Drizzle Team


Drizzle Team

The official Discord for all Drizzle related projects, such as Drizzle ORM, Drizzle Kit, Drizzle Studio and more!


push:sqlite creating weird tables

When I run push:sqlite, tables like __old_push_categories are created and are automatically refrenced from the other tables. Now when I do a normal insert, I get this error no such table: main.__old_push_categories

Using a placeholder with an inArray

I'm porting a query to a prepared statement, in the query I used to do something like:
.where(inArray(users.id), ['abc', 'def']))
.where(inArray(users.id), ['abc', 'def']))

DB insertion - Date field (mode: string) is using default value instead of passed value

Trying to insert an Order object which has a "pickupTime" Date field to db, but upon insertion the created item uses the model default value instead of the passed date. This is the insertion : ```js const [o] = await db.insert(orders).values(newOrder).returning()...
No description

Best practice on connections for PostgreSQL

I got the following error; remaining connection slots are reserved for non-replication superuser connections ...

Minimum value for Postgres bigserial

I want my id tables to use bigserial, but i want the first row to be inserted with the value 222222. Is there a way to do this? id: bigserial('id', { mode: 'number', ...}).primaryKey()...

Prepend raw fields with table/subquery name in rendered SQL

Currently, it doesn't seem like raw fields in a select statement hold any information on the table/subquery they're used in. This results in subsequent usage of these fields elsewhere rendering to SQL as "field_name" instead of "alias"."field_name". This actually causes issues when you have overlapping field names in sql in your joins. Example:...

Is there a faster way todo this?

```typescript await db.transaction(async (tx) => { for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { tx.update(cities) .set({ name: data[i].name })...

Using one function to query many tables of same structure

Hello i have many tables (5-6) that have same structure like this ```ts export const speciality = pgTable('speciality', { id: serial('id').primaryKey(), name: varchar('name', { length: 255 }).notNull()...

How can I use a schema to generate something like this:

We have a 1 to many relationship between items and tokens, but an item can only have one minted token, example below: CREATE TABLE Token ( id INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, itemId INT,...

pgTable - raw sql

Hi is it possible to add in raw sql after pgTable ? I have them in kysely migrations, but would like to use drizzle schema. I want to add some check constraints, triggers, rls. I know I can do them in migrations, but wanted it in the same file....

HELP: Key columns "resource_id" and "id" are of incompatible types: text and integer.

I don't know what to do anymore i've tried all the possible solutions i could think about, `export const bookmarks = pgTable("bookmarks", { id: serial("id").primaryKey(), user_id: text("user_id")...

Docs unclear on connection pool vs. direct connection

In the docs under "Supabase" it teaches you how to setup Drizzle w/ supabase. The last part shows how to set up the connection: ```ts import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/postgres-js' import postgres from 'postgres' import { users } from './schema'...

Serializable isolation level - for update selects

Hi, Is there a way to add "for update" to the end of the query to help with serializable transactions? Without it, we cannot read then later update the same record in a transaction in postgres. So far, I've just written out the sql myself and lose most of the types....

Json object aggregate

In a multilingual app, I am using relational queries (but I could also just work with normal selects) to retrieve rows and their related translation strings. My schema has a bunch of tables like so: ```ts export const projects = pgTable('projects', { id: nanoid('id').default(generateNanoid()).primaryKey(), createdAt: timestamp('created_at', { withTimezone: true }).defaultNow().notNull(),...

many to many self reference

I'm trying to define "follows" & "followers" relations on a user entity. Obviously this is a many to many relation, but how to I define both "edges" in my relation? ```typescript const userToUsers = table("users", { userId: text(),...

Extract a type from a table

Imagine we have a user table like ```ts export const user = pgTable( "user", {...

Best practice on running migrations

I have a serverless framework setup and during my testing I've been using the db push but now that I have something setup to actually test my migrations I'd like to run:
await migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: "drizzle" });
await migrate(db, { migrationsFolder: "drizzle" });
whats the best path to actually running this from an npm script or from a ci for example. Or even locally without using push. Basically, I've generated my sql migrations but I now need to run them....

Initial query after Neon's suspend_compute

Experiencing problem for the first query when Neon is starting up

I have some enum types on a schema, but I can't define it in drizzle-orm.

I have defined a couple of enums in another schema, let's say main. Now I want to define it in drizzle-orm, there's the pgEnum but if I use it, when creating migrations or pushing to the database it'll try to change the table column types from main.enum_name to enum_name which fails. It'll be great if we had something similar to the schema.table but for enums (schema.enum)....

Unexpected identifier 'TABLE'

I used drizzle-kit generate:pg to generate this schema ```sql CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users ( user_id INT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(255),...