is there a way for me to get the image data (e.g. a link to it) when the message is created? My guess is that the message is taking longer to generate since there is a attachment included. How can I resolve this? Thanks. ```js...

ephemeral is not working on button interaction.

I don't know the reason, can someone help me?
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More URL schemes on link buttons

https://github.com/discordjs/discord.js/blob/main/packages/builders/src/components/button/LinkButton.ts#L22-L29 I was hoping to make a url button for a magnet (magnet:) link, but got an error that lead me here. Is the url scheme limitation server side? I don't see a reason to restrict it locally...

How deploy slash commands only in one specific guild

I would like to register a slash commands only in one specific guild but not in the others in which my bot is. How can I do it

Bot not starting invalid token

Yesterday, I coded a bot and got it running. I tried adding it to Ghostbot to test something, but it didn’t work. This morning, I removed it from Ghostbot, but after hosting it with MongoDB, the bot went down.

Shard Variables

``` bot.once(Events.ShardReady, async () => { imgchannel = bot.channels.cache.get(process.env.IMAGE_CHANNEL); vidchannel = bot.channels.cache.get(process.env.VIDEO_CHANNEL); module.exports.imgchannel = imgchannel;...

It doesnt work.

So I have a discord bot that always when someone deleting a message it could not find the deleter. can anyone help me? the code: https://sourceb.in/DtistNYGW7...

Bot Preformance - Sending the same message to many servers

My bot sends he same message to many servers (nearly 1,600) at once. The message includes: - Embed - Content (Role mentions) - Attachment...

title embed text forms

how can i put like this text in title embed

Website interaction for discord api

It's very frustrating to do this. I am trying to interact with Discord API with a website such as Google Sites or HTML. However, cors is blocking my interaction between the discord api for security purpose. I know a few solution to solve this but, it doesn't satisfy me because I don't have money for buying a dedicated server or even a local server. * Own a Node.Js server as a back-end program for interacting discord API and acts for sending/requesting data for the Website.
* Requesting Website (Front-End) > Node.Js Server (Back-End) > Discord API > Some Backend from discord...

I am getting this error when the snippet is right.

Hello! I am making a bot, very complex handling system which works perfectly, until now... I have made a command and yet it doesn't work, check the error and snippets below.
There was an error running this command: TypeError: interaction.options.getSubcommand is not a function.
There was an error running this command: TypeError: interaction.options.getSubcommand is not a function.
```name: 'order',...

Quick question : Do I need to reconnect the SQL database / use a pool connection lib in js or no?

Hi, I was making my bot with Java and I was using Hikari, but I am learning JS now and I don't know if using pool connection lib in js or no. Is the connection to forever or must I use a pool connection lib?