Web Bae


Web Bae

Chat and get help with Webflow and Javascript.



Guys i just rebuilt my portfolio and have 100% site health on semflow and 99% on semrush but google search console cant index for some reason, Can some one please help me
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Spline interaction not working properly with mouse

Can someone help me troubleshoot why my spline animations aren't behaving themselves properly? I'm having some issues with "While Scrolling into view" interactions on Splines. The animations work fine with my trackpad, but with the scroll wheel on my mouse they're not working properly It's almost as though the clicks of the mouse wheel progress the animation by 1 frame at a time. Paired with the js page snapping, the sections snap fine with one scroll, but the animation is only progressed by 1 frame. I hope that makes sense....

Would it be possible to recreate this with webflow?

Webflow, or maybe some other no code solution, because i don't understand any of their code used behind this haha https://timberdiscounter.com/offerteaanvraag/...

Thought Process: Client asked to be able to track specific button click on to next page Form submit

I know that there are many ways to achieve this functionality - but I'd like to hear the different ways in which you guys would approach it. Basic want is this: Pricing page has two buttons for different tiers - they both route to a demo request form page (being the same page). Client wants to know who came from which tier btn click... ...

Webflow Custom Code Limit

Hello everyone, I found an interesting solution to the problem of reaching the 10k character limit in custom code in Webflow. I watched a video by Web Bae that offered a solution using GitHub and jsdelivr, but it seems to me that this is simpler and faster. I'm not sure if everyone already knows about this or if there's any issue with it that prevents people from using this method. Here's how it works: We all know that we can't upload a JS file directly to the Webflow assets panel, but we can upload a TXT file. Simply change the file extension, for example, from "script.js" to "script.txt" and upload it to Webflow. We'll get a unique URL just like when we upload an image. Now, all we need to do is copy that URL and put it into script tags like this: <script src="URL_OF_TXT_FILE.txt" type="text/javascript"></script> This works perfectly for me, but I'm not sure if there's any issue with this method that I'm unaware of....

Multi-language site in Webflow

Hello everyone. I hope you're all doing well. I need a little help regarding SEO. When we have a smaller website in Webflow, for example in English, and we duplicate those pages and translate them into German. How do we tell Google that these are not duplicates and that the pages are in another language? Let's say we have the following pages: http://www.mysite.com http://www.mysite.com/de http://www.mysite.com/about http://www.mysite.com/de/about...

What would be the best way to recreate this overlapping image?

What would be the best way to recreate this overlapping image? I've tried adding a background color div with 80% height, but that gives some issues on smaller screen sizes
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Lottie file causing overflow issues on mobile breakpoint

Hello everyone I hope you guys are doing well. I am helping one of my client to setup a template but I am facing a problem on mobile breakpoint i.e. a Lottie graphic is causing overflow issues on mobile breakpoint. I have tried applying overflow hidden to the parent div and as well as the lottie itself but its not working does anyone knows any workaround for this problem. Any help or insight will be much appreciated @Web Bae . can't share preview link as i have been added as a freelancer on their workspace. live website : https://vidheya-co.webflow.io/...

Adding Auto Scroll to Splide.js

Hi Everyone, Followed a YT tutorial by the great Web Bae for CMS Slider using Splide.js I'm trying to get auto scroll working but can't figure out where the code snippet from the docs go!...

Curious to know if these features are possible on Webflow?

Hey guys, a prospect reached out to me wanting to build out a CMS-focused website on Webflow that would require some custom JS. These are the features he wants to integrate and I've highlighted in bold the ones I'm not 100% sure are possible on Webflow which is what I would like to get your opinions on (I'm including the whole list for the bigger picture): - Language toggle - English, Japanese, Chinese - Embedded webcams / live feed (reference: https://www.stmoritz.com/live/webcams) - Live scrolling bar (news feed) --a ticker bar with live data is what they mean here...

Webflow Apps

I’ve been trying to build a simple app just for a specific use case for a website. The app will fetch data from an external data base and create cms items with the response. Trying to use Webflow app feature, I’m getting some when I try to add dot Env file. ...

Hello, thank u so much for your work. I have two question:

- why custom svg doesn't work on Clip Path Bae app? - when i try use it also in videos it trasform it in image. How can I cut out a video (or better background video) in Webflow? Thanks!!!...

swiper.js combined with webflow cms collection and a modal

Hi! Glad to be member of this channel. This is my first time on discord and I hope that somebody could help me. I ran into the problem, where I want to trigger a modal out of a swiper-slide that is connected to a CMS collection in webflow. Did anybody ever built this? As soon as the slider is dragged, the position of the popup is broken....

Mobile Terminal Based Snake Game

Hey everyone! I've built out this terminal in webflow on my website https://corsetti.dev If you type in the command snake you can play snake in the terminal. My problem comes in on mobile, I've got the touch controls working correctly and I know you can't exit the game yet, but my grid just doesn't seem to be adjusting correctly ```...

Warning dialog box

Hello everyone I am helping a client to setup a template and they want a dialog box there, on which the user clicks on "I agree" button they are able to access the websites content after that and that should only appear one time for a user. I have got some code from chat gpt when I add the code , I can see the code is getting executed in console but when I am refreshing the page the warning box is coming back again. Has anyone done the same sort of thing in past can give me some tips on hope to achieve this and any insights @Web Bae ? Code is in the before tag in page settings. preview link : https://preview.webflow.com/preview/grasshopper-travels1?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=grasshopper-travels1&preview=226597617087a6f43295e2398aaa1a51&workflow=preview live link : https://grasshopper-travels1.webflow.io/...

The best (?) way to learn Webflow

Hi there! Can you share the resources that you used to learn Webflow? I know Webflow University (I'm in a middle of it) and Flux Academy but that's it, these are just resources but how to go from there? For example, I found roadmap created by @Web Bae (thank you for this!!!) but I am curious if any of you actually went through it step-by-step and could share thoughts on this? Maybe I should just shut up 😄 and follow this myself instead of overanalyzing and overthinking....

Crazy Idea

Hi everyone, I'm planning on executing a crazy idea with the company I work for. Basically, we want to launch a site that will change its CSS and JS every day. Meaning, the content will be the same but the look and feel of each version of the site will be completely different. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it all and considering if something like this would even be remotely possible with Webflow. My main concern is around content, how can we keep the content in all different sites sync...

Clip path being cut out at top and bottom

Hi @Web Bae , I am trying to clip-path image using custom svg. It's working fine but path has been cut out at the top and bottom. Here is ready-only link:...

responsiveness: building desktop to building for small devices is messy

I built the desktop version of a website in webflow, but then I am faced with making the site responsive. It is not for the faint of heart 😓 especially the more creative the layout. I think webflow is not mobile first and it's easier to develop mobile first but are they any general strategies or tips people have when making something responsive. ...