Drizzle Team


Drizzle Team

The official Discord for all Drizzle related projects, such as Drizzle ORM, Drizzle Kit, Drizzle Studio and more!


Implement full text search in postgres

Hi. I stumbled upon this issue (https://github.com/drizzle-team/drizzle-orm/issues/247) which was very useful. I then wanted to add support for weights. I was able to achieve 99% of the task but the last 1% is where I'm stuck and need help. Generated sql: ```sql ALTER TABLE "table_name" ADD COLUMN "vec" "tsvector GENERATED ALWAYS AS (setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce(title, '')), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector('english', coalesce(description, '')), 'B')) STORED";...

Select One UX improvement

I have this
const arr = await db.select().from(worlds).where(eq(worlds.id, id)).limit(1)
const world = arr[0]
const arr = await db.select().from(worlds).where(eq(worlds.id, id)).limit(1)
const world = arr[0]

Trouble getting drizzle to run on server side in nextjs

Hi, having some trouble getting drizzle db connection to run on server side as documentation shows. i followed the steps multiple times and each time only leads to working if the environment variables are prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC or hardcoded (node env variables not loading) and would have to be exposed to browser which i dont want to do. is there a reason its only running on client side calls? i have tried moving the files to different areas in my next project, including the server folder but...

Auto update timestamp fields

How to auto update fields like updated_at?

Relational query erroring on workers + D1

Only able to get relation queries to work while running the worker in local mode. While running remote (--remote) or deployed it errors ``` [ERROR] Uncaught (in promise) Error: D1_ERROR...

Infer return type for relational query with pagination

I have created a function that can paginate data for relational queries, problem is i cant figure out how to make to include the relations that are passed into the inferred return type ``` async paginatedQuery< ReturnType extends drizzleOrm.InferModel<Table>,...

How to implement triggers or db hooks ?

Is there a way to know if sql statement got executed successfully or not ? I wanted to run a code when row gets inserted or updated ? can custom loggers be used to implement the same ?...

noob help: INSERT with JOIN SQL to Drizzle

Frontend developer dabbling with SQL for the first time in years. With the help of ChatGPT I have the following query which works as intended. How do I construct with Drizzle such that I can supply my values using the .values() method? ``` INSERT INTO billing (team_id, credit_change, credits, type) SELECT teams.id, billing.credit_change, teams.credits + billing.credit_change, 'runtime'...

OrderBy with dynamic queries dont work

....orderBy(sql`${products.xyz} ${order}`)
....orderBy(sql`${products.xyz} ${order}`)

Is there a way to limit update to just 1 document?

I know there will be multiple documents matching this where query, but I only want to update 1 of them at a time.
```export const joinTable = async (tableId: number, seatedPlayerId: number) => { await db .update(tableSeats) .set({ seatedPlayerId })...

How to get InferModel to work with Relation model?

Is there a way to get the infer type for a relation model? eg: type User = InferModel<typeof users, "select">; type UserWithPosts = InferModel<typeof users, { posts: true }, "select" >;...

MySQL column type: "Generated"?

Does drizzle support defining generated columns? https://planetscale.com/courses/mysql-for-developers/schema/generated-columns Something like a columnType sql If not, is it dangerous to send MySQL a custom DDL statement to Add a generated column? ...

Performance questions

I'm using Drizzle ORM with Planetscale DatabaseJS driver and my application has spots where I want to decrease number of HTTP requests to my database. I have following questions: 1. Does Drizzle+DatabaseJS make separate HTTP request for each query? (I know I should be asking this question to DatabaseJS creators, but asking here in case someone is aware of that) 2. If it does, what would be the best way to group several queries so that they are performed in one HTTP request?...

Can drizzle generate an initial schema from an existing db?

I have a db that wasn't built using drizzle, but I'm interesting in moving over to it. Do I need to manually write out a schema that matches that the db has, or is there a way to generate one via some command?

Prepared Stements

I was looking into using AWS RDS Proxy with Prisma and ran into this https://www.prisma.io/docs/guides/deployment/deployment-guides/caveats-when-deploying-to-aws-platforms#aws-rds-proxy I was wondering does DrizzleORM use prepared statements for everything like Prisma does? Would I run into the same issue if I switched to Drizzle?...

React Native Support

Hi all New to drizzle ORM, does it support React Native? Thanks...

update multiple rows

How can I update values in multiple rows at once?

Running `drizzle-kit introspect:pg` returns "client password must be a string"

I'm attempting to move from objection.js+knex.js over to Drizzle and I'm running drizzle-kit introspect:pg against my database but I'm getting the error:
Error: SASL: SCRAM-SERVER-FIRST-MESSAGE: client password must be a string
Error: SASL: SCRAM-SERVER-FIRST-MESSAGE: client password must be a string

noob help : transaction not acid

``` return await this.drizzle.db.transaction(async (trx) => { const u = await trx .select({ usd: users.usd,...