Class inheritance (Inherits keyword)
-- Creating the parent table
id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,...Drizzle w/o Typescript
Omit not working for me
export type Item = InferSelectModel<typeof items>;
export type ReturnItem = Omit<Item, 'id'> & {};
export type Item = InferSelectModel<typeof items>;
export type ReturnItem = Omit<Item, 'id'> & {};
Can't filter using 'query' when relation is one to one
How can I get a type from SelectedFields<MySqlColumn, Table>?
Insert and Select Schema - Force to overide type , because types of Serials, boolean are unknown
storing time?
Making a column only allow letters and characters, including capitals
.matches(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/, 'Username can only contain letters and numbers')
.matches(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$/, 'Username can only contain letters and numbers')
How to use Query with relations ?
Trying to generate a short id via a random string function
id: uuid('id').primaryKey().defaultRandom().unique().notNull(),
id: uuid('id').primaryKey().defaultRandom().unique().notNull(),
update a nested jsonb field
Is it possible to run javascript between database transactions?
Weird number overflow behavior between two database types
I'm transitioning from storing Discord snowflakes as varchars to bigints to make sorting faster and so I don't have to cast them, to do that I'm using the following custom type so I don't have to update everywhere in my codebase to use bigints yet:
const snowflake = customType<{...supportBigNumbers: true
```ts...accessing related foreign tables via sql operator
Data types for tables
Neon and Drizzle ORM: Can my schema.ts create my tables in Neon?
Easiest way to add an array of objects?
drizzle-kit generate:pg - generates incorrect reference to table in another schema?
Help understanding relations
Where does the onDelete on relation is applying ?