Linking to my sign up
I want to link to my sign up from some landing pages that are generated by drag and drop style tools. When i link to i just get a strange landing page. How would i link to sign up using a url only?
Getting error after signin
I am using nuxt module, but when I sign in I am getting the following error, I can not work out which piece of the puzzle is missing.
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. This client must include a code_challenge when performing the authorize code flow, but it is missing."}
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. This client must include a code_challenge when performing the authorize code flow, but it is missing."}
New Flutter Package + NextJs
Hello I am so happy that your Flutter package is released. I am building an website with NextJs and an API. Now I want to use the same api routes with my flutter client. Is there a way to post the session from flutter to the api endpoint and validate that in the NextJs middleware ?
Smth like getSession or validate session....
Custom Root Domain
Login works flawlessly. But I do have one question. the custom room domain leads to this page with
I am using custom domain FYI...
You've found our secret landing page. There is nothing to see here yet. Soon it will be an awesome home page.
Is this just how it is or am I missing something fundamentally that I didn't see in the documentation?
You've found our secret landing page. There is nothing to see here yet. Soon it will be an awesome home page.
Is this just how it is or am I missing something fundamentally that I didn't see in the documentation?
Integration with Convex Custom Auth
I am creating a notion-like app with Nextjs. I am using Convex as my backend. I haven't figured out how to integrate it with Kinde as my custom auth provider. Has someone been able to integrate Kinde auth with Convex. If there is a way, could someone help me?
Cookie Problem
I have a problem with a created cookie, because I need a cookie that has path '/', is httpOnly, is secure and SameSite None, is this possible to customize default kinde_token to have these parameters?...
SMS as passwordless auth
Is it posible like with Auth0 to use SMS as passwordless entry, i only find e-mail as an option. Youngsters dont use email 🙂
Ability to set MFA option at the Organization level
I need to set up enhance security on few of the organizations and not at the environment level how it currently is. Can we have the MFA option at the org level which scales the authentication flows for us
Is there a way to track session state
I want to know if there's a way for me to track, at the root level (layout.tsx) , the state of the user session. Logged in, Logging out...
Adding an account to an organization via api returns 200 but user is not in the list
Hi, I am hitting this api to add a user to an organization and I am getting a 200. I try to list the users for that Organization right after, I am getting a list of user but the one I have just added is not in the list. Everything happens in the same function so I know I am listing the same org code. Could there possibly be an issue with this endpoint?
Issue with US region email delivery
FYI - We are experiencing issues with email delivery in our US region that would impact users receiving events such as email OTP or password reset messages. The team is actively working on this issue now. We will provide regular updates on our status page and in a thread on this message.
Prod version callback to localhost
Hello hello. Hope y’all doing great.
I deployed my application on Vercel. I don't know why when I connect / register it redirects me to localhost and not the vercel domain. It tries to go to localhost:3000/api/auth/kinde_callback...