DevHeads IoT Integration Server


DevHeads IoT Integration Server

The DevHeads IoT Integration Server accelerates technology engineering by helping pro devs learn, share and collaborate.












Handling Disconnections in KiCad with Rat Bites and Conductive Screws

Hi, I've got a KiCad project (revised 1-inch-midi) that I've been working on that involves 3 boards separated by rat bites. Ground, VCC and two signal pins are passed between the boards via conductive screws nuts. While I think I have a functional design, the error checking function on the PCB editor shows disconnections between these pads as they are not connected as-drawn. Is there a way to put connections into the schematic layout so that the PCB editor is satisfied? I think it will work as-is, but would be interested in any ideas/suggestions. Also I'm certainly open to any critique of the design in general, as I'm planning to order it soon. I put up an earlier version of the board here for your perusal:
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Designing Constant Current (CC) for LiFePO4 Battery Charger

I want to design a charger that charges my lifepo4 battery(4s,3p). The charger is going to be AC to Dc charger having an output of 14.6v 15Amps. My challenge now is i intend to ensure i have a CV,CC at the output, the CV can be done easily, but the CC, i am having difficulty wrapping my head around how to go about it.I studied the XL4016EI circuit to see how they achieved the constant current functionality using variable resistor to set it, but i dont want to use that IC for the CC functionality...
Charging lifepo4 is more than just CC/CV, you have maintain the charge curve, trickle charge, etc. Any mistake and you will ruin the battery. I would recommend buying a off the shelf charger for the job. Also you could reverse engineering the commercial product if you really want to design a charger

Seeking Feedback on ICSP Configuration for 1-Inch MIDI Project Revision

Hello - I'm working on a revision of my 1-inch-MIDI project that incorporates a potentiometer on the AUX pin, along with an ICSP header arrangement. Thinking I'll use a pogo pin device. Anyway, I think I have the ICSP configuration correctly laid out here, but I would love a second opinion. Happy to hear any other suggestions or answer questions on the project!...
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NodeMCU and WLED Issues with Powering via Mains Adapter

Hii , I'm reaching out to try and find a solution to my problem. I built a setup with a NodeMCU and WLED. Everything works fine as long as it's connected to the computer via USB, but when I disconnect it from the computer and power it with 5V through a mains adapter to the Vin pin and the two wires of the LED strip (USB disconnected), I have to press the reset (RST) button for the setup to start. I can turn the application on and off via the phone. However, if I cut the 12V power, I absolutely have to press the RST button to restart the setup. I hope to get some advice or even a solution to finish my setup....
Make sure the 5v supply is stable enough not to fluctuate, which is bad to the MCU. Also ensure the LED is not consuming too much current, this can cause the MCU to trip off and enter a reset state...

Tips for Designing a PCB to Power an STM32 MCU

can anyone please gives me some tips about how can I design my own pcb to power up a stm32 mcu and which resources should I follow?
Hi @Undefined ,someone already had the same idea and this built the same power supply, here is a link to it's project on PCBway, he explained everything and all components and the pcb design is available, give it a look

Recommendations for rugged 5-7 inch TFT LCD display with HDMI and PoE

I'm looking industrial grade rugged TFT LCD display - 5 to 7 inch. Which should withstand -20 to 85°C, Hazardous environments. Interface - HDMI, PoE preferred. Non-Touch Anyone recommend some good display...

Issues with measuring multiple switch inputs via single DAC in R-2R resistor configuration

Working on a project trying to measure multiple switch inputs via a single DAC in an R-2R resistor configuration. Took me a while to realize that the inputs needed to be HIGH or LOW, not HIGH or OFF. What also threw me off though was that each side of the breadboard's power/ground rails need to be jumpered together in the middle. That took me a while to figure out too. Guess you shouldn't assume anything when working on hardware!...
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How can I optimize power and ensure efficient operation of the VL53L0X sensor and OLED on BeagleBone

hello devs, still based on my project parking assistance system using a BeagleBone Black running Embedded Linux, VL53L0X time of flight distance sensor to detect the distance to nearby objects and a 0.96-inch OLED display to show the distance and warning messages. How can I optimize the system to reduce power consumption and ensure the display and sensor work efficiently, i have ensured correct power sequences, avoided immediate reinitialization after power on. But the `Sensor not responding a...
i was able to this earlier today am passed this stage and have a different issue now
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What Module Can I Use to Measure DC Voltages Up to 40V, or Should I Build a Voltage Divider?

Hello, all. I am doing a project in which I need to measure DC voltage up to 40V. I know that I could do a simple voltmeter using 2 resistors and a capacitor. However, I was looking to buy one module that could measure the voltage of this circuit since I am not experienced in this field. Do you know any type of product that can measure dc voltages up to 40 V. I have found the ZMPT101B but that is suited for AC. Or do you advise me to build a divider? Thanks....

The voltage of the RXD and TXD depends on the VCC pin, right?

