I dont know if i used it wrong or made an error in it
So I have an index.js file that has lots of features, but the one that i have error in, is that someone dm's the bot !startquiz and it starts a quiz for them. When I dm the bot it says nothing. I don't know if I did something wrong, but help me. These are the guilds I use: GatewayIntentBits.Guilds,
GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessageTyping ...
What is the max this can output?
Since main help channel is closed, I'm creating a post
This is the code:
guild.channels.cache.filter(channel => channel.isThread() && !channel.archived).size
What's the highest number this can output?...HttpError: Service Unavailable
I have a mod bot build with sapphire framework and i have some text-based cmds and a slash cmd but suddenly i'm getting HttpError: Service Unavailable using it
Autocomplete retreiving from database
So for example I have suspension system and I want to view someones suspension so like I'd write /suspensions list:user, am I able to make autocomplete retreive results from the database?
What happens if;
What happens if a bot gets kicked out of a guild where he had slash commands deployed? Are those slash commands being removed by discord automatically? (I'm using sapphire framework as well if that's any helpful
Discord OpenID != Google OpenID?
I KNOW I CAN USE ACCESS_TOKEN, this is specifically about openid
(parentheses mean "or", profile or email)
which perms do i need
i have this event
client.on('guildMemberUpdate', async (oldMember, newMember) => {
await handleMemberUpdate(oldMember, newMember, clientId)...
Cannot access localizations
I implemented the help command as follows, but I am having trouble getting Japanese from localizations
Does anyone know the correct way to do this?
async execute(interaction) {
const { client } = interaction;...
Get message by id without knowing channel
on a event create message, i fetch something out of the db, this has a message Id but i have no idea in what channel the message is. I need to fetch the content of this message
slash command getting messed up
so yeah same issue again the previous slash command aint getting deleted
heres deploy-commands.js
const { REST, Routes } = require('discord.js');
const fs = require('node:fs');...
which permisson i need
i have this event handler but it requires intent but it only works when i give it admin i generally cant give it admin but which perm i need to give exactly
i am talking about automodactionexectution
what happens is when it dont have admin it runs another event of updatemember https://pastebin.com/mGZT8HxX...
unable to delete slash commands
like i originally had a different code now i am using that same bot for another code but previous slash commands aint getting deleted im running this script but new commands got registerd so now its all a mess https://pastebin.com/QJt1Q2zR
Getting slash commands
const commandsColl = await client.application.commands.fetch();
I use this to get all the commands and then I try to iterate through the collection with
for (const command in commandsColl) {
//and i do something here...slash command not getting registerd
index.js - https://pastebin.com/v0UAU7g1
sample slash command - https://pastebin.com/U32EXgVN
file structure -
Public bot ---> off
Guys i have a bot , i want to turn off public bot but its showing error that private bot cannot have default authorization link
kick/ban member in list of servers
why it only kicks from the server i used the command at? the guilds id are consoled correctly
async execute(interaction) {
const user = interaction.options.getUser("user");
Discord Threads
I've got dumb discord.js related question, if bot is in like lots of threads, does it in any way affect it's performance? Like I don't know where the question came from, I just decided to ask. Like, my bot definitely won't be listening to each, because it won't, it's job will be to create those for the upcoming ticket system and leave a button to close it, nothing more, nothing less.
I have 3 replicas that all respond to the same thing
Yo! I have a bot that sends a message when a thread is created, but Im running 3 replicas, so the problem is that they all send the messge at the same time. I tried to resolve this by just checking if the last message was by the bot, but since they all check at once its false for all of them, and all of them end up sending. Any idea how I can resolve this without creating a database / api or creating extra overhead beyond the function itself?
client.on(Events.ThreadCreate, async (thread: ThreadChannel) => {
if (thread.parent?.name === 'whatever') {...
Pagination Question
If we are using an pagination how do we make it so it edits the current embed for the new embed?
as my new embed uses a pagination and when i use editReply it will use reply from the pagination file...
How can i detect someone timeout got removed?
i wanna delete the user from the db whos timeout gets removed, till i know only 2 possiblity exists of timeout getting removed
- timeout period got over
- someone manually removed it...