`tablesFilter` cli arg "unknown option"
from the 'help' message
but I can't seem to figure out how to use it
any help greatly appriciated thank you
11 Replies
let me check it
I have just started looking through all the new questions in the help section. Thanks for pinging me
no worries thanks again
it's push:sqlite?
okey, it's a bug
really small one, but a bug

I didn't add <tableFilters> to .option()
so it's not saving to a variable
that's why will only work from config now
I'm preparing kit for a new release, so can include this one as well
for now ive just been writing a temporary config file
works fine
good, thanks for spotting that
I guess you are a first person to use cli options so far
@whatplan if you want we can create a private channel with you, so you can ask us questions directly and not wait in help chats
I appreciate the offer but I dont think its necessary
Good, you're just building something great, and we are open to helping creators. Your questions may be lost for a while here, just because I may not have free time on some days to answer all of them. Anyway, if you change your mind, just ping me