Morning guys; I bought an HW-624 to connect to the console of my SBC and ESP. However, the "documentation" is anything but clear ... it's actually quite confusing. Here are my questions: -The voltage of the RXD and TXD depends on the VCC pin, right? If I put 3.3v on it, they will be at 3.3v and not 5v from the USB port, correct? -The RXD of the board goes to the RXD of the controller and the TXD to the TXD, right? Because the documentation on Aliexpress seems to say otherwise. Thank you....
sometimes the voltage of the RXD and TXD is not dependent on the VCC power supply, you ought to confirm from the manufacturers datasheet. Sometimes VCC might be 3.3V and the RXD/TXD pins will be 1.8V i have seen this before. So always confirm this from the device documentation before you start work, least you blow up stuffs.

I want to build a 20A power supply

I want to build a 20A power supply
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Has anyone experimented with the serial port on the Arduino Opta?

Question: has anyone experimented with the serial port on the Arduino Opta? On the Uno et al there are pins broken out as Rx and Tx, but I'm not sure the Opta has this functionality. One could probably do some sort of breakout with the USB-C port, but perhaps there is an easier way. I think it may have more than one serial port, available, but not certain.

Can anyone tell me how to write documentation for this atmega 32 dev board ?

i have designed this atmega 32 dev board (my first pcb project ) - . Can anyone tell me how to write documentation for it ?
Follow this steps when doing your PCB documentation 1. Introduction: - Overview: Describe the purpose and functionality of the PCB design. - Specifications: List key design specifications and requirements....

Why isn't my "Hello World" displaying on the LCD screen despite correct connections and power?

Hey Devs , I've been trying to make this simple LCD screen circuit that displays "Hello World". I have made my connections like this And my code is very simple `` int rs = 7, en = 8, d4 = 9, d5 = 10, d6 = 11, d7 = 12, readPin = A2; LiquidCrystal lcd(rs, en, d4, d5, d6, d7);...
It may be due to the screen itself being broken
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How to optimize PCB design for DRV8320 and STM32G431RBT6TR to minimize vias?

Hey everyone, I'm currently working on a PCB design involving the DRV8320 and the STM32G431RBT6TR. As you can see in the attached images, I'm trying to minimize the number of vias between these two components. Ideally, I'd like to have straight traces with minimal or no vias, maintaining the same orientation of the chips. However, I'm finding it challenging to maintain the necessary functionality, such as BEMF detection with the Virtual Neutral Point and the different comparators for zero-crossing BEMF....
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How to optimize resistor values for reading multiple buttons on a single analog input?

Came up with some code for a project I'm working on that is able to read two buttons for each analog input (and tell if two have been pushed) based on this circuit. It works, but is not really optimized resistors-wise. I've yet to figure out a generalized expression for this type of parallel circuit (thinking one in which I could make it 3, 4, whatever resistors/buttons), which admittedly would be a matter of elegantly combining some algebraic equations. Any thoughts? Here's the rest of my code, FWIW
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How to fix SG90 servo motor jitter on BeagleBone Black with PWM?

Hey guys, am developing a robotic arm control system using a BeagleBone Black running Embedded Linux using AM335x ARM Cortex-A8. The system needs to control the position of a servo motor(SG90) using PWM. I have ensured that the Adafruit_BBIO library is correctly installed and imported in my script, adjusted the duty cycle range if the servo motor does not reach the full range of motion (0-180 degrees). But am getting the error  ...

Is it Possible to Use a Power Bank to Charge a 18650 Battery Shield for ESP32?

I have 18650 battery shield with 4x 18650 batteries, that is giving power to my ESP32 and its been working fine. I would need the system to be always working and easily chargable as it is in place that have no electricity. I was wondering would it be possible to have power bank which would be giving power to that 18650 shield so every couple of weeks, I could just go and swap the power bank and system would work? That propably is not the most smart thing, but it is in place where my friend is always making the change so I was thinking that that would be easiest way. I could build closed system which battery bank would be on some place that its easy to took out and put other on its place....
I would say you should incorperate a battery charging system in your design to relief you of stress

Need assistance implementing a low-power mode to extend battery life for the ATmega2560

Hi friends, I need assistance implementing a low-power mode to extend battery life for the ATmega2560 with Zephyr OS, and resolve the issue of failing to wake up from low-power mode? I have been able to configure low-power mode in Zephyr and set up a wake-up source via an external interrupt, yet I still encounter the issue of the microcontroller failing to wake up from low-power mode. Here's the code: ```c #include <zephyr.h> #include <device.h>...
you can try the following steps: 1. Ensure Proper Interrupt Configuration: - Verify the interrupt is mapped to the correct pin and edge. ...

Troubleshooting ADC Readings from Photodiode on Arduino

Hi everyone, I am trying to rebuild a device and have wired everything according to the schematic: You can see that the output pin of the photodiode (pin 5) is connected to the ADC pin A0 of the Arduino. By adjusting the potentiometer, I should of course get values between 0 - 1023 (10 bit ADC). However, no matter how I adjust the potentiometer, I always get 1023, so I think the sensor is "overshooting" all the time. I have tested the potentiometer previously and it works fine. I suspect there is something wrong with the wiring diagram....
In the circuit i cant see where the arduino is connected to the power source
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