Embed Builder Not Defined When Using BroadcastEval

"ApplicationCommandType.User" is not assignable to parameter of type "ContextMenuCommandType"
TS2345: Argument of type ApplicationCommandType.User is not assignable to parameter of type ContextMenuCommandType
But if I look in the type definition I can see type ContextMenuCommandType = ApplicationCommandType.Message | ApplicationCommandType.User;
Code...retrive user gaming activity history?
using SlashCommandBuilder in Constructor
Track invite origin
Missing permissions
The invite URL works fine for every use case.
...Roles Cache sometimes inconsistent
const role = channel.guild.roles.cache.get(pingRoleId);
size = role?.members?.size
const role = channel.guild.roles.cache.get(pingRoleId);
size = role?.members?.size
A collector that collects messages from a predetermined channel
Thread fetchStarterMessage with Attachments
DiscordAPIError[10008]: Unknown Message
. Is there a way for me to get the image data (e.g. a link to it) when the message is created?
My guess is that the message is taking longer to generate since there is a attachment included. How can I resolve this? Thanks.
```js...More URL schemes on link buttons
) link, but got an error that lead me here.
Is the url scheme limitation server side? I don't see a reason to restrict it locally...How deploy slash commands only in one specific guild
Bot not starting invalid token
Shard Variables
It doesnt work.
Bot Preformance - Sending the same message to many servers
Website interaction for discord api
* Requesting Website (Front-End) > Node.Js Server (Back-End) > Discord API > Some Backend from discord...
I am getting this error when the snippet is right.
There was an error running this command: TypeError: interaction.options.getSubcommand is not a function.
There was an error running this command: TypeError: interaction.options.getSubcommand is not a function.
Quick question : Do I need to reconnect the SQL database / use a pool connection lib in js or no?