ERROR: prepared statement "s9656" does not exist

PostgresError: unrecognized configuration parameter "schema" when creating client for postgres-js
Does throwing a regular javascript error inside a transaction, roll back automatically?
Drizzle join in a subquery results in ambiguous columns
id ambiguous
error, since the
reference in the field selection of the second query generates the sql as 'id'
rather than 'survey_question'.'id'
as it should.
const orderedQuestions = tx
.select()...Schema Definition Performance / Best Practice
Is there a recommended way to find or create a record? (postgres)
since I have triggers which fire on row update and can't have them be called without an actual row change.Get plain typescript type from enum
export const userPermissionLevel = pgEnum("permissionLevel", ["admin","moderator","user","banned"]);
export const userPermissionLevel = pgEnum("permissionLevel", ["admin","moderator","user","banned"]);
Can't build app due to missing dependencies with Drizzle

Why does JSON configuration for drizzle-kit not require a dbCredentials?
export default {
schema: "./schema.ts",...What's the correct type to use for an update function?
Studio with AWS Data API?
Deferrable foreign key constraints
, and a way to issue SET CONSTRAINTS
within a transaction when querying in Drizzle? Thanks! with Cloudflare Pages
is there any way to do it ?
Thanks you. memory tests with libsql?
Help with types in Repository Pattern
what do we need to pass in --ssl to enforce SSL?
Transforming SELECT from case to camelCase via sql with execute
How drizzle handle nulls and undefineds ?
Error: UNDEFINED_VALUE: Undefined values are not allowed
query:...Relational queries result types are not working

defaultRandom() on uuid results in an error
id: uuid('id').unique().primaryKey().notNull().defaultRandom(),
id: uuid('id').unique().primaryKey().notNull().defaultRandom(),