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JwtInvalidIssuerError: Missing Issuer. Expected:

I am using the jwtVerify function and I am getting the error in the title. I am passing in the following things, which are definitely not null: issuerBaseUrl in the first parameter, and then in the second parameter I pass an option that looks like this:...

create user account fails

hi all, should i be able to do a fetch in node for create user, i'm using the example in docs, but i just get { "code": "INVALID_REQUEST", "message": "Error processing request body" } ...

Billing is integration with Stripe?

I just made an account with Kinde and saw the billing page. I am curious if this means you guys are integrating with Stripe? I'm building an app that is simple and just needs auth (Kinde) and subscriptions (Stripe). It would be amazing if I can get all that i need from you guys.

can i control the number of sessions using kinde auth

I want to make sure that only one person stays logged in. If someone logs into a new device, the older one must be logged out.

Sveltekit starter return errorCode: ''INVALID_TOKEN_MEMORY_COMIT"

Hi, i'm just new on Kinde and i create sveltkit project using Kinde starter kit. When i've signed up using Kinde in my sveltekit app, it return this `KindeSDKError: Attempting to commit invalid access_token token "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhdWQiOltdLCJpYXQiOjE3MDYxODIwNTIsImp0aSI6ImE3NzU0YjJiLTc2ZDEtNDQ4Ni04NDM3LTA5YmMyMDU1NzY5MCIsInNjcCI6WyJvcGVuaWQiLCJwcm9maWxlIiwiZW1haWwiLCJvZmZsaW5lIl19.nZY_8Om4_zbRCuZzVp_gi_MGGttveQB42iHhh31wmWUZ0Xq8eIzQtW37mBjGrfzDALqDgNblsbBvovMBxw2dSLa91J0Z5DXaDgJtNChkXGF8NbfJ8G-ezRu-f6NEOs8onmwv9T016-l9ydNbB0nhNGP-jI_QmStXadqxz29W-jK5pyDFv0OYmXM0X0DIel_JqjRSSkn2MImC22KYrqCO3SlC7LqwAjKpf0pBFCv0u_TAET0Sdb4FBtOi2aA5L8MHqzUjFgdS0QXOSlMYXTVUaiMz6hp1mfyTOpI1usxN5oGlzKicyQ-Ov9sHRlM38dH2ye8t11ZsIY7ZHk6kN04COQ" to memory at new KindeSDKError (file:///D:/Projects/sveltekit/sveltekit-starter-kit-main/node_modules/@kinde-oss/kinde-typescript-sdk/dist/sdk/exceptions.js:24:28)...

Is it possible to merge username & password fields into one page?

Hi Kinde Team, is it possible to merge username and password fields into one page? My client don't want it because of too many clicks/steps. Just for context, I use connect Kinde via backend (NodeJS with SolidStart). And we don't use password-less. What is the possible way to achieve this? By subscribing to Pro plan? Or by utilizing the API? Or both?...

i want to make a api call with userId after a new user is registered how do I do that using nextjs

I have next year 13 application with app directory. Now I want to make an API call whenever new user is registered through Kinde Auth also I want to send the newly registered users information to that API

[NextJS 14] User session returns null in API route, when user is already authenticated from caller

Trying to understand what I'm doing wrong here: I have a component that calls an api route on a button click, this component doesn't render unless the user is authenticated. I'm using the standard { getUser } = getKindeServerSession() and user = await getUser() methods to verify this. However, when I call the api route from the button click, these same methods seem to return null for me in the API route handler, the code I have so far is pretty simple: export const POST = async (req: NextRequest) => {...

Trying to get the user session in server side Next.js v14 pages directory, always returns null

I'm pretty sure I might have screwed something up in the setup, but the docs for setting up the provider for pages directory still show an app directory layout, has anyone set it up succesfully for Next.js pages directory v14?
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Can the PKCE access token be used to authenticate/authorize requests

Hi, I am currently using clerk with a chrome extension. I want to switch to a service that supports Oauth PKCE flow. Clerk has it but the access token retrieved from this flow can not be used to authenticate requests. Does Kinde support PKCE fully? Can the nextjs middleware automatically verify/permit requests with the PKCE access token?...

Set up a Subscription form for Nextjs App.

I am using kinde to set up a subscription form to build a waitlist and generate interest on the landing page of my app before it is ready for the public. After subscription, I am redirected to
with the json:
{ "status": "success", "message": "Success! You'll be notified as soon as Smartnote is ready." }
{ "status": "success", "message": "Success! You'll be notified as soon as Smartnote is ready." }
. When a user has already subscribed, I get this error message:
400 Bad request
Sorry, you can not access that page.
You can return to the homepage.
400 Bad request
Sorry, you can not access that page.
You can return to the homepage.

Need help with roles (setPermission(s), setRole(s))

Hey. I want to programmatically set roles/permissions for users, is this in any way possible, or should I use a seperate db to implement this. The Kinde next app router v2 server/clientside libs give me getters for a lot of stuff but it seems that a lot of stuff can be set only manually....

Firebase auth with Kinde. for firebase storage to write security access

I wanted to use firebase and its security policy for a production application. and inorder to do that I need to create a firebase user. my existing application is using kindeAuth. I have been reading documentation from both sides and its messing up. is there anyway that i can implement firebase auth along with kinde ? thanks....

Java SDK Support for Spring Boot 3

Hey, a few days back I've created this issue on GitHub - It's mostly about moving from Spring Boot 2 to Spring Boot 3 with the SDK, because unfortunately backwards compatibility from 3 to 2 is not possible. ...

Typescript SDK middleware route handling.

Building a project using fresh.deno and Kindes Typescript SDK. Have it setup, with pretty basic implementation. Having some issues about how to best setup the _middleware.ts file so we can create private/protected routes. Have anyone made an example for how to best implement it??. Thanks again..

Multiple audiences

Hi, I'm trying to use multiple audiences as described in the javascript-sdk ( ``` const kinde = await createKindeClient({ audience: "<your_api1> <your_api2>"...
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Kinde + Bun + Hono + React

Hey I was just hoping to get some advice/validation on code I've written for using Kinde with a bun and hono app. I'm using the typescript SDK. My session manager is storing all the session items in cookies as the next.js libary does. Then I have some custom middleware for protected routes. My backend is serving up a react app, the cookies get sent with every request, and everything is working there. I have a /api/me endpoint that checks if the user is logged in. The react app calls that endpoint when it first loads to check if the user is logged in....

Invalid export using kinde

Im trying to deploy my app via vercel and when I run npm run build I get this error. Can someone help me out?
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Error '500 - Invalid URL string' with Nuxt + Cloudflare

I'm trying out Kinde in Nuxt, but when deployed, trying to log in (or sign up) returns an error 500 Invalid URL string. The thing is, this only happens when I deploy it to Cloudflare Pages (my go-to service to deploy this app). Deploying the same exact project in Vercel works just fine. It seems like something is going wrong with the environment variables in Cloudflare, although I'm setting them up just the same in Vercel....