Event for when a user signs up for the first time
I'm looking for a function or a way to redirect a user when they sign up for a first time to redirect them to an onboarding page. is there anyway to implement this? the docs are very confusing in relating to even making this possible. i think this is an important feature no?
Add user with phone number
I want to add user with phone and email identity, how to do it?
I'm using @kindeoss/kinde-node-express...
Authenitication fails with PKCE=true on SvelteKit
Authentication in my SvelteKit app works fine if I leave PKCE disabled.
Once I set KINDE_AUTH_WITH_PKCE=true in the .env file, I get this error once the user logs in:
Error: Client authentication failed (e.g., unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method)....
useKindeBrowserClient shows error
I am using the useKindeBrowser client to recieve the
```tsx...NextJS Kinde Management API troubles
I have a nextjs project using the @kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs package and I am having trouble using the management api.
I followed the docs by adding the credentials to env file and enabled the management api for the project doing the following: Navigate to Settings → APIs → Kinde Management API → Applications and enable your Next.js app.
Then I implemented the following code to retrieve a Kinde user by its id:
Enforce phone MFA for a specific user via API
Hi all,
Is it possible to make MFA optional for everyone and enforce it to a specific user via the API? Thank you
Email empty after CSV user import
CSV file with 1 column, in the following format:
[email protected],
Having trouble setting up SAML
I'm trying to follow this guide (https://kinde.com/docs/authentication-and-access/custom-saml/), but encountering a "500 Internal Server Error" after the user is redirected back from the IdP. My IdP in question is Keycloak. Are there any guides specifically for Kinde (SP) + Keycloak (IdP)?
once in a while some customers get NET.::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID error from kinde, why is that? and how to fix it
adding a loading state to the SignIn component in NextJS
On clicking the sign in button it seems to take quite a few seconds for the kinde login page to load… anyone got any patterns for adding a loading state to the button?
Login to Org using Next.js Login Link
I can't seem to get the loginlink to work. I click the link/button and it does nothing. When I hover, the link looks correct? See attached screenshot (at bottom). No network call happens.
"use client";
Updating custom properties
Is there any additional documentation for than this section for using the management api through the nextjs-sdk (app router)?
Just looking at it and can see additional methods, for example, client.usersApi.updateUserProperties but cannot seem to find any docs for the methods....
how long does it take for cert to be issued?
Pretty much that, we see on dashboard that cert has been issued, but when we try testing login this is happening.
Cors error on redirect
hey there I'm getting cors error on signup redirect when users sign up, this doesn't happen in local environment only on production, I've deployed my project on Vercel
Nuxt, router.push("/api/login") raises 404 error
router.push("/api/login") redirect /api/login but it raises 404 error, however when I refresh the page it works, what should I use instead of router.push ?
Auth works in Development but not on Prod
hey there, I keep getting this error:
Invalid callback URL
The callback URL provided is invalid.
You provided:
Architecture idea for B2B2C app
Hi guys! Just integrated Kinde last week for my MVP, loving the product so far 🙌🏻🙌🏻
Just wanted to know your thoughts on the best possible architecture for my authentication flow
In short terms, the app is a “B2B2C” schema. I’ll have two kinds of “user types”: “Nutritionists” and “Patients” ...
Manually fetch user
nextjs sdk:
Is it possible to fetch the user inside a function? Because on component mount, it's null. Then after some time, it loads. I want to track the progress with a loading state like the other fetches in fetchData. How do I do that? It's running the useEffect twice which messes up the loading state.
const ListingContent: React.FC<ListingCardModalProps> = ({ listing }) => {
const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false);...
testing best practices
Hey folks,
Looking into Kinde the last days I am pretty confident I want to use it for my product.
Last thing I need to find out is how to properly integrate it in my ci cd pipeline. ...