Thought Process: Client asked to be able to track specific button click on to next page Form submit

I know that there are many ways to achieve this functionality - but I'd like to hear the different ways in which you guys would approach it. Basic want is this: Pricing page has two buttons for different tiers - they both route to a demo request form page (being the same page). Client wants to know who came from which tier btn click... I'm thinking just use UTM Parameters - but we'll eventually want to track this in an Analytics tool so I want to be cognizant of that as well. Thanks for the input in advance!
7 Replies
Web Bae
Web Bae12mo ago
utm paramters work you could set up a trigger on each button in google tag manager too and then fire off an event to your analytics platform of choice.
Alex Villacres
Alex VillacresOP12mo ago
Have you taken a look into any of the Marketing/Analytics apps on the marketplace? Curious as to your take on Data.goat, Nocodelytics, etc...
Web Bae
Web Bae12mo ago
I haven't. I'm pretty vanilla with stuff... google analytics... tag manager... etc. I hear solid review about jsut about everything (except google analytics honestly) lol when you say they want to know WHO came from button click, how much info do they want about the user? email address?
Web Bae
Web Bae12mo ago
keep in mind UTM parameters don't pass email generally. You could pass it via a custom query param but you should inform your client's about data privacy / PII at that point (they probably don't care unless they are under strict GDPR compliance regulations) The standard analytics systems will likely not identify users down to a specific individual - data gets anonymized. Important Reading:
Understanding the Basics of UTM Parameters
Understanding the basics of UTM parameters (and when to use them) can help you make the most out of your tracking tools.
Stack Overflow
Passing emails in utm strings
It seems that Google doesn't like passing emails in plain text in the query string parameters (they contacted the owners of the website mentioning to not pass the emails in plain text in query string
Web Bae
Web Bae12mo ago
reading through your request, you aren't collecting email on the first page, jsut which button was clicked. I'd probably do it like this button1 link goes to /demo-request?button=1 button2 link goes to /demo-request?button=2 on the /demo-request page read the button query parameter. then, set an invisible (display: none) form field to the value (1 or 2) and submit it along with the form.
Web Bae
Web Bae12mo ago
A conversational AI system that listens, learns, and challenges
Web Bae
Web Bae12mo ago
though overriding the webflow form submit is a little bit different than the chatGPT example. I have some videos on that if you need an example of how to override form submit. You could just set the hidden field value on page load (instead of form submit) too.

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