


This server is the home of the MAX and Mojo community. Join us to chat about all things Modular!




Does a pragma exist to switch off `mojo format`

I love the convention part of source code formatting rules: teams should not argue (too much) about formatting. Do this discussion once, agree on something that works for everyone (convention). Let the standard tooling handle it. However, teams often agree that it needs to be switched off sometimes. Question: Is there something to switch off sections of code that should not be formatted. A @format on/off would do....

change in syntax for types declaration

Can we have new syntax for function type hinting Current;
fn function_name(var : String) -> String:
# function body
fn function_name(var : String) -> String:
# function body

How to convert string to float value?

Is there any way to convert string like "3.14" to float value? I can see atol is there for converting string to int value but couldn't find anything for float values.

Implementing a simple lookup matrix

I have a precomputed (=handwritten) simple matrix that I want to use in my code. I have currently written it as follows (without a type): ```python let conversion_matrices = [ #LEFT...

When I type left round bracket code tabs to the left. Why?

I've downloaded every extension to mojo. Idk what is the problem 😦

TPU Architecture

Does Mojo utilize external TPU hardware such as the Coral USB accelerator? If not, are there future plans?

Arg parser

Hi!, I am looking for a way to build a cli tool, is there currently a way to create arguments or com

Any ideas on implementing linked based structs in mojo?

I’m working on data structures in mojo and hit a roadblock at objects like linked lists and trees, how would I code a pointer to another object of the same type in mojo? and is there a way to use DTypePointers to ensure the result is string able?

How to cast SIMD when the size is known at compile time

In the following minimal code snippet v cannot be assigned to v2. The error message is: cannot implicitly convert 'SIMD[si32, size]' value to 'SIMD[si32, 32]' in 'let' initializer. But size is known to be equal to 32. Question: how to convince the compiler that I'm a good citizen: trust me, this is ok, everyting will be fine...

Help with sort: it does not seem to do anything.

I'm a bit confused, I have a very simple sort example, but it does not do anything at all. I must be doing something wrong, because I cannot image that I'm the first to touch this code. What is going on here? The following code gives as output: ``` mojo bug1.mojo before: 0 13 76 46 53 22 4 68 68 94 38 52 83 3 5 53 67 0 38 6 42 69 59 93 85 53 9 66 42 70 91 76...

What to use for the permutation mask in SIMD.shuffle?

The following code snippet works; it is however not very convenient, especially when the SIMD width is a parameter. ```python fn swap[T: DType, s: StaticIntTuple[16]](v: SIMD[T, 16]) -> SIMD[T, 16]: let x = v.shuffles[0],s[1],s[2],s[3],s[4],s[5],s[6],s[7],s[8],s[9],s[10],s[11],s[12],s[13],s[14],s[15]...

How to build the mojo packages for my hardware?

The packages for mojo are not prebuilt for my hardware. How can I build them?

simd_load of Tensor with StaticIntTuple

How is simd_load of Tensor type supposed to work with multiple indices? This example ```python test = Tensorfloat_type for i in range(10):...

Should a newcomer to writing highly performant code skip CUDA C++ ?

I'm thinking long term about my ML journey and where ML seems to be headed, and I feel that signs keep pointing that I should invest a lot of time in grokking Mojo & MAX. Perhaps writing some CUDA C++ and reading a lot, potentially to reimplement in Mojo would be useful exercises?...

Get Date/Time in Native Mojo

Is there a library for this? The only way I can think to implement is with a python module import.

c++ interop in executables

I want to work on making a small qt interop binding with Mojo which will require c++ interop. My question is: when I compile my binary executable, will the necessary c++ files get compiled and added to the binary as well (so it can be distributed)? Can I static linking them and add them to the executable? What will distribution look like for mojo files?

Difference between Float32 and DType.float32

I don’t have a ton of experience with python or AI/ML and so trying to figure out this basic questions in the comments around the difference / similarity between Float32 and DType.float32 more context in this snippet: ```mojo let dtp = DTypePointerDType.float32.alloc(10) let p = Pointer[Float32].alloc(10)...

Building Shared and Dynamic library

Can I build an executable and a library with mojo lang or executable only?


Reading the current documentation about Mojo traits, they seem more like Java/C# interfaces that has to be implemented at type definition. Is there any plan for something similar to Rust traits/Swift protocols which can be implemented both at type and trait definition sites? They can also have mutiple implementations for non-overlapping subsets of concrete types of a generic type depending on some type parameter bound.