Auto update timestamp fields

How to auto update fields like updated_at?
stramel324d ago
you can add the .onUpdateNow() call to it. I'm doing something similar:
modifiedAt: timestamp('modified_at').defaultNow().onUpdateNow(),
modifiedAt: timestamp('modified_at').defaultNow().onUpdateNow(),
It may not be supported by some db providers such as planetscale
eatmoose312d ago
this doesn't exist
eatmoose310d ago
im on the latest orm version, still giving type error that it doesnt exist @.3819
Jim310d ago
What driver are you using?
A. Perkamentus310d ago
Planetscale advices to update these values on app level, because if you use mysql functions like: "NOW()" or "CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()" they will use the mysql server time and timezone. If you want to use the timezone of your own app. set these values at app level. My Schema TS file:
const updatedAndCreatedAt = {
updatedAt: datetime("updatd_at").notNull(),
createdAt: datetime("created_at").notNull(),

export const users = table(
id: varchar("id", { length: 36 }).primaryKey(),
...all other fields,
const updatedAndCreatedAt = {
updatedAt: datetime("updatd_at").notNull(),
createdAt: datetime("created_at").notNull(),

export const users = table(
id: varchar("id", { length: 36 }).primaryKey(),
...all other fields,
When creating my record:
await db
id, other fields,
createdAt: new Date(),
updatedAt: new Date(),
await db
id, other fields,
createdAt: new Date(),
updatedAt: new Date(),
When updating:
await db
updatedAt: new Date(),
await db
updatedAt: new Date(),
eatmoose303d ago
postgres beep boop
dandadan302d ago
postgres does not have a feature like that sadly it can be achieved with triggers, but thats a database layer feature and not really recommended on the contrary, mysql seems to have some tools to automatically update timestamps
the previously mentioned function onUpdateNow() is probably available for mysql only in order for drizzle to support this for postgres they would have to add a module on top of every insert and pass the date there personally, i believe adding that into drizzle would sort of defeat the purpose of drizzle as a typesafe orm on top of drivers the feature does not exist in postgres and drizzle should only provide whatever is available for the database driver youre using
eatmoose302d ago
Ah ok. Yeah I prefer code first approach. I really don’t like adding triggers or functions I can’t see in my code
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